Aperçu des collections:
Anne Stewart
Anne Stewart
Training Mis à jour
Parachute and our partners offer injury-training programs in areas such as concussion recognition and management, fall prevention, road safety and child safety.
Parachute Youth Ambassadors Nouveau
Three crossing guards from across the country named Canada’s favourites for 2024
Trois brigadiers et brigadières gagnent le cœur du Canada en 2024
Prendre en compte l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion dans les programmes et les politiques de prévention des blessures (2023)
L’abrégé du savoir de Loop a pour objet d’aider les intervenants à intégrer des stratégies fondées sur l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion dans les processus d’élaboration des programmes et des politiques de prévention des blessures.
Infographie : Prévention des chutes d’enfants à la maison
Cette infographie présente des statistiques de l’Atlantique sur les chutes chez les enfants et des conseils pour éviter les chutes graves à la maison.
Loop Junior webinars
Loop Junior Fall Prevention Community of Practice provides webinars on topics related to childhood fall prevention. These webinars are recorded and uploaded to Loop’s YouTube channel.
Interventions environnementales pour la prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées vivant dans la communauté
Cette étude évalue les effets (bénéfices et risques) des interventions environnementales (telles que la réduction des risques de chute, la technologie d’assistance, les modifications du domicile et l’éducation) pour prévenir les chutes chez les personnes âgées vivant dans la communauté.
Dashboard of reports received about consumer products and cosmetics
Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program regularly receives reports of health and safety and other concerns about consumer products and cosmetics. This dashboard summarizes those reports.
Tableau de bord des rapports reçus concernant des produits de consommation et des cosmétiques
Le Programme de la sécurité des produits de consommation de Santé Canada reçoit régulièrement des rapports sur la sécurité et la santé ainsi que d’autres préoccupations en lien avec les produits de consommation et les cosmétiques. Ce tableau de bord résume ces rapports.
Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Data Visualization Tool
Explore the data about the costs and harms related to substance use in Canada from 2007 to 2020. Developed by Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and the University of Victoria’s Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR).
Coûts et méfaits de l’usage de substances au Canada – Outil de visualisation des données
Consultez les données sur les coûts et méfaits de l’usage de substances au Canada de 2007 à 2020. Piloté par le Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage de substances (CCDUS) et l’Institut canadien de recherche sur l’usage de substances (ICRUS) de l’Université de Victoria.
Trop en forme pour se fracturer
Trop en forme pour se fracturer sont des recommandations fondées sur des preuves pour aider à réduire le risque de fractures
Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition
Le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition a pour objectif de réduire la malnutrition dans tous les secteurs de soins de santé en favorisant la recherche et l’acquisition de connaissances, en communiquant des données scientifiques, en collaborant avec les acteurs du milieu et en préconisant des pratiques axées sur l’alimentation et les soins nutritionnels. L’un des effets cachés de la malnutrition est un risque accru de chutes.
Prévention des chutes chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson
Cette ressource de Parkinson Canada vous aidera à déceler certaines causes de chutes et vous fera des suggestions simples et pratiques pour rester actif, autonome et debout.
Faut y voir : prévenir les chutes liées à la vision chez les aînés
Cette infographie de l’Association canadienne des optométristes décrit comment les changements dans vos yeux à mesure que vous vieillissez peuvent augmenter le risque de chutes et les stratégies de prévention.
Proche aidance Québec
Fondé en 2000, Proche aidance Québec regroupe 124 organismes communautaires qui soutiennent plus de 41 000 personnes proches aidantes partout au Québec. Ces organismes ont pour mission d’améliorer les conditions de vie des proches aidants et offrent, entre autres, du service conseil, du soutien psychosocial et du répit.
Rate my Treads (Évaluation de la résistance au glissement des bottes d’hivers)
Rate my Treads est un site Web qui évalue les différents types de chaussures d’hiver en fonction de leur résistance au glissement dans différentes conditions hivernales.
Rate my Treads est un produit d’iDAPT, la branche de recherche de l’institut de réhabilitation de Toronto, un hôpital dans le Réseau universitaire de santé à Toronto. iDAPT travaille avec un large éventail de cliniciens, d’ingénieurs, de scientifiques, de chercheurs, d’étudiants et autres afin de trouver des solutions pratiques aux problèmes communs.
This webpage from the Government of British Columbia offers questions to ask yourself and suggested actions to take to assess and reduce your risk of vision-related falling risks.
Ariane Brewer – Participez à l’initiative « Image pour le changement » CYRSW 2024
Matt Gupta for Canadian Youth Road Safety Week 2024
Our future roads: the power of youth in creating safe mobility
This is a recording of a keynote address and panel held at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) on Oct. 23, 2024. TMU Professor Linda Rothman introduced the event, followed by a keynote speech from Guy Cormier, President and CEO of Desjardins. Brandon Mahoney, a member of the Canadian Youth Road Safety Council, moderated a panel of three experts: TMU Professor Raktim Mitra; Parachute President and CEO Pamela Fuselli; and Desjardins Insurance VP Valérie Lavoie.
Finding Balance Alberta (en français)
Avancez de pied ferme du Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Avancez de pied ferme est une stratégie de prévention des chutes utilisée dans les communautés du nord-est de l’Ontario pour aider les personnes âgées à rester actives, indépendantes et debout. Ce programme offre une variété de ressources de prévention des chutes, des cours d’exercices gratuits et des opportunités de réseautage et de formation.
Atelier de vie saine et active (Vieillir Activement Canada)
Les ressources pour des Ateliers de vie saine et active comprennent :
Votre passeport personnel vers une vie saine
Trousse d’outils pour des ateliers de vie saine et active pour les aînés
Guide pour les animateurs communautaires
Jeux de diapositives de formation sur la présentation en ligne d’ateliers (en anglais seulement)
Affiches sur les Directives en matière de mouvement sur 24 h -
Utilisation des medicaments chez les personnes âgées (2017)
Mise à jour de la politique de l’Association médicale canadienne 2017.
Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention (2023)
This guideline developed by Osteoporosis Canada provides recommendations on the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. The guideline has 25 key recommendations and 10 good practice statements with emphasis on the areas of exercise, nutrition, fracture risk assessment, treatment and interventions.
Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals
This review assesses the effects of interventions designed to reduce the incidence of falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals.
Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community
This review assesses the effects (benefits and harms) of environmental interventions (such as fall‐hazard reduction, assistive technology, home modifications, and education) for preventing falls in older people living in the community.
Le coût des blessures en Ontario
Ce rapport de Santé publique Ontario fournit des informations sur le nombre et le coût des blessures en Ontario pour 2019.
The Cost of Injury in Ontario
This report from Public Health Ontario provides information on the number and cost of injuries in Ontario for 2019.
Réduire la vitesse excessive – SCJSR 2024
Réduire les émissions – SCJSR 2024
Voies cyclables séparées – SCJSR 2024
Conduite avec facultés affaiblies – SCJSR 2024
Reducing emissions – CYRSW 2024
Reducing speed – CYRSW 2024
Impaired driving – CYRSW 2024
Separated bike lanes – CYRSW 2024
New name, new focus, for Canadian Youth Road Safety Week – October 20 to 26, 2024
Nouveau nom, nouvel objectif, pour la Semaine canadienne des jeunes pour la sécurité routière – Du 20 au 26 octobre 2024
Guide des médias sociaux
Social media guide
Messages clés – Semaine canadienne des jeunes pour la sécurité routière 2024
Key Messages – Canadian Youth Road Safety Week 2024
Does your local crossing guard go beyond the call of duty? Nominate them today to be Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard!
Est-ce que votre brigadier local brille au-delà des responsabilités de son poste? Sélectionnez-le dès aujourd’hui pour recevoir le prix de Brigadier favori du Canada!
Règlement officiel – Le Brigadier Favori du Canada
Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025
Road Safety Strategy 2025 is Canada’s fourth national road safety strategy that provides a flexible approach to allow for jurisdictions to implement road safety programs that meet their own needs. A new strategy is currently in development and will be shared when it is available.
Vision Zero and the Safe System Approach: A Primer for Canada
Developed by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), the objectives of this primer are to establish clear definitions and principles for Vision Zero and the Safe System Approach, to promote greater understanding of these concepts, and to support the development, identification and sharing of Canadian best practices.
Ontario Traffic Council Vision Zero Guide
The Guide offers in-depth background information on the fundamentals of Vision Zero, the Safe System Approach, and Traffic Safety Culture, and leads municipalities through the steps required to develop, integrate, and implement their own Vision Zero programs.
Image pour le changement
Snap for Change
Thank you for your submission
Le Programme canadien des jeunes pour la sécurité routière
Youth Road Safety
2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
Bigger, heavier, higher … large SUVs and pickups pose serious safety threats to vulnerable road users
Plus gros, plus lourds, plus hauts… les grands VUS et les camionnettes constituent une menace sérieuse pour la sécurité des usagers vulnérables de la route.
Étude de cas : L’atelier pédestre d’Ottawa
Case study: the Ottawa Walkshop
The story of Leslie Bangamba’s daughter: The life-threatening dangers of swallowing a button battery
Health Canada produced this video in 2024 to educate Canadians about the dangers of ingesting button batteries.
L’histoire de la fille de Leslie Bangamba : Avaler une pile bouton peut mettre la vie en danger
La Loi Rowan : Information pour les prestataires de soins de santé
Sur cette page du site Web du gouvernement de l’Ontario, apprenez-en plus sur certaines dispositions de la Loi Rowan de 2018 sur la sécurité en matière de commotions cérébrales, qui est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2022.
Document de principes de la SCP : Les commotions cérébrales liées au sport et les mises en échec chez les enfants et les adolescents : l’évaluation, la prise en charge et les répercussions sur les politiques
Ce document de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie résume et fait ressortir les données probantes récentes et les pratiques exemplaires à jour pour prendre les commotions cérébrales en charge chez les enfants et les adolescents. Le document revient également sur la relation entre les mises en échec au hockey et le taux de blessures.
Questionnaire Rivermead sur les symptômes du syndrome post-commotionnel
Ce questionnaire permet aux individus d’évaluer la gravité de leurs symptômes par rapport à avant l’incident de commotion cérébrale.
Rowan’s Law: Information for health care providers
On this page of Government of Ontario website, learn about certain provisions under Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, that came into effect on January 1, 2022.
Concussion in para sport: the first position statement of the Concussion in Para Sport (CIPS) Group
This statement from the Concussion in Para Sport Group offers considerations for assessment, treatment and return to play after concussion in the para athlete.
CPS Position Statement: Sport-related concussion and bodychecking in children and youth: Evaluation, management, and policy implications
This statement from the Canadian Paediatric Society summarizes and highlights recent evidence and current best practice guidelines for managing concussion in children and youth, and re-examines the relationship between bodychecking in hockey and injury rates.
Christina Rodrigues
Bill Pratt
Lirim Hajrullahu
Eileen Patterson
Eileen Patterson
Christina Rodrigues
Lirim Hajrullahu
Bill Pratt
Supersized vehicles, supersized safety risk (2024)
Large SUVs and pick-up trucks pose a safety threat to all road users. The collisions where a light truck is involved is both more likely to occur, and to cause fatal or serious injury to the involved vulnerable road user. Join panelists from Transport Canada, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Équiterre, Piétons Québec and the Coalition to Reduce Auto Size Hazards (CRASH) to learn more about the evidence and discuss how to mobilize and promote use of safer vehicles within Vision Zero.
Samuel Monfort is a Senior Statistician at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) with a PhD in Human Factors Psychology. His research interests include vulnerable road users, crash compatibility, and the use and misuse of automation.
Dominique Charlebois works at Transport Canada as a Senior Project Manager, Engineering.
Albert Koehl is an Environment Lawyer and Coordinator of CRASH, a Toronto cycling and pedestrian advocate and author of editorials and other publications.
Anne-Catherine Pilon, Sustainable Mobility Analyst at Équiterre advocates for cities and vehicles that are at a human scale and for competitive alternatives to solo cars, through public transit funding.
Francis Garnier is a Public Affairs Analyst at Piétons Québec advocating for pedestrian road safety and transit funding in Québec based in Montréal.
Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, 2nd edition webinar (2024)
The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, 2nd edition was published in March 2024 with updated recommendations for the prevention, recognition and management of concussions. This webinar will provide an overview of key changes to recommendations and highlight resources available from Parachute and its partners for concussion policy and protocol development, training and education/awareness.
Presenter: Stephanie Cowle, Director, Knowledge Translation, Parachute
Région de York, ON
Plan de sécurité des voyageurs Vision Zéro 2024-2028 de la région de York
Philippe Brodeur-Ouimet
Philippe Brodeur-Ouimet
Asma Chohan
Asma Chohan
What’s in a name? Plenty!
Qu’est-ce que contient un nom? Beaucoup de choses!
York Region Vision Zero Traveller Safety Plan 2024-2028
York Region, ON
Conférence canadienne sur la prévention des chutes
Co-hosts Parachute and KITE/UHN are pleased to invite you to join colleagues from across Canada to the first in person Canadian Fall Prevention Conference in six years.
Canadian Fall Prevention Conference
Co-hosts Parachute and KITE/UHN are pleased to invite you to join colleagues from across Canada to the first in person Canadian Fall Prevention Conference in six years.
Pourquoi Hugo Houle soutient Parachute
Hugo Houle, cycliste professionnel québécois, est l’ambassadeur de Parachute pour nos campagnes de sécurité routière Vision Zéro et explique pourquoi il soutient notre travail au Canada.
Pourquoi Hugo Houle soutient Vision Zéro
Hugo Houle, cycliste professionnel québécois, raconte l’histoire de son frère Pierrik, tué par un automobiliste. Hugo soutient les initiatives de Vision Zéro pour mettre fin aux décès sur nos routes.
Why Hugo Houle supports Parachute
Hugo Houle, a professional cyclist from Québec, is Parachute’s ambassador for our Vision Zero road safety campaigns and shares why he supports our work in Canada.
Why Hugo Houle supports Vision Zero
Hugo Houle, a professional cyclist from Québec, is Parachute’s ambassador for our Vision Zero road safety campaigns and shares why he supports our work in Canada.
Fiche d’information – Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes 2024 -
Guide sur les médias sociaux – La Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes de Parachute 2024 -
Images des médias sociaux de la Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes 2024 -
Safe Kids Week 2024 – Backgrounder
Social Media Guide – Parachute Safe Kids Week 2024
Safe Kids Week 2024 – Social media images
Buying Consumer Products Online
Learn how to be a smart shopper and keep safety in mind when buying consumer products and cosmetics online: tips and information from Health Canada.
Health Canada Consumer Products and Cosmetics
This site has Information on incident reporting, recalls and alerts, cosmetic information, product safety education and consumer product requirements.
Canadian Product Safety Pledge
In 2023, Health Canada signed a Canadian product safety pledge for consumer products and cosmetics with Amazon and eBay. Online marketplaces are making a commitment to take 14 preventative and corrective actions. These actions will help strengthen the safety of consumer products and cosmetics purchased through their online marketplaces.
Reducing cannabis and chemical exposure risks in Canada: Strategies and resources for public safety (2024)
Unintended exposures to cannabis and to chemicals and pollutants in and around the home pose risks to public health and safety in Canada. Hosted by Sarah Macdonald from Parachute, this webinar will highlight two Health Canada initiatives targeting risk management and reduction in these areas.
First, presenter Sieara Plebon-Huff, Scientific Evaluator in Health Canada’s Office of Cannabis Science and Surveillance – Pharmacovigilance Division, will introduce participants to Health Canada’s Vigilance Framework for Cannabis. Participants will hear about data findings, key issues (e.g., pediatric cannabis exposures), and activities and resources developed by the program to help track and mitigate these exposures.
Second, presenters Odette Bose and Heloise Tachaeur from Health Canada’s Environmental Health Program will share outreach activities conducted under the Chemicals Management Plan aimed at helping people reduce environmental risks posed by chemicals and pollutants in and around the home. Participants will learn about the resources and tools used by Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officers to support public outreach and engagement for poison prevention awareness and chemical exposure reduction.
Sieara Plebon-Huff
Scientific Evaluator, Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch, Health CanadaOdette Bose
Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officer in Alberta and North region, Regulatory, Operations and Enforcement Branch, Health CanadaHeloise Tachaeur
Risk Communication and Public Involvement Officer in Ontario, Regulatory, Operations and Enforcement Branch, Health Canada -
Drug checking: Harm reduction practices for unregulated drug use at Canadian music festivals (2024)
Each year, British Columbia is home to two of the largest electronic music festivals in Canada. At these events, drug use is an integral part of the culture and most attendees interact with drugs in one way or another. The death of at least five young adults in 2014 at music festivals in Canada, where drug use was likely a contributing factor, spurred a national effort to establish evidence-based harm reduction strategies for drug use at music festivals. Drug checking, a non-judgemental and nuanced chemical analysis of substances that allows people to know what is in their substances and potentially take action to reduce the risk of any related harms, emerged out of this work. In addition to potentially helping prevent substance-related toxicity, the analysis of drug checking data contributes to understanding of the types and contents of substances used in music festival settings.
Hosted by Sarah Macdonald from Parachute, this webinar will provide insight into the development of evidence-based harm reduction strategies at music festivals and share learnings from the implementation of drug checking, in particular. The webinar will include presentations from Antoine Marcheterre, Drug Checking Lead, Interior Health and Jarred Aasen, Pharmacist, Founder of Lantern Services and Co-Founder/Co-Author of the Drug Resource and Education (DRED) Project. A Q&A session will follow their presentations. With a focus on drug use prevalence and poison prevention at music festivals, the presentations will emphasize a philosophy of taking up non-prohibitive methods to keep people safe.
Antoine Marcheterre, Drug Checking Lead, Interior Health
Jarred Aasen, Licenced Pharmacist, Founder of Lantern Services, Co-Founder/Co-Author of the Drug Resource and Education (DRED) Project -
Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, 2nd edition
Lignes directrice canadiennes sur les commotions cérébrales dans le sport, 2e édition
Ondes cérébrales – présentation
L’atelier pédestre de Vision Zéro
Étude de cas : L’atelier pédestre de Guelph
St. John’s, NL
Mississauga, ON
Fiche d’information – Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2024
Backgrounder — Poison Prevention Week 2024
Intoxications pédiatriques au cannabis – Images pour les réseaux sociaux (CCDUS)
Pediatric cannabis poisoning social media images (CCSA)
Social media images — Poison Prevention Week 2024
Ville de Windsor, Plan d’action Vision Zéro
Stratégie de sécurité routière Vision Zéro de Kamloops
Plan d’action pour la sécurité routière 2023-2028 — Québec
Mise à jour du Plan Stratégique de Transport de Coquitlam
Coquitlam adopte le plan ‘Vision Zéro’ pour sécuriser ses routes
City of Windsor, Vision Zero Action Plan
Vision Zero Kamloops Road Safety Strategy
Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2028 — Quebec
Coquitlam Stategic Transportation Plan Update
Coquitlam adopts ‘Vision Zero’ to make its roads safer
Rapport annuel pancanadien 2021 des centres antipoison
Ce rapport, produit par L’Association canadienne des centres antipoison et de toxicologie clinique (ACCAP), Santé Canada et Parachute, présente les données les plus récentes (2021) des cinq centres antipoison du Canada. Le rapport donne un aperçu du nombre de cas gérés par les centres antipoison au Canada et de leur nature, et souligne le rôle de ces centres dans les efforts de prévention des empoisonnements.
Pan-Canadian Poison Centres 2021 Annual Report
This report, produced by the Canadian Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Health Canada and Parachute, presents the most current data (2021) from all five of Canada’s poison centres. The report provides an overview of the number and nature of cases managed by posion centres across Canada and highlights the role of these centres in poison prevention efforts.
Affichage d’un poste d’administrateur auconseil d’administration
Coûts et méfaits de l’usage de substances au Canada 2007-2020
Publié par le Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage de substances et l’Institut canadien de recherche sur l’usage de substances de l’Université de Victoria, ce rapport résume les coûts et méfaits de l’usage de substances au Canada de 2007 à 2020, selon les plus récentes données disponibles. Porte notamment sur les coûts associés à plusieurs substances, dont l’alcool, le tabac, les opioïdes et le cannabis, qui sont répartis en quatre catégories, soit soins de santé, perte de productivité, justice pénale et autres coûts directs.
Écart entre milieu rural et milieu urbain : différences dans les caractéristiques des blessures
Cette étude compare la nature et la gravité des blessures en milieu urbain et rural à l’aide des données de 2011 à 2017 de la base électronique du Système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes (eSCHIRPT).
Burnaby, BC
Relier Burnaby : Plan de transport de Burnaby
Transportation Master Plan Update – Leduc, AB
City of Saint John Road Safety Strategy
Saint John, NB
Regina, SK
Points forts du projet de budget 2022 — Regina
Région de Niagara, ON
Chronologie — Région de Niagara
Coquitlam, BC
Plan de sécurité routière des services de protection 2023 à 2026 — Fort Saskatchewan
Chronologie de la Vision Zéro à Edmonton
Plan d’action stratégique pour la sécurité routière — Durham
Stratégie d’engagement et plan de communication du processus de planification du plan d’action pour la sécurité routière — Saanich, BC
Rapport FINAL du processus de planification du plan d’action pour la sécurité routière au Conseil — Saanich, BC
Saanich, BC
Stratégie Vision zéro de la ville de Kitchener 2022-2025 (Anglais seulement)
Kitchener, ON
Guelph, ON
Sécurité routière : Plan directeur des transports de la ville de Guelph (anglais seulement)
Connecting Burnaby: Burnaby’s Transportation Plan
Burnaby, BC
Co-ordinator, Knowledge Translation & Programs
Parachute’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028 – Framework
Parachute’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Three crossing guards from Ontario and Québec named Canada’s favourites for 2023
Trois brigadières de l’Ontario et du Québec nommées Brigadiers favoris du Canada 2023
Politique de prévention des empoisonnements
Parachute plaide pour des politiques visant à réduire blessures graves et décès pour : sièges d’appoint, monoxyde de carbone, commotions cérébrales, casques de vélo, vitesse de conduite, véhicules hors route, poison et clôture de piscine.
Réduction de la vitesse de conduite
Législation sur les clôtures de piscine
Ressources pour les intervenants
Législation sur les détecteurs de monoxyde de carbone
Collection : prévention des empoisonnements
Trouver des données, déclarations, formations, lignes directrices et ressources pour la sensibilisation du public, de l’information sur les politiques publiques, la déclaration d’incidents, les centres antipoison et autres organisations.
Case study: The Guelph Walkshop
Vision Zero Walkshop
A walkshop is a mobile workshop on a pre-determined walking route in an urban area that allows attendees to visit, learn about and reflect on local Vision Zero and transportation projects.
Carbon monoxide poisoning: Trends and responses in Canada (2023)
Carbon monoxide (CO), often called “the silent killer”, is a leading cause of unintentional poisoning deaths in Canada and North America. Hosted by Stephanie Cowle from Parachute, this webinar will explore CO poisoning trends and responses from multiple perspectives, including poison centre responses to emergency weather events, a case study examining CO health literacy among homeowners and gaps relating to CO legislation in Canada. The speakers will cover key messages for preventing future occurrences, as well as opportunities for collaboration and action. A Q&A sessison will follow the presentations.
Conçu pour la vitesse – Vision Zéro 2023
Sécurité pour tous – Vision Zéro 2023
Les humains font des erreurs – Vision Zéro 2023
Accidents de la route – Vision Zéro 2023
Construit pour guider – Vision Zéro 2023
Road crashes – Vision Zero 2023
People make mistakes – Vision Zero 2023
Safety for all – Vision Zero 2023
Built to guide – Vision Zero 2023
Built for speed – Vision Zero 2023
Promoting physical activity for older people: a toolkit for action (2023)
This World Health Organization toolkit provides evidence-based guidance on the key approaches to promote and enable older people to be physically active, regardless of who they are, where they live, or their intrinsic capacities (for example their visual or cognitive abilities) or whether they live with chronic conditions (for example, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis).
Motoneige Mis à jour
Luge et traîneau
Ski et planche à neige
Patinage sur glace
Hockey sur glace
Sports et loisirs d’hiver
Apprenez comment profiter de l’hiver en pratiquant en toute sécurité le hockey sur glace, le patinage sur glace, le ski et la planche à neige, la luge, la traîne sauvage et la motoneige.
Sécurité en hiver à l’extérieur
Renseignez-vous sur les conditions météorologiques sécuritaires pour les enfants, sur la façon de prévenir les engelures et pour savoir si la glace est sécuritaire.
Vacances d’hiver
Conseils de sécurité auxquels penser pour les vacances d’hiver lorsque nous ajoutons des bougies, des sapins, des plantes potentiellement dangereuses, des cheminées, des lumières de Noël et des divertissements dans nos vies.
Sécurité en vacances
Vous partez en vacances? Lisez nos conseils de sécurité pour vous rendre dans des destinations où il fait froid ou chaud, et pour voyager avec des enfants.
Planches à roulettes
Patins à roues alignées
Équitation Mis à jour
Football américain
Plongée Mis à jour
Camping et randonnée
Navigation et voile
Sports et loisirs d’été
Conseils de sécurité pour le baseball, la navigation et la voile, le camping et la randonnée pédestre, le cyclisme, la plongée, le football, l’équitation, le patin à roues alignées, la planche à roulettes, le soccer et la natation.
Étranglement et suffocation
Conseils de sécurité destinés aux parents visant à prévenir l’étranglement et la suffocation chez les enfants à la maison.
Sécurité routière Mis à jour
Prévenez les collisions de la route en réduisant votre vitesse de conduite, en adoptant des pratiques de conduite exemplaires et en gérant les distractions.
Sécurité ferroviaire Mis à jour
Apprenez comment rester en sécurité près des voies ferrées : consultez nos fiches-conseils pour les enfants, les adolescents et les parents.
Sécurité des produits
Renseignez-vous sur les produits de consommation et la sécurité des enfants au Canada, y compris en ce qui a trait à la réglementation sur les cordons de stores et de rideaux, le bisphénol A, le plomb et les pesticides.
Gaz radon
Monoxyde de carbone Mis à jour
- How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning at home.
- Installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide alarms.
Cannabis Mis à jour
Safety tips to ensure children are not accidentally exposed to cannabis.
Faites de votre maison un endroit exempt de produits toxiques : apprenez comment prévenir l’empoisonnement au monoxyde de carbone et l’empoisonnement des enfants par les médicaments et le cannabis.
Jeux extérieurs non structurés et jeux risqués
Benefits to your child engaging in unstructured outdoor play and risky play.
Les aires de jeu construites
What to look out for in community and backyard playgrounds.
Terrains et aires de jeu
Caractéristiques de sécurité et dangers à surveiller sur les terrains de jeu, préoccupations en matière de sécurité concernant les trampolines et avantages des jeux extérieurs non structurés et du jeu risqué.
Sécurité des piétons Mis à jour
Ce que vous pouvez faire pour apprendre aux enfants à traverser la rue en toute sécurité et comment déterminer à quel moment ils peuvent traverser seuls la rue sans danger.
Heure du coucher
Safety considerations for cribs, bunkbeds and sleepwear.
Le jeu
Conseils de sécurité pour les jouets, les trotteurs et les centres d’activités fixes
Sécurité électrique
Electrical safety tips for parents.
À la maison
How to keep your child safe from hazards around the house, such as fireplaces and televisions.
Sécurité à domicile Mis à jour
Conseils de sécurité clés pour les parents sur la façon d’assurer la sécurité des enfants à la maison concernant l’électricité, le moment du coucher et les périodes de jeu.
Casques pour les sports d’hiver
Renseignez-vous sur l’ajustement et le remplacement appropriés des casques, sur le type de casques pouvant être utilisés en toute sécurité et sur les casques à utiliser pour les différentes activités.
Sécurité à l’Halloween Mis à jour
Conseils de sécurité à l’intention des parents, des gardiens et des conducteurs pour faire de l’Halloween une soirée sans danger pour tous.
Chutes chez les aînés
Stratégies et ressources clés pour aider les personnes âgées à prévenir les chutes et importance de la prévention des chutes avec une population vieillissante au Canada.
Chutes chez les enfants
La plupart des blessures liées aux chutes chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans surviennent à la maison. Voici comment protéger vos enfants contre les chutes à la maison.
Parcs de jeux et aménagements aquatiques
How to help prevent drowning and other injuries from occurring on splash pads, wading pools, ponds, fountains and other water features.
Gilet de sauvetage ou vêtements de flottaison individuels (VFI)
Key safety information about picking and using lifejackets for you and your child.
Restez toujours à portée de vue et à proximité de votre enfant lorsqu’il est dans l’eau ou à proximité de l’eau, incluant les baignoires, les lavabos et les toilettes.
Piscines résidentielles
Reduce the risk of your child drowning in a backyard pool though pool fencing and safety equipment.
Conseils de prévention de la noyade à l’intention des parents visant à assurer la sécurité des enfants dans les baignoires, les piscines de jardin, les parcs aquatiques et les plans d’eau.
Sièges d’enfant ou remorques Mis à jour
Cyclisme Mis à jour
Le vélo est un moyen sain de se déplacer et les risques de blessure diminuent quand les routes sont conçues pour protéger les cyclistes. Lisez les conseils de sécurité et les meilleures pratiques pour le cyclisme à tout âge.
Commotion cérébrale
Renseignez-vous sur les risques courants d’étouffement chez les enfants et consultez nos conseils pour prévenir les risques d’étouffement.
Sièges d’auto d’occasion/usagés Mis à jour
Choisir le bon siège d’auto Mis à jour
Sécurité des enfants en voiture Mis à jour
Sièges d’auto
Comment assurer la sécurité de votre enfant lorsqu’il voyage dans un véhicule automobile ou tout autre moyen de transport et conseils pour choisir un siège d’auto adapté.
Détecteurs de fumée
Comment installer et entretenir les détecteurs de fumée, et les types de modèles que vous pouvez utiliser.
Eau chaude du robinet Mis à jour
- Comment vérifier et abaisser la température de l’eau du robinet dans votre maison.
- Température de l’eau pour les problèmes de santé et de nettoyage.
Brûlures et échaudures
Conseils de sécurité pour prévenir les brûlures et les échaudures à la maison, y compris en ce qui concerne la réduction de la température de l’eau du robinet et l’installation de détecteurs de fumée.
Véhicules tout-terrain
Les VTT causent plus d’invalidités permanentes et de décès que la plupart des autres activités sportives ou récréatives. Voici nos conseils de sécurité pour l’utilisation des VTT.
Casques pour vélos, patins à roues alignées, trottinettes et planches à roulettes
Fall Prevention Month aims to safeguard Canadians from the leading cause of injury for children and older adults
Le mois de la prévention des chutes vise à protéger les Canadiens de la principale cause de blessures chez les enfants et les personnes âgées
Facteurs facilitant et entravant le dépistage et l’évaluation du risque de chutechez les aînés : un sommaire (2022)
Le présent document fait le survol des principaux facteurs entravant et facilitant le dépistage et l’évaluation du risque de chute à partir d’une synthèse des conclusions des recherches publiées dans la littérature et de sondages et d’entretiens réalisés auprès d’intervenants et de cliniciens
spécialisés dans la prévention des chutes au Canada.222,12 KB PDF/UA
Barriers and enablers for screening and assessing fall risk in older adults: an overview (2022)
Through a synthesis of the published literature as well as surveys and interviews conducted with Canadian fall prevention practitioners/ clinicians, the following report provides an overview of the key barriers to fall risk screening and assessment as well as the key enabling factors or facilitators promoting the implementation of screening/assessment.
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Recommandations canadiennes pour l’usage du cannabis à moindre risqué
Les Recommandations canadiennes pour l’usage du cannabis à moindre risque fournissent 10 recommandations fondées sur des données scientifiques afin de permettre aux gens de réduire les risques pour la santé associés à la consommation de cannabis.
Youth partnership – Youth engagement in road safety (NTDSW 2023)
Youth partnership requires long-term investment of resources to have representative youth involved in all parts of an initiative, including agenda setting, decision-making and evaluation. Organizations can tap into youths’ wealth of knowledge and expertise to create relevant programs while youths build their skills and capacity to do the work needed to improve road safety for themselves and their peers.
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Youth outreach – Youth engagement in road safety (NTDSW 2023)
Youth knowledge, attitude and behaviour are influenced by those in their networks due to their status, perceived power and trustworthiness. These groups can be an effective in delivering road safety messaging to youth and also lead by example. Groups likely to influence young people’s driving behaviour are peers, parents, schools and educators and experts.
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Youth communications – Youth engagement in road safety (NTDSW 2023)
Effectively communicating road safety messaging to youth through traditional, digital and social media is important to obtain buy-in from youth and potentially change behaviour. Organizations should strive to consistently ask youth about what kind of road safety content catches their eye, what they like and don’t like, and what kind of messaging is likely to resonate with them in the long term and change their road safety
attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.168,15 KB PDF/UA
Youth capacity-building – Youth engagement in road safety (NTDSW 2023)
Beliefs and risk perception have a significant impact on whether young people will engage in risky driving behaviour. There is a disconnect between what youth think safe driving is and what it actually is. Youth also have different attitudes and ideas of the perceived risk of different types of unsafe driving behaviour. There is a need to equip young people with strategies to prepare them for safe driving, prevent them from engaging in unsafe driving behaviour and help them safely avoid a collision to ultimately improve youth empowerment
and wellbeing.176,16 KB PDF/UA
Youth advocacy – Youth engagement in road safety (NTDSW 2023)
Youth advocacy can help rebuild the culture around driving behaviour to make being a responsible driver cool and attractive to youth. Involving youth in advocacy for measures that promote safer driving such as changes to road infrastructure, road rules and regulations, driver education and access to public transportation can get youth to start conversations both within their peer groups and demonstrate to others, including their peers, that this is an issue that matters to them.
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Conseils pour réussir un projet de sécurité routière (SNSJV 2023)
Vous avez une idée de la manière de rendre les routes plus sûres dans votre collectivité, mais vous ne savez pas comment faire pour l’appliquer? Il existe différentes activités créatives pour sensibiliser vos amis et les membres de votre collectivité à la sécurité routière et pour promouvoir des routes encore plus sûres et de meilleure qualité. Voici quelques conseils pour créer votre propre projet de sécurité routière et transformer vos idées en résultats concrets.
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Tips for a successful road safety project (NTDSW 2023)
Do you have an idea on how to make roads safer in your community but are not sure what to do next? There are many different, creative activities that you can do to educate friends and community members on road safety and advocate for safer, better roads. Here are some tips on how to create your own road safety project and turn your ideas into action and impact.
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Mobilisation des jeunes pour la sécurité routière (SNSJV 2023)
Les jeunes sont l’une des populations les plus exposées aux accidents, tant mortels que non, de la route au Canada. Nous devons cesser de culpabiliser les jeunes victimes et de les considérer comme la cause de l’insécurité routière. Nous devons plutôt favoriser leur responsabilisation en leur donnant les connaissances, les compétences et les stratégies nécessaires pour qu’ils deviennent non seulement des conducteurs prudents, mais aussi des promoteurs de la sécurité routière dans leur collectivité.
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Youth engagement in road safety – infographic (NTDSW 2023)
Youth are one of the most at-risk populations for road crashes, injuries and fatalities in Canada. We need to shift away from victim-blaming youth and labelling them as the cause of unsafe roads and toward enabling youth empowerment by equipping them with knowledge, skills and strategies to become safer drivers and community advocates.
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Les faits sur les chutes chez les enfants du Canada (infographie)
Cette infographie présente les statistiques canadiennes sur les chutes chez les enfants de 9 ans et moins. Les données de cette infographie ont été fournies par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada.
The impact of falls on children in Canada (infographic)
This infographic highlights Canadian statistics on falls in children aged 0 to 9 years. Data for this infographic were supplied by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Affiches: Demeurer, Améliorer, Éliminer
Ces affiches font la promotion du vieillissement en santé et de la prévention des chutes. Elles sont destinées aux aînés and sont conçues pour être affichées dans différents endroits (par exemple, hôpitaux, pharmacies, salles d’attente de cliniques, bâtiments communautaires, établissements de soins de longue durée et de retraite, etc.).
Move, Improve, Remove Posters
These posters promote healthy aging and fall prevention. They are aimed at older adults and designed to be posted in a variety of settings (e.g., hospitals, clinic waiting rooms, pharmacies, community buildings, long-term care and retirement facilities etc.).
Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms 2007-2020
Developed by Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and the University of Victoria’s Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR), this report summarizes key findings about the costs and harms of substance use in Canada from 2007 to 2020, based on the latest data available. It includes the costs associated with various substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, opioids and cannabis, which are broken down into four categories: lost productivity, healthcare, criminal justice and other direct costs.
The rural-urban gap: differences in injury characteristics (2019)
This study compares the nature and severity of injuries in urban and rural settings using electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (eCHIRPP) data from between 2011 and 2017.
Preventing injuries and violence: an overview (2022)
Centre for Aging SMART
The Centre for Aging SMART at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is a University of British Columbia affiliated, internationally recognized research centre to accelerate discoveries and new knowledge to improve the lives of an aging population and individuals living with a disability.
Finding Balance British Columbia
Finding Balance British Columbia has a toolkit with posters, articles and screensavers as well as translated resources for older adults in Farsi, Cantonese and Punjabi. The site also has unique information including videos specific to vision, exercise, home safety, sidewalk safety, medications and long-term care.
Finding Balance New Brunswick
Finding Balance New Brunswick contains practice guidelines, tools, guides, and other resources in English and French.
Finding Balance Newfoundland and Labrador: Eastern Health Region
Finding Balance Newfoundland and Labrador has two websites for two of their health regions. This website is for their Eastern Health Region. Both websites provide information on the Finding Balance Campaign with posters available. Other resources link to Fall Prevention Month.
Together In Movement and Exercise (TIME)
TIME is a community-based program welcoming people with balance and mobility challenges to exercise. It focuses on functional mobility exercises, done mostly in standing, with hand supports available to assist with balance. The program is designed by physiotherapists at Toronto Rehab, and led by TIME-trained fitness instructors in community centres across the country.
Stay On Your Feet – Northeastern Ontario Region
The Stay on Your Feet strategy of Northeastern Ontario provides resources for older adults and healthcare providers focused on reducing falls and fall-related injuries and supporting older adults to stay active, social and strong
Preventing Falls in Long-Term Care
The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long Term Care (CLRI) at the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) offers self-paced orientation courses on fall prevention for clinical and non-clinical team members. Preventing Falls in Long-Term Care for Clinical Team Members teaches members in clinical roles about fall risk factors, falls risk assessments, interventions and strategies for falls prevention, and strategies for communicating about falls prevention with residents, essential care partners and other team members. Preventing Falls in Long-Term Care (Non-Clinical Team Members) teaches non-clinical team members about appropriate awareness and corresponding actions to take to effectively prevent falls and keep residents safe.
Technology for Injury Prevention in Seniors (TIPS) Fall Videos
Offered by Simon Fraser University, TIPS is a unique university-community partnership for developing new technologies to prevent falls and fall- related injuries in older adults. TIPS uses innovative approaches (such as video capture and wearable sensors) to determine the causes and circumstances of falls by older adults. TIPS also develops and tests the effectiveness of engineering interventions such as protective clothing and compliant flooring in reducing fall-related injuries. TIPS offers four fall prevention-specific modules on their YouTube channel: What causes falls?, Hip protectors, Protect your head and Clinical risk factors.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Addressing the Invisible and Older Faces of Canada’s Opioid Crisis (2023)
2023 National Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on empowering youth to improve road safety
L’édition 2023 de la Semaine nationale de la sécurité des jeunes au volant met l’accent sur la responsabilisation des jeunes pour améliorer la sécurité routière
Attitudes and perceptions of traffic safety enforcement among police officers in Ontario
Attitudes et perceptions des agents de police de l’Ontario à l’égard de l’application des règlements de la circulation
The crucial role of traffic enforcement in a safe systems approach to road safety
Le rôle crucial du contrôle de la circulation dans une approche de la sécurité routière fondée sur des systèmes sûrs
Engagement des jeunes envers les mesures de sécurité routière (SNSJV 2023)
Une forte mobilisation des jeunes mène à une meilleure santé et à une plus grande sécurité pour eux, étant donné qu’ils sont particulièrement exposés aux risques d’accidents et de mortalité sur nos routes. En étant sensibilisés à la sécurité routière, les jeunes peuvent perfectionner leurs compétences, comme le leadership et la prise de décisions et apprendre comment avoir
une incidence positive sur leur collectivité.411,17 KB PDF/UA
Pourquoi les jeunes sont-ils plus à risque d’accident de la route? (SNSJV 2023)
Les jeunes sont susceptibles d’adopter des comportements de conduite à risque qui
peuvent entraîner des amendes, la perte de leur permis de conduire, des blessures et
même la mort. Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles les jeunes courent un plus grand
risque d’accident de la route.408,72 KB PDF/UA
Barriers and enablers for screening and assessing fall risk in older adults (2023)
This report provides an overview of the key barriers to fall risk screening and assessment as well as the key enabling factors or facilitators promoting the implementation of screening/assessment.
226,19 KB PDF/UA
Youth engagement in road safety (NTSDW 2023)
Meaningful youth engagement leads to healthier, safer youth as young people are at an increased risk of injury and death on our roads. By engaging in road safety, young people can further develop skills such as leadership and decision-making, as well as learn how to positively impact their communities.
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Why are youth at greater risk of road crashes (NTDSW 2023)
Does your local crossing guard go beyond the call of duty? Nominate them today to be Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard!
Le brigadier ou la brigadière de votre localité sort du lot? Mettez dès aujourd’hui son nom en nomination pour le titre de brigadier.ère favori.te du Canada!
Official Contest Rules – Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard
The Cost of Injury In Atlantic Canada (2022)
Cost of Injury in British Columbia (2022)
Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan 2.0
The City of Toronto introduced their Vision Zero Road Safety Plan (2017-2021) in 2016, after two years of development with around 12 partner agencies and approval from Toronto City Council. In 2019, Toronto City Council approved Vision Zero 2.0, which represents a renewed commitment to the Vision Zero approach and an updated focus on efforts to achieve road safety goals.
La liste ‘Préserver votre autonomie’ personnalisable (2023)
Personnalisez cette liste Préserver votre autonomie en ajoutant le logo et les détails du site Web de votre organisation ou laissez-la telle quelle. La liste Préserver votre autonomie est un outil d’autoévaluation pour aider les aînés à déterminer leur risque de chutes. Les aînés sont encouragés à remplir la liste d’autoévaluation, puis d’effectuer, au besoin, un suivi auprès d’un professionnel de la santé.
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Customizable ‘Staying Independent Checklist’ (2023)
Customize this Staying Independent Checklist by adding your organization’s logo and website details or leave it as is. The Staying Independent Checklist is a self-screening tool for older adults to find out if they are at risk for falling. Older adults are encouraged to complete the Checklist and to follow-up with their healthcare provider as needed.
1,50 MB Word
Programme d’ambassadeur des jeunes pour la sécurité routière
Programme de subventions pour la sécurité routière des jeunes 2023
Youth Road Safety Grant Action Guide 2023
Youth Road Safety Grant application form 2023
9. Concussions – Kelli
8. Touch – Kelli
7. Hearing – Donna Mae
6. Vision – Henna
5. Taste – Adrian
4. Smell – Angus
2. Neuron – Guad
1. Introduction Video – Laura
Safe storage of cannabis
Storing cannabis responsibly helps keep everyone safe, especially children and pets. Learn how to store your cannabis safely and responsibly.
How to help prevent cannabis poisoning in children: Video
This video from Health Canada includes information on preventing cannabis poisonings in children, how to recognize the signs of cannabis poisoning and what to do about it.
How to help prevent cannabis poisoning in children: Brochure
Cannabis poisonings in children
Learn to recognize the signs of cannabis poisoning and what to do about it. Taking action quickly can help prevent serious harm.
Sensory water beads: what parents and caregivers should know
The Canadian Paediatric Society published this article in 2023 on the dangers of sensory water beads.
Saanich RSAP Engagement Strategy and Communications Plan
Windsor city council yet to see Vision Zero policy draft, despite four-year wait
Vision Zero Policy – Windsor, ON
Transportation Master Plan Update – Leduc, AB
City of Saint John Road Safety Strategy
City of Regina 2022 Proposed Budget Highlights
Timeline – Five-Year Road Safety Strategic Plan – Niagara Region
North Bay to develop strategy to improve road safety
Windsor, ON
Coquitlam, BC
Edmonton Vision Zero Timeline
Strategic Road Safety Action Plan – Durham, ON
Final Road Safety Action Plan report to council – Sannich, BC
Kitchener, ON
City of Kitchener Vision Zero Strategy 2022-2025
2022 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
In 2022, Parachute celebrated its 10th anniversary with a series of events, including the Canadian Injury Prevention Conference held in Vancouver, B.C. from Nov. 4 to 6. The International Safety Media Awards recognized our work in injury prevention safety campaigns with nine awards, including one gold, three silver and two bronze. To support our work in Vision Zero road safety, we launched the Change for Good Roads initiative and founded the Canadian Youth Road Safety Council. Parachute supported the publication of the Pan-Canadian Poison Centres Annual Report, continued our work in fall prevention and concussion recognition and management, and launched our first-ever podcast: Popping the Bubble Wrap.
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Bringing Consumer Products into Canada (2012)
Water Smart Parents
Le Brigadier Favori du Canada – Affiche – 2023
Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard – poster
Canadian Red Cross First Aid Training
The Canadian Red Cross website provides information on first aid and CPR courses, as well as first aid tips and resources.
Formation en secourisme de la Croix-Rouge Canadienne
Le site Web de la Croix-Rouge canadienne fournit des renseignements sur les cours de secourisme et de RCR, ainsi que des conseils et des ressources sur les premiers soins.
Preventing Falls: A Guide for People Living With Parkinson’s
Journée Nationale de la Prévention des Blessures
Challenge JNPB des hôpitaux
Le chemin du bien-être : une étude de cas sur les solutions équitables pour améliorer la qualité de l’air à travers la sécurité routière et le transport (2023)
Cette étude de cas explore les relations multiformes entre la qualité de l’air, la sécurité routière et les transports, en mettant l’accent sur la promotion de solutions équitables pour améliorer la santé et la sécurité publiques. Elle présente les points de vue de professionnels travaillant dans le domaine de la sécurité routière et de la santé publique au Canada, en mettant l’accent sur le transport actif comme moyen de lutter contre le changement climatique, de réduire les émissions et d’améliorer la qualité de l’air.
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Road to Wellness: A case study on equitable solutions for improving air quality through the lens of road safety and transportation (2023)
This case study explores the multifaceted relationship between air quality, road safety, and transportation, with a focus on promoting equitable solutions for enhancing public health and safety. It includes insights from professionals working in the field of road safety and public health in Canada, emphasizing active transportation as a means to combat climate change, reduce emissions, and improve air quality.
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Collection : Vision Zéro
Infographie sur l’efficacité des bottes d’hiver
Cette nouvelle infographie du KITE Research Institute du University Health Network souligne l’importance d’utiliser les tests en laboratoire de KITE pour déterminer l’efficacité des chaussures sur la glace, car l’apparence peut être trompeuse.
Nev Kent
Nev Kent
Semaine canadienne des jeunes pour la sécurité routière
World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management for Older Adults: A Global Initiative
These guidelines were published in September 2022 in Age and Ageing, the scientific journal of the British Geriatrics Society. These guidelines were developed by the World Falls Task Force, which assembled 96 multidisciplinary experts from 39 countries across five continents, with representation from 36 scientific and academic societies.
Safe Use of Mobility Aids Checklist (SUMAC)
Cognitive and walking problems are common and progressive in dementia, leading to impaired mobility, falls and fall-related injuries. people with dementia have an annual fall risk of 60 to 80 per cent, twice that of the cognitively normal, and have a higher risk of major fall-related injuries, such as hip fractures. One rehabilitation strategy for balance and walking problems is the prescription of a mobility aid (e.g. a walker). Yet, paradoxically, use of a mobility aid in people with dementia is associated with a three-fold increased falls risk independent of other factors. One reason for this increased risk of falls include limited insight on safe use of the aid.
In 2020, a new assessment scale, Safe Use of Mobility Aids Checklist (SUMAC), for people with dementia who use a 4-wheeled walker was developed by Dr. Susan Hunter PT PhD, Associate Professor in the School of Physical Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. The tool standardizes the assessment of the quality of the person’s walking and safe practices while using the aid to improve communication across disciplines and aid in care planning. The scale was developed through focus groups with healthcare professionals who have experience of providing rehabilitation to people with dementia. The SUMAC assesses nine tasks that our panel of experts felt reflected a core set of skills needed for people to evaluate independent use of a 4-wheeled walker.
Liste de contrôle sur l’utilisation sécuritaire d’aide à la mobilité (SUMAC)
Chez les personnes atteintes de démence, les problèmes cognitifs et les troubles de la marche sont monnaie courante et s’aggravent progressivement jusqu’à conduire à une mobilité réduite, aux chutes et aux blessures attribuables à une chute. Soulignons en outre que les personnes atteintes de démence présentent un risque de chute annuel allant de 60 % à 80 %. Il s’agit d’un risque deux fois plus élevé que pour les personnes dont les fonctions cognitives sont normales. Les personnes atteintes de démence courent en plus un risque plus élevé de subir une blessure grave causée par une chute, comme une fracture de la hanche. L’une des techniques de réadaptation employée pour traiter les troubles de l’équilibre et de la marche consiste à prescrire une aide à la mobilité (p. ex., un déambulateur). Pourtant, chez les personnes atteintes de démence, on associe l’usage d’une aide à la mobilité, sans égard à d’autres facteurs, à un risque de chute trois fois plus élevé. Le peu d’information sur l’utilisation adéquate de l’aide à la mobilité pourrait en partie expliquer la situation.
En 2020, la physiothérapeute Susan Hunter a créé une nouvelle grille d’évaluation appelée Liste de contrôle pour l’utilisation sécuritaire des aides à la mobilité (SUMAC). La grille sert à évaluer les personnes atteintes de démence qui utilisent un déambulateur à quatre roues. Susan Hunter est professeure agrégée à l’école de physiothérapie de l’Université Western (Ontario) et détentrice d’un doctorat. (Cliquez ici pour lire les conclusions de l’étude https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-020-01865-5 – texte en anglais.) La grille permet d’uniformiser l’évaluation de la manière de marcher et de manœuvrer en toute sécurité l’aide à la mobilité. Elle facilite ainsi la communication entre professionnels de diverses disciplines et la planification des soins. La grille est le fruit de groupes de réflexion formés de professionnels de la santé ayant de l’expérience en réadaptation auprès des personnes atteintes de démence. La liste de contrôle couvre neuf tâches considérées par le panel de spécialistes comme étant les compétences de base pour évaluer la capacité de manier un déambulateur à quatre roues de façon autonome.
Fou ND Raising Awareness for Falls Prevention: A guide to running campaign activities -
Occupational Therapy and Fall Prevention – Fact Sheet
Occupational Therapy in the Prevention and Management of Falls in Adults
Developed by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, this document outlines the role of occupational therapy in preventing falls. It provides evidence-based recommendations of an occupational therapist’s role with the multifactorial assessment and interventions required to prevent and manage falls. It provides guidelines that focus on keeping individuals safe at home, keeping active, reducing the fear of falling, fall management with individuals and cost effectiveness.
NICE – Falls in older people: quality standard
A quality standard provides the principles of what to do and what to have ensuring the quality of interventions. Ultimately the standard helps to identify the goals to ensure a high quality of care. Standards are used in quality assessments and quality assurance programs, to identify gaps and where improvement in care can occur. Each province/health authority may have their own standards.
This quality standard covers prevention of falls and assessment after a fall in older people (aged 65 and over) who are living in the community or staying in hospital.
NICE – Falls in older people: clinical guideline
This clinical guideline covers assessment of fall risk and interventions to prevent falls in people aged 65 and over. It aims to reduce the risk and incidence of falls and the associated distress, pain, injury, loss of confidence, loss of independence and mortality.
Medications and the Risk of Falling – For Health Practitioners
Fracture Prevention Toolkit (in Long-Term Care)
The Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care is a province-wide program of outreach activities aimed at increasing awareness about fracture prevention, specifically in long-term care, with a focus on the importance of appropriate vitamin D and calcium intake, and on fall prevention. The toolkit contains valuable, practical information useful for healthcare professionals, caregivers and older adults living in long-term care homes and the community.
Bruyère Rapid Review: Falls Prevention in Continuing Care (2016)
La prévention des chutes en soins continus ― Un examen rapide de Bruyère (2016)
L’objet de cet examen était d’évaluer l’efficacité des outils de dépistage du risque de chute et de l’évaluation du risque de chute qui servent à établir un point de référence dans les interventions de prévention des chutes dans quatre environnements de soins continus, soient les soins palliatifs, la réadaptation gériatrique et post-AVC, les soins de longue durée et les soins médicaux de courte et de longue durée ou soins subaigus.
Alberta Health Services Falls Risk Management Post-Falls Review (2014)
The review describes the elements required for a post‐falls review within a comprehensive falls risk management strategy to support patient safety and quality improvement. A description of each element is provided, along with the planning that needs to occur and links to evidence‐based information and practical tools available to support operational units (site/program/facility/unit) in their strategy development.
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Step Ahead to Fall Prevention E-learning Module
The Step Ahead to Fall Prevention E-learning Module was developed by Toronto Public Health in partnership with York Region Public Health. The E-learning module is for health care providers, caregivers and individuals who provide care to older adults. The module examines age related changes and modifiable risk factors associated with falls and enables caregivers to incorporate fall prevention strategies when working with older adults.
STEADI Stopping Elderly Accidents Deaths & Injuries – CDC
The STEADI Initiative offers a co-ordinated approach to implementing the American and British Geriatrics Societies’ Clinical Practice Guideline for fall prevention. STEADI consists of three core elements: screen patients for fall risk; assess modifiable risk factors; and intervene to reduce risk by using effective clinical and community strategies. Combined, these elements can have a substantial impact on reducing falls, improving health outcomes and reducing health-care expenditures.
Reactive Balance Training Toolkit (Rebal Kit)
Many people, such as older adults and individuals with stroke, are at increased risk for falls. In order to keep from falling down, people must often perform rapid and sophisticated reactions, such as stepping or grasping movements. Reactive balance training (RBT) retrains these rapid reactions. RBT has been shown to improve control of rapid balance reactions and reduce fall rates by almost half compared to no exercise or typical balance training.
An Upstream Approach to Falls Prevention (learning module)
This online learning module was developed with public health professionals in mind, as well as others who work in the community who have an opportunity to impact the lives of older adults as they age. The purpose of the module is to understand the importance of older adult falls prevention and be aware of upstream actions and strategies that can be used to address falls. The module introduces facts about falls, risk factors for falls and provides a comprehensive health promotion framework to address falls in older adults and the broader population. The module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Minds in Motion
Minds in Motion is a physical activity and brain stimulation program for people living with dementia and their care partners. The program runs in community-based recreation facilities and offers easy-to-follow physical activities as well as social recreation activities that are dementia-friendly.
Movement Snacks
To support older adults in moving more at home, Later Life Training in the United Kingdom developed movement snacks. These 20-minute videos posted on Facebook and YouTube encourage everyone to move more throughout the day, especially if you’re not able to get outside. There are more than 500 videos now on You Tube and it’s recommended you start at the beginning of the series.
Later Life Training™
This provides evidence-based exercise training to health and exercise professionals working with older people, frailer older people and stroke survivors. Their work is based in the United Kingdom. They provide courses and resources for download on their website.
Healthy Living Workshop (Active Aging Canada)
Active Aging Canada’s Healthy Living Workshop resources include:
Your Personal Passport to Healthy Living
Tool Kit for Healthy Living Workshops for Older Adults
Guidebook for Community Leaders
Virtual Facilitation Training Slide Deck (English only)
24-Hour Movement Guidelines and Workshop Posters
The Fitness and Mobility Exercise (FAME) Program is a group exercise program initially developed for people living with stroke who have some standing and walking ability. The program was developed to fulfill the urgent need for a safe and effective exercise program to enhance mobility and fitness of people living with stroke who are generally older, less fit, have mobility problems and are prone to falls.
Bone Fit™
This is an evidence-informed exercise training workshop for clinicians to address bone health and exercises for people with osteoporosis. It provides face-to-face instruction with two levels: One-day basics for those working in the community with clients with uncomplicated osteoporosis; and a two-day advanced workshop for rehabilitation practitioners working in a clinical environment for clients with simple or complicated osteoporosis.
Aging is a Contact Sport: Hip Protectors Video
Falls and Fall Prevention Among Older Adult Indigenous People of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States: A systematic review (2016)
This systematic review presents detailed findings by the four countries represented in this review: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. The review of 34 articles shows that falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults in Indigenous communities, a pattern also found among non-Indigenous elderly, and the articles provide information on incidence and prevalence, as well as and fall prevention and related risk factors.
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Saskatoon Health Region – Infographic
Finding Balance Nova Scotia – Infographic
Injury Data Online Tool (i
DOT) – BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit The iDOT is an easy-to-use, menu-driven system that makes injury data available to injury prevention practitioners and professionals, as well as the public. It is an effective and efficient way for users to access British Columbia injury data including mortality, morbidity, traffic-related incidents and sports.
Finding Alberta – Infographic
Public Health Ontario – Snapshots
These Interactive map-based dashboards show both geographic and temporal trends for key public health indicators by Public Health Unit (PHU), Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), LHIN sub-region (LHIN SR), and Ontario overall. It provides dynamically linked tables, graphs and maps with pre-calculated statistics. Snapshots uses Core Indicators developed by the Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario (APHEO).
Santé publique Ontario – Snapshots
Pour trouver des données liées aux chutes, cliquez sur Données et Analyses, Données sur les traumatismes.
Surveillance report on falls among older adults in Canada (2022)
Rapport de surveillance sur les chutes chez les aînés au Canada (2022)
Publié par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada en 2022, le présent rapport fournit des mises à jour des données nationales contenues dans le rapport « Chutes chez les aînés au Canada : Deuxième rapport » sur la nature et la gravité des chutes et sur le fardeau qu’elles représentent chez les personnes âgées de 65 ans ou plus, et décrit les changements survenus au fil du temps.
Osteoporosis and Related Fractures in Canada, 2021
L’ostéoporose et les fractures connexes au Canada, 2021
L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada a produit une infographie qui décrit le fardeau de l’ostéoporose et l’écart dans les soins au Canada, les principales complications de l’ostéoporose et les principales stratégies de promotion de la santé des os. L’infographie fournit également des ressources supplémentaires pour en savoir plus sur l’ostéoporose.
Physical activity for people living with osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Canada has developed a video series on exercise and osteoporosis in partnership with the University of Waterloo and Geriatric Education and Research in Aging Sciences Centre which provides ideas for safe and effective exercise and physical activity.
The video series tells the stories of four very different people with osteoporosis and showing their innovative solutions to keep healthy and active.
People living with arthritis
Arthritis Research Canada has developed two videos on fall prevention for those living with arthritis.
Episode 7 of the Arthritis Research Education Series focuses on how this organization is working to prevent falls in older adults through research and why this topic is important for people living with arthritis.
Learn how to prevent falls from Senior Scientist and physiotherapist, Dr. Linda Li, in Preventing Falls in Older Adults webinar recording.
Too Fit to Fracture
Too Fit To Fracture are evidence-based recommendations to help reduce the risk of fractures.
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COVID-19 and Nutrition
This infographic provides guidance on how to stay strong and healthy through good nutrition during the pandemic. Healthy eating can help prevent muscle and bone loss to reduce risk of falling or breaking bones. It provides basic information on symptoms of COVID-19, at-risk population, good nutrition guidance and other healthy behaviour.
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COVID-19 et nutrition
Comment rester en bonne santé durant la pandémie de COVID-19? Cette infographie fait le tour des symptômes de la COVID-19 et des populations à risque. Une saine alimentation peut aider à prévenir la perte musculaire et osseuse afin de réduire le risque de chute ou de fracture. On y donne aussi des conseils sur l’alimentation et les autres habitudes de vie à adopter pour rester en bonne santé durant la pandémie. L’infographie est disponible sur les sites Web de la Société canadienne de nutrition et du Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition.
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Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) aims to reduce malnutrition by promoting nutrition care knowledge and optimal practice through research and education activities focused on preventing, detecting and treating malnutrition in Canadians. CMTF’s mandate also includes informing stakeholders and the public about the importance of optimal clinical nutrition care in hospital settings. One hidden impact of poor nutrition is an increased risk of falls.
Le groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition
Le groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition vise à réduire la malnutrition en favorisant les connaissances en soins nutritionnels et la pratique optimale par le biais d’activités de recherche et d’éducation axées sur la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la malnutrition chez les Canadiens. Le mandat du groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition comprend également d’informer les intervenants et le public, dont les aînés, de l’importance des soins de nutrition clinique optimaux dans les hôpitaux. Leur infographie ci-dessous note qu’un impact caché d’une mauvaise nutrition est un risque accru de chutes.
Canada’s Food Guide – Healthy Eating for Seniors
Learn why healthy eating is important for older adults. The Government of Canada’s website provides information on healthy eating specifically for older adults, further reading and healthy recipes.
Guide alimentaire canadien – une saine alimentation pour les aînés
Découvrez pourquoi une saine alimentation est essentielle pour les aînés sur la page Web du gouvernement du Canada.
Break and Avoiding Frailty – Videos BodyBreak’s YouTube Channel consists of five videos on the topic of avoiding frailty.
Break and Avoiding Frailty BodyBreak is a program that encourages Canadians to live healthy, active lifestyles. The BodyBreak program provides videos showcasing how practical and easy it is to do.
Vous pouvez éviter les chutes!
Rédigé par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada. Ce guide de quatre pages décrit comment vous protéger contre les chutes à l’aide de modifications à la maison et aux habitudes de vie. Ce guide offre des conseils sur la façon de prévenir les chutes dans divers environnements (salle de bain, salon et chambre à coucher, cuisine, escalier et extérieur) et des conseils sur les pratiques saines de vie (repas sains, maintien en forme, utilisation sécuritaire de médicaments et d’aides fonctionnelles). Le document est écrit en langage clair.
Staying Independent Checklist
The Staying Independent Checklist is a tool that can be used by older adults, health care providers or caregivers to assess an adult’s risk for falls. This tool is for older adults living in their own home, as it is not validated for institutional living adults. Users answer « Yes »/ »No » to a list of statements and are given a score based on their response. The total score is tallied up and a recommendation is provided depending on how high the individual scores.
Évaluez votre risque de chutes
Cette liste de vérification est un outil pour les aînés, les fournisseurs de soins de santé ou les aidants. Elle permet d’évaluer le risque de chutes d’une personne. Cette liste de vérification vise les aînés vivant à domicile et non ceux vivant dans les institutions ou résidences d’aînés. Il suffit de répondre à chaque énoncé en encerclant « Oui » ou « Non » et de cliquer sur le bouton ‘Soumettre’. Des recommandations sont données en fonction du score total.
Preventing Falls in Older Adults (Saskatchewan Health Authority)
The Saskatchewan Health Authority Preventing Falls in Older Adults webpage has useful information for preventing falls in older adults.
Preventing Falls at Home
Sinai Geriatrics developed the ‘Preventing Falls at Home’ resource. This resource covers the dangers of falls, when you are at risk for a fall and how you can help prevent falls at home.
Prévention des chutes à la maison
How to safely help someone to get up – Video
Below is a video that provides instructions on what to do if someone falls.
How to safely help someone to get up – Poster
Guiding someone to get up after they’ve had a fall prevents you and them from being injured.
Below is a poster on how to safely help someone to get up.
Gait and Balance in Older Adults: Slips, Trips and Falls (webinar)
Sinai Health and UHN (University Health Network) hosted this webinar on September 27, 2022, and is part of the Healthy Ageing 101 Webinar Series.
Finding Balance Newfoundland and Labrador: Western Health Region
Finding Balance Newfoundland has two websites for two of their health regions. This website is for their Western Health Region. Both websites provide information on the Finding Balance Campaign with posters available. Other resources link to Fall Prevention Month.
Trouver l’équilibre Nouveau-Brunswick
Trouver l’équilibre (Finding Balance) est une campagne de sensibilisation aux risques de glisser, de trébucher et de faire une chute chez les aînés. Une partie du matériel d’information disponible sur le site Web s’adresse aux intervenants et l’autre, aux aînés.
Finding Balance New Brunswick
The Finding Balance campaign raises awareness about preventing slips, trips, and falls among older Canadians. It offers resources for older adults and practitioners to promote safety and well-being.
Finding Balance BC
The Finding Balance campaign raises awareness about preventing falls among older Canadians. It provides valuable resources for both older adults and practitioners.
Trouver l’équilibre C.-B.
Trouver l’équilibre (Finding Balance) est une campagne de sensibilisation aux risques de glisser, de trébucher et de faire une chute chez les aînés. Une partie du matériel d’information disponible sur le site Web s’adresse aux intervenants et l’autre, aux aînés.
Falls: Common, Costly and Preventable (webinar)
Recorded Thursday Nov. 18, 2022, and organized by the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) featuring Nancy Edwards, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Professor at the University of Ottawa; Dori Krahn, Community Relations Co-ordinator for the Saskatoon Fire Department who leads the Remembering When program, a fire safety and fall prevention program for older adults; and Stephanie Cowle, Director of Knowledge Translation at Parachute.
Fall Prevention: How Your Optometrist Can Help
Learn from the Ontario Association of Optometrists as to how an optometrist can detect and manage eye issues that may be increasing your risk of falling.
Carers Canada
Carers Canada is a priority initiative of the Canadian Home Care Association, a national non-profit membership group dedicated to advancing excellence in home and community care so Canadians can choose to live safely and independently in their communities. Through federal advocacy and national awareness campaigns, the goal of Carers Canada is to increase recognition and support for caregivers. Carers Canada’s vision is to “create a Canada that recognizes, respects and values the integral role of carers in society.” A founding member of the International Alliance of Carer Organizations, Carers Canada is part of a global initiative championing caregivers’ rights.
Virtual Care Guide for Patients
In collaboration with patients and their families, the Canadian Medical Association, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada have created this guide to help patients prepare for “virtual visits” with their doctor. It focuses on video visits, although it is also possible to receive virtual care through phone calls, text messaging and email. We recommend that you read the entire guide to gain the best possible results.
Guide sur les soins virtuels à l’intention des patients
En collaboration avec des patients et leur famille, l’Association médicale canadienne, le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada ont créé ce guide pour aider les patients à se préparer aux consultations virtuelles avec leur médecin. Bien que ce guide porte essentiellement sur les consultations vidéo, il est également possible de recevoir des soins par téléphone, message texte et courriel. Nous vous recommandons de lire le guide en entier afin d’optimiser votre expérience.
Rate my Treads
Rate my Treads is a website that provides ratings for various types of winter footwear for their slip resistance in different winter conditions.
Rate my Treads is a product of iDAPT, the research arm of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network located in Toronto. iDAPT works with a broad range of clinicians, engineers, scientists, researchers, students and more to find practical solutions to common problems.
Better Winter Footwear Handout
A new generation of winter footwear can significantly reduce the risk of slipping and falling on icy surfaces. This infographic produced by the KITE Research Institute at University Health Network highlights the importance of using KITE’s lab-based testing to determine footwear effectiveness on ice because looks can be deceiving.
Infographie sur l’efficacité des bottes d’hiver
CARP Ottawa: Winter footwear and staying active in winter
Session 1 of 3 from the C.A.R.P. Ottawa Chapter’s fall prevention webinar series in November 2020.
Leigh Vanderloo (Knowledge Translation Manager, ParticipACTION) describes the importance of maintaining physical activity during winter months and movement guidelines.
Tilak Dutta (Scientist, KITE Research Institute, University Health Network) describes how his lab tests gripability of winter boots and how they rate winter boots that provide better friction on ice.
Judy Andrew-Piel (Community Support Coordinator, Bushtukah) explains traction basics with practical tips regarding safer outdoor winter footwear.
Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network – Medications and Falls
The Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network has a webpage with information on medications that are more likely to cause you to fall. Learn about the different types of medications and which ones may increase your risk of falling. Always consult your doctor about your risk for falling when you are being prescribed new medication, or if you think your current medication will increase your risk for falling.
Le Réseau canadien pour l’usage approprié des médicaments et la déprescription – les médicaments et les chutes
Le Réseau canadien pour l’usage approprié des médicaments et la déprescription a une page Web avec de l’information sur les médicaments qui sont plus susceptibles de vous faire tomber. Consultez toujours votre médecin au sujet de votre risque de chute lorsque vous recevez une nouvelle prescription, ou si vous pensez que votre médicament actuel augmentera votre risque de chute.
Preventing Falls on Stairs
This fact sheet describes the common causes of falls on stairs and provides many strategies to help prevent them. Most falls can be prevented through good planning and recognition of the health, environmental and behavioural contributors to falls. Includes design suggestions for safe stairs and a glossary of terms. (© 2004 CMHC, Revised 2016)
Comment prévenir les chutes dans les escaliers
Ce feuillet d’information fait état des causes courantes des chutes dans les escaliers et fournit de nombreux moyens de les éviter. La plupart des chutes peuvent être évitées, soit par une bonne planification, soit en tenant compte des facteurs liés à l’état des escaliers et à l’état de santé et au comportement de ceux qui les utilisent. Le feuillet comporte des suggestions conceptuelles axées sur la sécurité ainsi qu’un glossaire. (© 2004 SCHL, révision 2016)
Maintaining Senior’s Independence Through Home Adaptations
This self-assessment guide was developed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Designed for older adults, this large-print guide identifies the types of difficulties older adults can experience in the home and describes adaptations to overcome these difficulties. This Guide helps older adults assess their own unique circumstances including using stairs, moving around the house, doing laundry and answering the door. The Self-Assessment Guide would be of interest not only to older adults but their families and caregivers. (March 31, 2018).
Maintenir l’autonomie des aînés par l’adaptation des logements
Destiné aux aînés, ce guide imprimé en gros caractères recense les types de difficultés qu’ils éprouvent à la maison et décrit les travaux d’adaptation permettant de surmonter ces difficultés. Il aide les aînés à évaluer leur milieu de vie et son influence sur leurs actes quotidiens (emprunter les escaliers, se déplacer dans la maison, faire la lessive, répondre à la porte, etc.). Utile non seulement pour les aînés, mais aussi pour leur famille et fournisseurs de soins. (Mars 31, 2018).
CARP Ottawa: Make your bathroom safer
Session 2 of 3 from the C.A.R.P. Ottawa Chapter’s fall prevention webinar series in November 2020.
Paulette Guitard (Professor and Occupational Therapist, School of Rehabilitation Scientist, University of Ottawa) describes how and why grab bars that are properly installed in bathrooms can prevent falls.
Peter Hache (Owner of Renos4Life – formerly Renos4Seniors) describes considerations and innovations in the design and renovation of bathrooms that are safer.
CARP Ottawa: How to make stairs safer for everyone
Session 3 of 3 from the C.A.R.P. Ottawa Chapter’s fall prevention webinar series in November 2020.
Sarah Fraser (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa) describes assessing stairs for safety and showed common examples of fall hazards on stairs.
Craig White (Branch Manager, Stannah Stair Lifts) describes what to consider when deciding whether or not to install a stair lift as an option to more safely navigate stairs.
Safer Bathrooms, Safer Bathing
Navigating a slippery bathtub or shower can be challenging, but grab bars can help you move safely and confidently in your bathroom. In this infographic from the KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, find out what features to look for in a grab bar, and where to install it. Check out the links at the bottom of the infographic for resources, and where to turn if you need more help.
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Une salle de bain sécuritaire pour un bain en sécurité
Naviguer dans une baignoire ou une douche glissante peut être difficile, mais les barres d’appui peuvent vous aider à vous déplacer en toute sécurité et en toute confiance dans votre salle de bain. Dans cette infographie du KITE Research Institute du University Health Network, découvrez quelles fonctionnalités à rechercher dans une barre d’appui et où l’installer. Consultez les liens au bas de l’infographie pour les ressources et les organismes à rejoindre si vous avez besoin d’aide.
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Preventing vision-related falls in seniors
Balance exercises for people living with Parkinson’s disease – Video Series
This video series includes several low-impact balance exercise classes with Parkinson Society BC’s neuro physiotherapist, Shelly Yu. These classes focus on lower extremity strength and agility-type activities required for fall prevention, such as multidirectional stepping, weight shifting, and turning.
Balance exercises for people living with Parkinson’s disease – Tip Sheet
Physical activity for older adults
A new resource from Active Aging Canada that informs older Canadians on how to engage in safe, successful physical activity. It was developed by their partners: the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and Exercise is Medicine® Canada.
L’activité physique pour les aînés
Une nouvelle ressource de Vieillir Activement Canada qui explique aux Canadiens et Canadiennes âgés comment pratiquer sans danger et avec succès l’activité physique. Cette ressource a été développée par leurs partenaires, la Société canadienne de physiologie de l’exercice et L’exercice : un médicament Canada.
Formation et communauté engagée
Training and communities of practice
Enhance your expertise and skills in preventing childhood falls through training and communities of practice. Access evidence-informed programs, connect with fellow professionals, and stay up to date with the latest practices for ensuring
Practitioner resources
Explore a diverse range of reports, guidelines, and research materials that support professionals in preventing childhood falls. Access evidence-based practice resources to inform and enhance your work in children’s safety.
Child falls collection
Find resources here on general fall and injury prevention, training and communities of practice, as well as statistics and infographics.
Collection : chutes chez les enfants
Trouvez ici des ressources sur la prévention générale des chutes et des blessures, la formation et les communautés de pratique, ainsi que des statistiques et des infographies.
ALTER – website
ALTER is an evidence-based approach that helps parents of children under 6 years old prevent injuries in the home. The five action principles are activities, location, timing, environment, and resources to alter for child safety.
ALTER – one pager
ALTER – brochure
ALTER – poster
Child Safety Link – Infographic
Loop – Fall Prevention Community of Practice for Adults
Loop is a no-cost, bilingual online platforms that brings together practitioners, caregivers, researchers, and policy planners working on fall prevention for adults. Loop provides a place to innovate, learn, share, and implement.
Stastiques et infographies
Statistics and Infographics
Data-driven decision-making starts here. Access most currently available statistics and visually engaging infographics that shed light on the prevalence, causes, and impact of childhood falls.
Child Safety Link – Backgrounder
ACTION app ParticipACTION is a national non-profit organization aimed at getting Canadians to sit less and move more. The ParticipACTION app is designed for all ages. Win prizes, track activities and receive customized workout and lifestyle content to help people along the way. Everything in the app is research-based, rooted in behaviour change science and designed for Canadians by Canadians.
Application Particip
ACTION ParticipACTION est un organisme national à but non lucratif qui aide les Canadiens à s’asseoir moins et bouger plus. L’application ParticipACTION est gratuite et conçue pour tous les âges. Elle donne accès à toutes sortes d’outils, de conseils, de vidéos instructives et à un objectif d’activité physique évoluant au gré de votre parcours. Tout le contenu présenté dans l’application est le fruit de recherches scientifiques et est axé sur la science de changement comportemental.
Is your child safe? Sleep time
Health Canada has produced this guide to provide parents and caregivers with information to keep children safe during sleep time. The guide provides information on general sleep safety tips and product safety standards for items that could cause fall related injuries (e.g., bunk beds).
Votre enfant est-il en sécurité? À l’heure du coucher
Santé Canada a produit ce guide pour fournir de l’information aux parents et aidants naturels pour garder leur enfant en sécurité pendant son sommeil. Le guide fournit de l’information sur les conseils généraux de sécurité du sommeil et les normes de sécurité des produits pour les articles qui pourraient causer des blessures liées aux chutes (p. ex., lits superposés).
Is your child safe?
This resource is from Health Canada. This resource provides parents/caregivers with information to reduce the risk of injuries associated with consumer products such as those around the house (blind and curtain cords, poison prevention, children’s products, and cosmetics), sleep time (bunk beds), and play time (toy boxes, ride-on-toys) through guidelines for proper use of consumer products.
Votre enfant est-il en sécurité?
Cette ressource provient de Santé Canada. Cette ressource fournit aux parents/soignants de l’information pour réduire le risque de blessures associées à des produits de consommation tels que ceux autour de la maison (cordons de couvre-fenêtres et de rideaux, prévention des empoisonnements, produits pour enfants et cosmétiques), à l’heure du lit (lits superposés) et à l’heure du jeu (coffres à jouets, jouets à enfourcher) grâce à des lignes directrices pour une utilisation appropriée des produits de consommation.
Kidsafe fall prevention
This resource is from Kidsafe New South Wales Inc. This resource provides parents/caregivers with common causes of serious fall injuries in and around the home. Some falls are serious enough to require hospital admission and serious preventable injuries can be avoided through community understanding of safety issues. This resource separates common causes of fall injuries into categories: Furniture and Nursery Products, Windows and Balconies, Stairs, Falls in Backyard, and Falls on and around Roads and Driveways, with each category linking to PDF files with prevention tips.
Keeping your children safe from falls
Resources provided by Alberta Health Services. Three resources based on the developmental stages of children provide parents/caregivers with key messages to prevent falls in toddlers, pre-schoolers, and babies (age 0-6) indoors and outdoors and what actions need to be done to keep them safe from falls.
Child safety: preventing falls (Saskatchewan Health Authority)
The Saskatchewan Health Authority ‘Child Safety: Preventing Falls’ webpage has useful information for protecting babies and young children from falls and injuries. The page also includes a video with « around-the-clock ideas to keep your baby safe ».
Child falls by Ottawa Public Health
The Ottawa Public Health website provides fall prevention tips for parents of babies, toddlers and children (0 to 6) focusing on the child’s stage of development. Resources such as posters and infographics are also available.
Chutes chez les enfants (Santé publique Ottawa)
Santé publique Ottawa fournit des conseils de prévention des chutes aux parents de bébés, de tout-petits et d’enfants (0 à 6) en mettant l’accent sur le stade de développement de l’enfant. Des ressources telles que des affiches et des infographies sont également disponibles.
Window fall prevention video
This resource is from Seattle Children’s Hospital. This resource is a 30-second video providing tips to parents/caregivers for preventing window falls. Children under 7 are at most risk of falling from windows. Window screens are ineffective in preventing falls. Instead parents should install child safety window stops and window guards, keep areas near windows clear of anything a child can climb on and enforce kid free zones in front of windows.
CPHA – unstructured play
ACSP – Le jeu libre
L’ Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP) reconnaît le jeu libre comme un droit de l’enfant et un élément essentiel à la santé et au bien-être durant l’enfance et la jeunesse. Il faut agir pour réduire les obstacles qui limitent les occasions pour les enfants de jouer librement à l’école et dans leur quartier. L’ACSP invite les parents et proches aidants, les prestataires de services de garde, les enseignants, les conseils et commissions scolaires, les professionnels de la santé publique, le secteur privé et tous les ordres de gouvernement, y compris les gouvernements autochtones, à élargir l’accès au jeu libre dirigé par l’enfant.
Dans le cadre du projet, l’ACSP a mené des entretiens avec des informateurs (juristes, conseillers et commissaires scolaires, assureurs et gestionnaires de risques, conseillers et chefs de services municipaux, chercheurs et défenseurs du jeu, animateurs ludo-éducatifs, concepteurs et inspecteurs de terrains de jeux) et un sondage auprès de parents et de tuteurs pour orienter l’élaboration de la trousse.
Outside play
Outside Play is an online tool to help parents and caregivers gain the confidence to allow their kids to engage in more outdoor play. This site was created by injury prevention partners in British Columbia.
Atlantic Canada Child & Youth Unintentional Injury Hospitalizations: 10 years in review
This report builds on the previous report from 2005 entitled Child & Youth Unintentional Injury Atlantic Canada: 10 years in review. Data was commissioned from the Canadian Institute for Health Information hospitalization trends (2004-2013) for childhood injury over a 10-year period, the most recent years for which data were available both at the national and provincial levels. The purpose of this report is to determine the pattern of injuries to children and youth in Atlantic Canada and, where possible, whether these injury patterns follow national trends. The data in this report mainly focus on hospitalizations of children from birth to age 14 (inclusive) and is about unintentional injuries only, including falls.
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Canada Atlantique: hospitalisations à la suite de blessures accidentelles chez les enfants et les adolescents : étude sur une période de dix ans
Cette étude repose sur le rapport précédent de 2005 intitulé Blessures accidentelles chez les enfants et les adolescents, provinces de l’Atlantique : études des dix dernières années. Les données ont été établies à partir des tendances observées par l’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé en matière d’hospitalisations (2004-2013) liées à des blessures chez les enfants sur une période de dix ans, soit les années les plus récentes pour lesquelles des données étaient disponibles tant à l’échelle nationale que provinciale. Notre objectif était de déterminer les types de blessures accidentelles subies par les enfants et les adolescents dans le Canada atlantique, ainsi que d’établir si ces types de blessures correspondent aux tendances nationales, incluant les chutes.
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Ontario Childhood Falls Infographic 2017
This infographic highlights statistics from Ontario data on falls in children ages 0 to 6 years. How childhood falls happen and where they are hurt are included. Data for this infographic were supplied by Toronto Public Health. This infographic was created in collaboration with York Region Public Health and Toronto Public Health.
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Fact bank
Banque de statistiques
La banque de statistiques présente des données sur les chutes et leurs sources d’information pour les provinces et territoires du Canada ainsi que des données mondiales.Cette année, la banque de statistiques comprend des points clés du rapport de surveillance sur les chutes chez les aînés au Canada par l’Agence de santé publique du Canada et d’autres données récentes. La banque de statistiques est très utile lors de la création de matériel pour informer ou promouvoir la prévention des chutes dans votre communauté.
Child Safety Link
Child Safety Link is an injury prevention program at the Izaak Walton Killam Hospital (IWK) Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia dedicated to reducing the incidence and severity of unintentional injury to children and youth in the Canadian Maritimes.
The Great Child Safety Challenge — preventing home injuries in the living room (1-3 years)
Given that children aged 0 to 4 are most likely to fall at home, Child Safety Link developed a video illustrating several challenges to safety that can occur in the living room for children between the ages of 1 and 3 years.
Child Safety Link: La prévention des chutes à la maison (Enfants de 1 à 3 ans)
Étant donné que les enfants âgés de 0 à 4 ans sont les plus susceptibles de tomber à la maison, Child Safety Link a mis au point une vidéo illustrant plusieurs défis à la sécurité qui peuvent se produire dans le salon pour les enfants âgés de 1 à 3 ans.
Preventing unintentional injuries in Indigenous children and youth in Canada
Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in Canadian Indigenous children and youth, occurring at rates three to four times the national average. This position statement discusses unintentional injuries in Canadian Indigenous children and youth, injury mechanisms and recommendations for reducing the rate and severity of these injuries.
La prévention des blessures non intentionnelles chez les enfants et adolescents autochtones au Canada
Les blessures non intentionnelles sont la principale cause de décès chez les enfants et adolescents autochtones canadiens, à un taux de trois à quatre fois la moyenne nationale. Cet énoncé de position de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie traite de divers mécanismes de blessures non intentionnelles chez les enfants et les jeunes autochtones canadiens, y compris les chutes, et propose des recommandations visant à réduire le taux et la gravité de ces blessures.
Injury in Review, 2020 Edition: Spotlight on Traumatic Brain Injuries across the Life Course
This report provides national surveillance statistics on head injuries and traumatic brain injuries across the life course, including deaths, hospitalizations and emergency department visits, using data sources including the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database of Statistics Canada; the Hospital Morbidity Database and Discharge Abstract Database of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI); the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System of CIHI; and the Electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program database (eCHIRPP).
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Étude des blessures: Édition 2020. Pleins feux sur les traumatismes crâniens tout au long de la vie
Ce rapport fait état des statistiques de surveillance nationale pour les blessures et traumatismes crâniens tout au long de la vie, et inclus des données sur les décès, les hospitalisations et les visites aux services d’urgence. Ces données proviennent de plusieurs sources incluant la base canadienne de données sur l’état civil – décès de Statistique Canada; la base de données sur la morbidité hospitalière de l’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS); la base de données sur les congés des patients de l’ICIS ; le système national d’information sur les soins ambulatoires de l’ICIS; et la base de données électronique du système canadien hospitalier d’information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada.
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Child Safety Good Practice Guide
This resource is from Safe Kids Canada (now known as Parachute). This resource provides the first seminal comprehensive document in the country from which decision-makers, practitioners and legislators can base their work and recommendations. This resource can be used by health care professionals to promote good practice in planning and implementing strategies to address injury in children aged 0-14 years of age. Areas of safety included in this document include passenger safety, pedestrian safety, cyclist safety, water safety, fall prevention, burn and scald prevention, poisoning prevention, choking/strangulation prevention, general home safety, and general community-based injury prevention. This resource uses a series of evidence statements describing current good practice, provides an indication of whether a case study for that particular strategy has been identified and included, and provides suggestions for transferring and implementing that strategy.
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A million messages
This online learning module from Alberta Health Services provides health care professionals with standardized child injury prevention messages and resources to pass along to parents/caregivers based on developmental stages and associated injury risk factors of children ages 0 to 3.
Safe and Healthy Children: A Public Health Resource Manual for Child Care Providers
This resource provides childcare providers with fall prevention tips. These tips can be used by childcare centres themselves, the staff at the centres, and parents/caregivers of the children. Childcare providers play an important role in keeping children safe. This resource provides childcare providers as well as parents/caregivers with actions they could take to decrease the number of injuries in children.
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Preventing falls – injury prevention & safety, information for health professionals
This is Alberta Health Service’s web page on preventing falls among children and older adults. It provides key messages and additional resources including Preventing Harm from Falls at Home and At Play toolkit.
Loop fall prevention webinars
Loop Fall Prevention Community of Practice provides webinars regularly on topics related to fall prevention. These webinars are recorded and uploaded to Loop’s YouTube channel. The webinars are hour-long presentations from experts in the field. They highlight evidence-based information with practical applications for health-care practitioners.
Webinaires de Loop sur la prévention des chutes
Les communautés engagées pour la prévention des chutes Loop et Loop Junior organisent régulièrement des webinaires sur des sujets liés à la prévention des chutes. Ces webinaires sont enregistrés et téléchargés sur la chaîne YouTube de Loop et Loop Junior. Les webinaires sont des présentations d’une heure d’experts dans le domaine. Ils mettent en évidence l’information fondée sur des données probantes avec des applications pratiques pour les professionnels de la santé.
Child safety (Middlesex-London Health Unit)
The Middlesex-London Health Unit’s website has information on home safety for babies, toddlers and children. Their site contains resources including checklists, posters and videos.
Child injury prevention and safety presentations
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute developed this presentation for community-based programs to use in their work with families to help prevent child injuries. This presentation may also be of interest to public health professionals, early childhood educators, daycare providers and others working with parents/caregivers and children. The focus of this presentation is on falls, which are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations in Saskatchewan children and youth.
Loop Evidence Summary: Fall Prevention and COVID-19
The Loop Fall Prevention Community of Practice developed an evidence summary that reviews the impact of COVID-19 on risk factors contributing to fall-related injuries. It also summarizes current and emerging evidence on the effective planning and implementation of fall risk screening and assessment, fall care, fall rehabilitation and fall prevention initiatives, all of which have become largely reliant on virtual modalities of delivery in order to comply with COVID-19 countermeasures. The summary concludes with key implications for fall prevention policy and practice over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Impact of COVID-19 on Accidental Falls in Canada
Conséquences de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les chutes accidentelles au Canada
Le rapport présente des données préliminaires sur les visites aux urgences et les hospitalisations en raison de chutes accidentelles qui ont eu lieu entre le 1er mars et le 30 septembre 2020. Il se penche aussi sur les lieux des chutes, les types de chutes, ainsi que les caractéristiques des patients et les mesures d’égalité en santé.
Illuminez les réseaux sociaux
Our hashtags #ParachuteNIPD and #TurnSafetyOn garnered XX million social media impressions.
Illuminez le Canada !
Light up Parachute Green on July 6, 2020!
Votre siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant?
Is your child in the right seat?
Hélène Gagné de Parachute discute avec Radio-Canada Toronto de notre soutien à l’obligation de porter des gilets de sauvetage sur les bateaux.
Pour un bon départ: Votre siège d’auto est-il sécuritaire?
Images des médias sociaux de la Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes 2023 -
Attachez votre enfant! Sécurité des sièges d’auto pour enfants
Nous souhaitons vous aider à choisir et à installer le bon siège d’auto pour assurer la sécurité de votre enfant.
Buckle up! Child car seat safety
Transport Canada wants to help you choose and install the right car seat to help keep your child safe and secure.
Occupant Restraints: A Road Safety Manual for Decision-Makers and Practitioners
This manual provides guidance and evidence for decision-makers and practitioners that should lead to an increase in the use of vehicle occupant restraints, such as car seats for babies and children.
Tigrinya : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Swahili : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Somalienne : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Népalaises : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Mandarin : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Arabe : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Anglais : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Français : Vote siège d’auto convient-il à votre enfant? (2023)
Ceinture de sécurité
Quand votre enfant fait plus que 145 cm (4 pi 9 po), le temps est peut-être venu de passer au simple port de la ceinture de sécurité. Par contre, si celle-ci ne peut être utilisée correctement tel qu’il est décrit ci-après, continuez à utiliser un siège d’appoint. La banquette ou le siège arrière est l’endroit le plus sécuritaire pour votre enfant jusqu’à ce qu’il ait 13 ans.
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Siège d’appoint
Un siège d’appoint élève l’enfant de sorte que la ceinture de sécurité s’ajuste sur les os les plus solides, loin des tissus mous du ventre. Pour utiliser un siège d’appoint, l’enfant doit peser au moins 18 kg (40 livres) et pouvoir s’asseoir correctement.
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Siège orienté vers l’avant
Un siège orienté vers l’avant utilise un harnais à 5 points d’ancrage pour répartir la force sur les parties les plus fortes du corps en cas d’arrêt soudain ou de collision. Ce type de siège protège un enfant maintenant trop grand pour le plus grand des sièges orientés vers l’arrière.
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Siège orienté vers l’arrière
Un siège orienté vers l’arrière offre la meilleure protection pour la tête, le cou et la colonne vertébrale de votre enfant en cas d’arrêt soudain ou de collision. Quand votre bébé devient trop grand pour le siège de bébé, utilisez un siège plus grand orienté vers l’arrière.
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Siège de bébé
Un siège orienté vers l’arrière offre la meilleure protection pour la tête, le cou et la colonne vertébrale de votre bébé en cas d’arrêt soudain ou de collision. Vous pouvez utiliser un siège qui s’installe uniquement orienté vers l’arrière ou un siège convertible plus gros orienté vers l’arrière pourvu que votre bébé puisse y être assis correctement.
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French: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Tigrinya: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Arabic: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Mandarin Chinese: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
English: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Nepalese: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Swahili: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Somali: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)
This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to parachute.ca/carseats
Getting started: Is your car seat safe to use?
Car seats – Seat belts
Car seats – Booster
Car seats – Forward-facing
Car seats – Rear-facing
Car seats – Infant
Global road safety actions 2023: What you need to know (2023)
Presented by Parachute and CARSP, this webinar built upon the previous webinar and provide an update on the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, along with tools coming out of the eighth global meeting of NGOs advocating for road safety and road victims that took place March 6 to 10, 2023 in El Salvador.
We also shared turnkey social media messages and printable creative tools for all road safety partners to use for the upcoming UN Global Road Safety Week, running May 15 to 21, 2023, which calls on policy makers to #RethinkMobility to make walking, cycling and public transport safe and convenient so that people can make the shift to active, sustainable mobility.
Valerie Smith Director, Programs Parachute
Raheem Dilgir President Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals -
Winnipeg Road Safety Strategic Action Plan
Backgrounder – Safe Kids Week 2023
Safe Kids Week 2023 social media images
Mobilité sécuritaire dans les zones urbaines – version compilée imprimable
Safe mobility in urban areas – combined printable version
Download a printable 28 cm x 43 cm (11” x 17”) PDF in poster format that combines the information from the Equity, Environment, and Health and Wellness infographics. (
232,00 KB PDF
Mobilité sécuritaire en zone urbaine – les données
Mobilité sécuritaire en zone urbaine – l’environnement
Mobilité sécuritaire en zone urbaine – la santé et le bien-être
Safe mobility in urban areas – Using data to drive road system decisions
More than half of Canadians say that road safety should be among the top five priorities for government to address in their community
Pour plus de la moitié des Canadiens, la sécurité routière devrait figurer parmi les cinq premières priorités gouvernementales au sein de leur communauté
Celebrating a toll-free poison centre number, a decade in the making
Dix ans plus tard, voici enfin le numéro gratuit du centre antipoison!
Safe mobility in urban areas – Health and wellbeing
Safe mobility in urban areas – Environment
Conversations communautaires : Les enjeux de vieillir chez soi en santé et autonome – 2 février 2023
Nous discuterons ensemble des enjeux de vieillir chez soi en santé et de façon autonome. Il y sera surtout question de continuer de vieillir de manière autonome et de ce que cela implique pour vous dans l’immédiat et dans l’avenir.
Les conversations communautaires ont lieu grâce à une subvention versée par le gouvernement du Canada dans le cadre du Programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés et au travail de cocréation pour les aînés, par les aînés. Elles visent à créer un espace de rencontre virtuel afin que les aînés puissent parler de ce qui les préoccupe le plus par rapport à vieillir chez soi en santé et en sécurité. En participant, vous aurez l’occasion de vous entretenir avec d’autres aînés de partout au Canada, de connaître les ressources auxquelles vous avez accès et de parler de votre propre vécu si vous voulez.
Les organisateurs des rencontres (c’est-à-dire des aînés et des représentants d’organismes au service des aînés) se baseront sur les points ayant émergé des conversations de la série pour adresser des conseils aux groupes et aux organismes voués aux aînés ainsi qu’aux divers ordres de gouvernement.
Trousse d’information pour les Conversations communautaires : Les enjeux de vieillir chez soi en santé et autonome (2 février 2023)
Cette trousse a été distribuée à tous les inscrits et comprend une liste de programmes et de ressources disponibles à l’échelle provinciale, territoriale, et nationale.
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Conversation communautaires : Les enjeux de vieillir chez soi en santé et autonome (sommaire des discussions tenues le 2 février 2023)
Sommaire des discussions tenues le 2 février 2023 dans le cadre des « conversations communautaires : Les enjeux de vieillir chez soi en santé et autonome »
75,13 KB Word
Discussion Summary for Community Conversations: Challenges of aging in place healthily and independently (2023-02-02)
Summary of discussions held on Feb 2, 2023, as part of the “Community Conversations: Challenges of aging in place healthily and independently” event.
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Trends and responses to unintentional pediatric analgesic poisonings (2023)
Medications are the leading cause of poisoning in Canada. Medications that relieve pain, known as analgesics, are the No. 1 substance Canada’s poison centres receive calls about. Hosted by Patti Stark from the Injury Prevention Centre in Alberta and Pamela Fuselli from Parachute, this webinar will feature panellists from the Ontario Poison Centre, Atlantic Canada Poison Centre, Centre antipoison due Québec and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada.
The webinar will provide an overview of trends, data and responses to unintentional analgesic poisonings among pediatric populations. Key messages for parents and caregivers will be highlighted as well as opportunities for collaboration and action.
Learning objectives will include:
- Understanding the burden and trend of unintentional analgesic related poisonings among pediatric populations in Canada
- Key messages for parents and caregivers on how to prevent analgesic poisonings
- Identifying opportunities for engaging stakeholders, such as pharmacists, in raising awareness and preventing analgesic poisonings
Panellists include:
- Jacqueline Burke, Certified Specialist in Poison Information, Ontario Poison Centre
- Audrée Elliot, Pharmacist, Centre antipoison du Québec (CAPQ)
- Laurie Mosher, Certified Specialist in Poison Information, Atlantic Canada Poison Centre
- Alice Watt, Senior Medication Safety Specialist, Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada)
Exposition au monoxyde de carbone : Comment le Centre antipoison du Québec a aidé une famille
Le monoxyde de carbone est un gaz toxique incolore et inodore. Caroline Arsenault, spécialiste agréée en information sur les poisons au Centre antipoison du Québec, parle d’un cas impliquant une famille qui a été exposée au monoxyde de carbone dans leur maison. Découvrez comment les centres antipoison peuvent vous aider et trouvez le numéro de téléphone de votre centre antipoison à infopoison.ca.
Les médicaments sont une cause courante d’empoisonnement : comment le centre antipoison peut aider
Violaine Ayotte, spécialiste agréée en information sur les poisons au Centre antipoison du Québec, raconte comment elle est intervenue dans le cas d’une adulte qui avait pris involontairement deux doses de son médicament. Découvrez comment les centres antipoison peuvent vous aider et trouvez le numéro de téléphone de votre centre antipoison à infopoison.ca.
Quand les médicaments peuvent nuire : Comment un centre antipoison a aidé une personne en détresse
Violaine Ayotte, spécialiste agréée en information sur les poisons au Centre antipoison du Québec, raconte comment elle est intervenue dans le cas d’une adulte qui avait pris involontairement deux doses de son médicament. Découvrez comment les centres antipoison peuvent vous aider et trouvez le numéro de téléphone de votre centre antipoison à infopoison.ca.
Change for Good Roads, Episode 1 – Sustainable Cities
Economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable cities are key components of healthy, active and safe urban roads.
Safe, healthy, and sustainable urban roads are only possible if we treat the underlying issues as a complex problem, one that involves not only urban planning, but also public health, engineering and other sectors, and retains a focus on inclusion, equity, sustainability, community and more. There are a range of evidence-based frameworks and interventions that guide global efforts toward safer, healthier, and more sustainable roads. The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 promotes the Safe System Approach and Vision Zero and sets targets and goals to guide us to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Through cross-sectoral collaboration, organizations and individuals would be able to make our cities both safer for all road users and healthier for all citizens.
Sustainable cities are ones that not only address transportation and the environmental impact, but also the social and economic aspects to sustainability.
Change is hard. Involve communities early in discussions about changes that will make their neighbourhoods and cities more sustainable to explore the rationale for changes, learn about their ideas, concerns and questions about sustainability.
Road safety is part of sustainable cities for two reasons. The first is that by improving the safety of roads for all road users, it will result in more people walking, biking and taking public transport. The second is by reducing transportation by motorized vehicles, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced.
Former City Councillor for the City of Toronto Mike Layton joins host Pamela Fuselli for an in-depth discussion. -
When cannabis gummies fall into little hands: Calling the poison centre for help
Amin Rajwani, a Certified Specialist in Poison Information at the Poison and Drug Information Service in Alberta, shares a case where a child was hospitalized after eating their grandfather’s cannabis edibles. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
Medication is a common cause of poisoning: How the poison centre can help
Crissy Amiana, a Certified Specialist in Poison Information at the Ontario Poison Centre, shares her story of responding to a case of an older adult who reached out when she unintentionally took the wrong medication, but it turns out the real issue was the combination of medications she was taking for herself. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
When medication can harm: How a poison centre helped a caller in distress
Crissy Amiana, a Certified Specialist in Poison Information at the Ontario Poison Centre, shares her story of responding to a case of an older adult who unintentionally took the wrong medication. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
“Be open to making that call if you’re ever unsure”: Brittany on calling a poison centre for advice.
Brittany, a mom of two from Saskatoon, shares her experiences calling a poison centre. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
“The advice I’ve gotten has always been fantastic”: Brittany’s experience with a poison centre call
Brittany, a mom of two from Saskatoon, shares her experience calling a poison centre after her daughter unintentionally receives a double dose of medication. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
“Having the poison centre to call is such a reassurance”: Stephanie, a mother of three children.
Stephanie, a mom of three, talks about her experience calling the poison centre. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
Panicked when your child eats a mystery plant? Call the poison centre.
Stephanie, a mom of three, talks about her experience calling the poison centre after her daughter ate an unknown plant from the garden. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
Stephanie’s advice: keep the poison centre phone number nearby
Stephanie, a mom of three from P.E.I. talks about why she always keeps the poison centre phone number nearby in the event of a poisoning emergency. Learn how poison centres can help and find the phone number for your poison centre at infopoison.ca.
Création de votre propre comité consultatif de la jeunesse
Outil de mise en œuvre du cadre
Résumé du rapport (pour impression)
Résumé du rapport (interactive)
Un cadre pour l’accélération de l’engagement des jeunes envers les mesures de sécurité routière
Le rapport-cadre présente un examen approfondi du cadre Pour les jeunes conducteurs, par les jeunes conducteurs, y compris des recommandations pour les cinq domaines de la mobilisation des jeunes, soit le partenariat avec les jeunes, la communication avec les jeunes, la sensibilisation des jeunes, le renforcement des capacités des jeunes et la défense des droits des jeunes.
1,53 MB PDF/UA
Framework summary (interactive)
Framework implementation tool
Establishing your own youth advisory committee
Framework summary (for print)
A framework for accelerating youth engagement in road safety
Wildcard redirect
Redirect child
Balado Changer pour de bon, pour de meilleures routes
Change for Good Roads podcast
Good roads for all: Moving the needle on road safety (2023)
Building on findings from our Change for Good Roads initiative, this webinar explores our next steps to creating safer roads and healthier communities on the one-year anniversary of that report’s release. Moderated by Parachute’s President and CEO Pamela Fuselli, influential Canadian experts from the sectors of sustainable cities, equity, health and wellbeing and road safety will discuss how to move the needle on support for road safety through multi-sectoral collaboration in Canada.
Dr. John C. Spence
University of Alberta
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and RecreationDr. Meghan Winters
Simon Fraser University
Faculty of Health SciencesArcy Canumay
BYCS Bicycle Mayor of Waterloo -
Board Director position
Poison storage checklist for your apartment
Liste de contrôle du stockage des poisons pour votre appartement
Government Relations Consultant – Strategy Development
Addressing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Injury Prevention Programs (2023)
Semaine de la prévention des empoisonnements – Guide d’utilisation des médias sociaux
Poison Prevention Week social media guide
The role of equity in road safety and mobility interventions
Le rôle de l’équité dans le cadre des interventions liées à la sécurité routière et à la mobilité
Trends in Canada’s drug supply, polysubstance use and unintentional drug poisonings (2023)
Unintentional drug poisonings remain one of Canada’s most devastating public health issues. Hosted by Parachute and featuring presentations from Emily Biggar, Chealsea De Moor and Doris Payer from the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction, this webinar will provide an overview of emerging trends in Canada’s unregulated drug supply, polysubstance use and harms related to unintentional drug poisonings. Implications for reducing harms to people who use drugs and practising non-stigmatizing language around substance use will be highlighted.
Emily Biggar, MPH
Research and Policy Analyst
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)Chealsea De Moor, MA
Knowledge Broker
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)Doris Payer, PhD
Senior Knowledge Broker
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) -
Mobilité sécuritaire en zone urbaine – l’équité
Safe mobility in urban areas – Equity
Dépistage et évaluation du risque de chute chez les aînés : portrait des guides de pratique clinique de l’Ontario (2022)
Fall risk screening and assessment in older adults: an overview of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in Ontario (2022)
Conversation communautaire : vieillir chez soi avec du soutien et des services (sommaire des discussions tenues le 23 novembre 2022)
Sommaire des discussions tenues le 23 novembre 2022 dans le cadre des « conversations communautaires : vieillir chez soi avec du soutien et des services »
69,41 KB Word
Conversation communautaire : commencer et continuer à bouger (sommaire des discussions tenues le 19 octobre 2022)
Sommaire des discussions tenues le 19 octobre 2022 dans le cadre des « conversations communautaires : commencer et continuer à bouger »
55,32 KB Word
Discussion Summary for Community Conversation: Supports and services to age in place (2022-11-23)
Summary of discussions held on Nov 23, 2022 as part of the “Community Conversations: Supports and services to age in place” event
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Information Package for Community Conversation: Supports and services to age in place (2022-11-23)
This package was distributed to all registrants and includes:
- A brief overview on what it means to age in place and how to plan ahead.
- Several resources, including national resources for seniors, seniors and caregivers’ information telephone lines by province and a list of existing programs and services through the federal, provincial, and territorial Canadian government.
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Recording of Community Conversations: Supports and services to age in place (2022-11-23)
This is the third event in the Community Conversation series and focuses on maintaining independence through community supports and services. Together, we’ll discuss the supports and services you feel you need to age in place and how to proactively plan for the future.
These Community Conversations are funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and are co-created with seniors, for seniors. They are meant to create a virtual gathering space connecting seniors to share and address the issues that matter most to them when it comes to aging in place healthily and safely. You will have the opportunity to connect with other seniors across Canada, talk to an expert, learn about resources available to you and share your own experiences if you wish to.The event organizers (which includes seniors and representatives from organizations serving seniors) will use the discussion points generated by the series to inform groups/organizations serving seniors as well as various levels of government.
The brave new world of content creation: Connecting with our audiences in a saturated media environment (2022)
The average American sees up to 10,000 advertisements, brands, messages or more a day. Fortune 500 companies spend billions of dollars to get their messages heard. So, how can a non-profit with little to no budget break through and connect to their audiences, supporters and the public?
This webinar, hosted by Laurie Mosher, a Specialist in Poison Information at the Atlantic Canada Poison Centre, will feature a presentation from Mike McCormick from the Florida Poison Information Center on how organizations can be more effective in their health messaging.
Emotional content creation is the key for us to share our important healthcare messages. Sharing our story in a disciplined, disruptive and distinct manner is the key to getting above the noise. The fundamentals of producing clear, concise, clean and contextual messages are more important than the dissemination medium. This session will focus on a method of content creation to cut through the clutter.
Equity in Vision Zero and road safety (2022)
Six Es of traffic safety are commonly used in Vision Zero planning: Engineering, Enforcement, Evaluation, Education, Engagement and Equity. The newest E, Equity, addresses how different barriers and power imbalances can increase road hazards: for instance, lower-income neighbourhoods have poorer built environments and lack of access to transit.
Join moderator Valerie Smith, Director, Programs at Parachute, in conversation with panelists from York University, The Centre for Active Transportation, and WATT Consulting Group` to learn more about applying an equity lens to Vision Zero and road safety planning.
Jennie Geleff
Project Manager,
The Centre for Active TransportationEmily McCullogh, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University
Shabnem Afzal
Road Safety and Regional Lead
WATT Consulting Group
(previously Vision Zero leader, City of Surrey) -
Recognition and awards
Récompenses et prix
Three crossing guards from Ontario and Quebec named Canada’s favourites for 2022
Trois brigadiers de l’Ontario et du Québec nommés favoris du Canada pour 2022
The Vision Zero Handbook
Reflections on the Canadian Injury Prevention Conference
Réflexions sur la Conférence canadienne de prévention des blessures
Conversation communautaire : Chez soi (sommaire des discussions tenues le 21 septembre 2022)
Sommaire des discussions tenues le 21 septembre 2022 dans le cadre des « conversations communautaires : chez soi »
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Discussion Summary for Community Conversation: Getting and Staying Active (2022-10-19)
Summary of discussions held on Oct 19, 2022 as part of the « Community Conversations: Getting and Staying Active » event
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Discussion Summary for Community Conversation: Home (2022-09-21)
Summary of discussions held on Sept 21, 2022 as part of the « Community Conversations: Home » event
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Information Package for Community Conversation: Getting and Staying Active (2022-10-19)
This package was distributed to all registrants and includes:
- Information on physical activity to maintain and enhance independence and well-being – what that is, why we should do it and how to go about it.
- Additional resources that include more information on staying active, as well as programs, services, education, and activity videos for seniors.
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Information Package for Community Conversation: Home (2022-09-21)
This package was distributed to all registrants and includes:
- Grant and funding information for home modifications, organized by province.
- Online information and resources related to home modifications.
- Information about tenants’ rights related to home modifications in Canada.
201,83 KB Word
Adam Michael Segal
Adam Michael Segal
Recording of Community Conversations: Getting and Staying Physically Active (2022-10-19)
This is the second event in the Community Conversation series and focuses on maintaining and enhancing well-being and independence through physical daily activities. Together, we’ll discuss getting and staying physically active and other considerations to ensure you are able to realize the health benefits of active living.
These Community Conversations are funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and are co-created with seniors, for seniors. They are meant to create a virtual gathering space connecting seniors to share and address the issues that matter most to them when it comes to aging in place healthily and safely. You will have the opportunity to connect with other seniors across Canada, talk to an expert, learn about resources available to you and share your own experiences if you wish to.
The event organizers (which includes seniors and representatives from organizations serving seniors) will use the discussion points generated by the series to inform groups/organizations serving seniors as well as various levels of government.
Vision Zero: The Next Generation (2022)
The next generation has spoken, and they are in favor of Vision Zero. Based on a survey done by Desjardins in 2022, 61% of survey respondents between the age of 16-34 support the adoption of a Vision Zero strategy in their region and 56% support increasing government funding for Vision Zero. Road crashes are the third-leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 24 in Canada. Join modertator Umayangga Yogalingam as she discusses Vision Zero: The Next Generation with Priynka Patil from Parachute, Sana’ Khasawneh, Junior Project Manager at YOURS, and Arianne Khorasani, Max Novak and Emily Shibata, members from our Canadian Youth Road Safety Council. Together, we will discuss the value of engaging youth in Vision Zero action and hear the voices of youth on their experience with road safety in Canada.
Caleon Twins – Rail safety
Marc-Antoine Delage – Sécurité ferroviaire
Caleon Twins – Distracted driving
Marc-Antoine Delage – La distraction au volant
Tableau de la législation canadienne sur la distraction au volant
Distracted Driving Canadian Legislation Chart
Approches systémiques sûres de la distraction au volant
Ce document met en lumière la façon dont les professionnels de la sécurité routière peuvent adopter une approche systémique sûre en ce qui concerne la distraction au volant.
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Safe Systems Approaches to Distracted Driving
A document highlighting how road safety professionals can reframe their thinking to apply a safe systems approach to distracted driving.
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2022 National Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on risks of distracted driving
La Semaine nationale de la sécurité des jeunes au volant 2022 met l’accent sur les risques de la distraction au volant
NTDSW 2022 media advisory template
Use this media advisory template to invite the media to bring attention to your NTDSW events.
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Recording of Community Conversations: Home (2022-09-21)
Does your home suit your needs? Now and into the future?
This is the first in a series of Community Conversations with Canadian seniors. This first session focuses on maintaining and building independence at home, wherever that is for you. Together, we discuss home modifications and other considerations to make to ensure you are happy with where you are living now and in the future.
These Community Conversations are funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and are co-created for seniors, by seniors. They are meant to create a virtual gathering space connecting seniors to share and address the issues that matter most to them when it comes to aging in place healthily and safely. Participants have the opportunity to connect with other seniors from across Canada, talk to an expert, learn about resources available to them and share their own experiences.
Rapport annuel pancanadien 2020 des centres antipoison
Ce rapport, produit par L’Association canadienne des centres antipoison et de toxicologie clinique (ACCAP), Santé Canada et Parachute, présente les données les plus récentes (2020) des cinq centres antipoison du Canada. Le rapport donne un aperçu du nombre de cas gérés par les centres antipoison au Canada et de leur nature, et souligne le rôle de ces centres dans les efforts de prévention des empoisonnements.
Pan-Canadian Poison Centres 2020 Annual Report
This report, produced by the Canadian Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Health Canada and Parachute, presents the most current data (2020) from all five of Canada’s poison centres. The report provides an overview of the number and nature of cases managed by posion centres across Canada and highlights the role of these centres in poison prevention efforts.
Vehicle-for-Hire Driver Training Mis à jour
Formation « Vehicle-for-Hire » Mis à jour
New Poison Centres report reveals pain-relief medications, cleaning products top causes of reported poison exposures
Un nouveau rapport des centres antipoison révèle que les médicaments contre la douleur et les produits d’entretien ménager sont les principales causes d’exposition aux poisons
Outil de données sur les inégalités en santé à l’échelle du Canada
Cet outil contient des données sur des indicateurs se rapportant aux résultats pour la santé et aux déterminants de santé, stratifiés pour une gamme de caractéristiques sociales et économiques significatives pour les équités en santé. La source des données est l’enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes.
Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Data Tool
This tool contains data on indicators of health outcomes and health determinants, stratified by a range of social and economic characteristics meaningful to health equity. Data are from the Canadian Community Health Survey.
Linges directices évolutives pour le diagnostic et la gestions des commotions cérébrales in pédiatrie
The role of technology and data in Vision Zero interventions
Join moderator Valerie Smith, Director, Programs at Parachute, in conversation with panelists from Liveable Cities, the City of Brantford, Ontario, and the City of Bellevue, Washington, as we discuss the role of technology and data in Vision Zero and road safety strategies. This webinar will be of interest to municipal city planners, road safety professionals and road safety researchers.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from David Ferguson, Manager of Traffic Services at the City of Brantford, who will speak to his experience of integrating technology into Vision Zero road safety work. Ferguson supports the use of technology to assist practitioners in improving road safety for all road users. His previous role was Superintendent of Traffic Engineering with the City of Hamilton.
Ken Cartmill, Executive Vice President of Product Development from Livable Cities will then present on their technology solution that collects data on road activities, vehicle speed, traffic analytics, air quality, ambient noise and more. He will speak to how this data can be used for evidence-based decision-making to deploy targeted enforcement, traffic calming measures or other urban and mobility planning applications.
Franz Loewenherz, Mobility Planning and Solutions Manager, City of Bellevue, Washington, will speak to his experience in integrating technology and data into Vision Zero and road safety strategies. He will share his work in the City of Bellevue, as well as speak more generally about the important role of technology and data in Vision Zero and road safety interventions.
Cycling in Canada: Pedalling toward sustainable climate action and Vision Zero
Parachute and moderator Dr. Linda Rothman, Assistant Professor, School of Occupational and Public Health, Ryerson University, in conversation with panellists from Velo Canada Bikes and Ecology Action Centre.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from Brian Pincott, Executive Director, Velo Canada Bikes, about the new National Active Transportation Strategy and the need for safe and accessible cycling as a transportation option. Pincott will also discuss cycling in the context of new Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, and Vision Zero.
Anika Riopel, Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator, Ecology Action Centre, will talk about cycling and the role it plays in creating sustainable cities and addressing climate change. Riopel will also share information about their projects to make cycling and sustainable transportation decisions easy. The webinar will include a facilitated Q&A session.
Brian Pincott
Executive Director
Velo Canada BikesAnika Riopel
Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator
Ecology Action CentreSponsored by Desjardins
Maltraité et blessé au cerveau : une boîte à outils
Cette boîte à outils fournit des informations pour éduquer sur l’impact des blessures au cerveau chez les femmes survivantes de violence entre partenaires intimes, aider à identifier les survivantes avec une éventuelle blessure au cerveau et aider les prestataires de services à soutenir les survivantes avec les blessures au cerveau.
Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit
This toolkit provides information to educate about the impact of brain injury in women survivors of intimate partner violence, help identify survivors with possible brain injury, and help service providers support survivors with TBI.
Lignes directrices évolutives pour le diagnostic et la gestion des commotions cérébrales en pédiatrie
Online Concussion Course – University of Calgary, MOOC
This massive open online course (MOOC) demystifies concussion and explains how everyone can play a role in the prevention, identification, and management of this type of traumatic brain injury. The course also describes the revision and implementation of a concussion management protocol adapted to different environments.
The role of technology and data in road safety and Vision Zero interventions
Le rôle de la technologie et des données dans les interventions en faveur de la sécurité routière et de Vision Zéro
Does your local crossing guard go beyond the call of duty? Nominate them today to be Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard!
Est-ce que votre brigadier local brille au-delà des responsabilités de son poste? Sélectionnez-le dès aujourd’hui pour recevoir le prix de Brigadier favori du Canada!
André Laperrière
André Laperrière
Iza Parker
Iza Parker
Guide du concours sur les contraventions positives (2022)
Messages-clés (2022)
Positive ticketing activity guide (2022)
Key messages (2022)
Association canadienne des centres antipoison et de toxicologie Clinique
L’Association canadienne des centres antipoison fournit les coordonnées des centres antipoison provinciaux ainsi que des ressources au sujet de la prévention des empoisonnements.
2022-2024 Plan d’action Vision Zéro décès et blessé grave (Montreal)
Road Safety: City of Guelph Transportation Master Plan
The 2020-2024 Road Safety Action Plan (Ottawa)
Vision Zero Action Plan (Mississauga)
Vision Zero: The City of Brantford’s Road Safety Plan (2021-2026)
The role of technology and data in Vision Zero interventions (2022)
Join moderator Valerie Smith, Director, Programs at Parachute, in conversation with panelists from Liveable Cities, the City of Brantford, Ontario, and the City of Bellevue, Washington, as we discuss the role of technology and data in Vision Zero and road safety strategies. This webinar will be of interest to municipal city planners, road safety professionals and road safety researchers.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from David Ferguson, Manager of Traffic Services at the City of Brantford, who will speak to his experience of integrating technology into Vision Zero road safety work. Ferguson supports the use of technology to assist practitioners in improving road safety for all road users. His previous role was Superintendent of Traffic Engineering with the City of Hamilton.
Ken Cartmill, Executive Vice President of Product Development from Livable Cities will then present on their technology solution that collects data on road activities, vehicle speed, traffic analytics, air quality, ambient noise and more. He will speak to how this data can be used for evidence-based decision-making to deploy targeted enforcement, traffic calming measures or other urban and mobility planning applications.
Franz Loewenherz, Mobility Planning and Solutions Manager, City of Bellevue, Washington, will speak to his experience in integrating technology and data into Vision Zero and road safety strategies. He will share his work in the City of Bellevue, as well as speak more generally about the important role of technology and data in Vision Zero and road safety interventions.
NTDSW proclamation request template 2022
NTDSW 2022 – Social media images
Social media images for use with NTDSW 2022.
2,57 MB ZIP
Balado « Popping the Bubble Wrap » – Protéger sans suprotéger votre enfant
Popping the Bubble Wrap podcast
St. John’s, NL
Saint John, NB
Saanich, BC
Regina, SK
Kamloops, BC
Kamloops, BC
Niagara Region, ON
Guelph, ON
Mississauga, ON
Camping basics
This Parks Canada website provides helpful tips, videos and resources on camping safety including a packing checklist, how to start a campfire and safety around wildlife.
Les essentiels pour le camping
Le site Web de Parcs Canada fournit des conseils utiles, des vidéos et des ressources sur la sécurité en camping, y compris une liste de vérification, comment allumer un feu et la sécurité à proximité de la faune.
Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines
Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines provide 10 science-based recommendations to enable people to reduce their health risks associated with cannabis use.
Reduce your risk: choose legal cannabis
This infographic from Health Canada provides tips for identifying legal cannabis products.
Réduisez vos risques : choisissez le cannabis légal
Cette infographie de Santé Canada fournit des conseils pour identifier le les produits de cannabis légaux.
Facteurs qui impactent le comportement de conduite des jeunes conducteurs et pratiques prometteuses pour l’engagement des jeunes conducteurs (2022)
Le présent rapport résume les constatations découlant d’une revue de la littérature et d’une analyse du contexte vis-à-vis des points suivants : les facteurs qui influencent le comportement de conduite des jeunes; l’engagement des jeunes et les stratégies de partenariat pour les programmes de promotion de la santé et de prévention des blessures; et les outils et plateformes utilisés pour engager les jeunes dans les programmes de promotion de la santé et de prévention des blessures.
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Factors that impact driving behaviour in young drivers and promising practices for young driver engagement (2022)
This report summarizes findings from a literature review and environmental scan on: factors that impact driving behaviour in young people; youth engagement and partnership strategies in health promotion and injury prevention programming; and tools and platforms used to engage young people in health promotion and injury prevention programming.
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Report a health and safety concern – Health Canada
Report a health and safety concern – Health Canada
Report side effects, injuries, and other product-related health and safety concerns to the Government of Canada.
Submit questions or concerns about cannabis
The Government of Canada provides contact information for questions and concerns about a cannabis site, product, service, accessory, promotion, or other aspects of laws and regulations regarding cannabis.
Soumettre des questions ou des préoccupations relatives au cannabis
Le gouvernement du Canada fournit les coordonnées pour les questions ou préoccupations relativement à un site de cannabis, un produit, un service, un accessoire, une publicité ou tout autre aspect des lois et règlements fédéraux concernant le cannabis.
Signaler un problème lié à la santé ou à la sécurité – Santé Canada
Déclarez les effets secondaires, les blessures et autres problèmes de santé et de sécurité liés aux produits au gouvernement du Canada.
Polysubstance use poisoning deaths in Canada: an analysis of trends from 2014 to 2017 using mortality data
This study published in BMC Public Health examines changes over time in crude mortality rates and proportions of poisoning deaths involving more than one substance.
Data, reports and research
Incident reporting, advisories and recalls
Poison centres and organizations
Training, guidelines and webinars
Données, rapports et recherche
Signalisation des incidents, avertissements et rappels
Centres et organisations antipoison
Formations, lignes directrices et webinaires
Poison prevention collection
Find data and reports, training and guidelines, and public awareness resources, as well as information on public policy, incident reporting, poison centres and other organizations.
For Seniors, By Seniors: Community Conversations
Pour les aînés, par les aînés : conversations communautaires
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada) is an independent national not-for-profit organization committed to the advancement of medication safety in all healthcare settings.
L’Institut pour la sécurité des médicaments aux patients du Canada
L’Institut pour la sécurité des médicaments aux patients du Canada (ISMP Canada) est un organisme canadien indépendant à but non lucratif. L’institut recueille et analyse les déclarations d’incidents liés à l’utilisation des médicaments et développe des recommandations pour améliorer la sécurité des patients.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
CCSA is a non-governmental organization providing national leadership on substance use and advancing solutions to address alcohol- and other drug-related harms.
Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage des substances
Le CCLAT est une organisation non gouvernementale qui assure un leadership national en matière de consommation de substances et propose des solutions pour lutter contre les méfaits liés à l’alcool et aux autres drogues.
Child Safety Link
Child Safety Link works with the IWK Regional Poison Centre to help educate Maritime communities about poisoning prevention. The CSL website has information, resources and videos about preventing poisoning in children.
Child Safety Link
Child Safety Link est un programme de prévention des blessures au Centre de santé IWK qui vise à réduire l’incidence et la gravité des blessures non intentionnelles subies par les enfants et les jeunes dans les provinces maritimes canadiennes.
Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (SPI)
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute has information and resources on preventing poisoning in children.
Injury Prevention Centre (IPC)
The Injury Prevention Centre website has resources and toolkits about poisoning related to cannabis, medications, and household products.
BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU)
The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit website has data and research on poisoning for all age groups.
Atlantic Canada Poison Centre, Nova Scotia
The Atlantic Canada Poison Centre provides a 24-hour, phone consultation service to both the public and health professionals in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. They provide consult services for health care professionals in New Brunswick concerning the management of poisoned patients.
BC Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC)
The BC Drug and Poison Information Centre operates a 24-hour poison information line, as well as a drug information line for BC healthcare professionals. The BC DPIC website provides information and resources on poisoning and prevention, and serves B.C. and Yukon.
Sentinel Surveillance of Substance-Related Poisonings in Canada: Spotlight on Cannabis
This surveillance summary presents statistics from April 2011 onward on poisonings from select substances including cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, opioids and e-cigarette/vaping products.
Surveillance sentinelle des intoxications liées à la consommation de substances au Canada : Pleins feux sur le cannabis
Ce résumé de la surveillance présente des statistiques à partir d’avril 2011 sur les empoisonnements à certaines substances, notamment le cannabis, l’alcool, la méthamphétamine, les opioïdes et les cigarettes électroniques/produits de vapotage.
Increases in exposure calls related to selected cleaners and disinfectants at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: data from Canadian poison centres
This study published in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada presents results from poison centre data related to cleaning products for the years 2019-2020.
Augmentation du nombre d’appels relatifs à une exposition à certains nettoyants et désinfectants au début de la pandémie de COVID-19 : données des centres antipoison canadiens
Cette étude publiée dans Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada présente les résultats des données des centres antipoison liés aux produits de nettoyage pour les années 2019-2020.
Opioid and Stimulant-related Harms in Canada – PHAC
This update presents available data on overdoses and deaths involving opioids and/or stimulants from January 2016 to March 2024.
Méfaits associés aux opioïdes et aux stimulants au Canada – ASPC
Cette mise à jour présente les données disponibles sur les surdoses et les décès impliquant des opioïdes et/ou des stimulants de janvier 2016 à juin 2024.
BC Road Safety Strategy 2025
Guidelines for establishing a poison centre
This 174-page publication by the World Health Organization provides information on the services that may be offered by a poison centre as well as detailed practical guidance on planning and operations.
Lignes directrices pour la création d’un centre antipoison – OMS
Cette publication donne ensuite un aperçu des services que peut proposer un centre antipoison et les considérations à prendre en compte dans la planification d’un centre antipoison.
Report a medication incident – ISMP Canada
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada provides links to confidential reporting systems for health professionals, pharmacies, healthcare facilities, coroners and medical examiners, and the general public.
Déclarer un incident lié à la médication – ISMP Canada
Accédez à un formulaire confidentiel de déclaration d’incident lié à la médication pour les professionnels de la santé sur le site web de l’Institut pour la sécurité des médicaments aux patients du Canada.
Recalls and safety alerts – Health Canada
This Government of Canada website allows you to browse or search product recalls, advisories and alerts.
Rappels et avis de sécurité – Santé Canada
Le site Web du gouvernement du Canada vous permet de parcourir ou de rechercher des rappels, des avis et des avis de securité liés aux produits.
Circumstances surrounding unintentional fire-related deaths, 2011 to 2020
This report from Statistics Canada describes the factors in unintentional fire-related deaths from 2011 to 2019, with the intent to inform preventative measures.
Les circonstances entourant les décès non intentionnels liés à un incendie, 2011 à 2020
Ce rapport de Statistique Canada décrit les circonstances entourant les décès non intentionnels liés à un incendie de 2011 à 2020, dans le but de mettre en avant les mesures préventives.
Recreational Boating-Related Fatalities in Canada, 2008-2017
This report describes the epidemiology of fatal recreational boating- related incidents in Canada during 2008–2017, drawn from the Drowning Prevention Research Centre (DPRC) database.
Décès associés à la navigation de plaisance au Canada de 2008 à 2017
Ce rapport dresse le portrait épidémiologique des incidents mortels associés à la navigation de plaisance survenus au Canada de 2008 à 2017. Il a été élaboré à partir de la base de données du Centre canadien de recherche sur la prévention de la noyade (CCRPN).
Cost of Injury in Canada 2021
Le coût des blessures au Canada 2021
Cinq questions à poser à propos de vos médicaments
ISMP Canada, l’Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients, Patients pour la sécurité des patients du Canada, l’Association des pharmaciens du Canada et la Société canadienne des pharmaciens d’hôpitaux ont travaillé à élaborer une série de cinq questions visant à aider les patients et les soignants à discuter des médicaments, afin d’améliorer les communications avec le personnel soignant.
Five questions to ask about your medications
ISMP Canada, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Patients for Patient Safety Canada, the Canadian Pharmacists Association and the Canadian Society for Hospital Pharmacists have collaborated to develop a set of 5 questions to help patients and caregivers start a conversation about medications to improve communications with their health care provider.
Politique de prévention des empoisonnements
Examiner la question des empoisonnements involontaires, le risque particulier pour les enfants et les solutions pour prévenir les empoisonnements.
Poison prevention policy
Examine the issue of unintentional poisonings, the particular risk to children, and solutions to prevent poisonings
Carbon monoxide alarm legislation
Législation sur les détecteurs de monoxyde de carbone
2021 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
Cycling in Canada: Pedalling toward sustainable climate action and Vision Zero (2022)
Parachute and moderator Dr. Linda Rothman, Assistant Professor, School of Occupational and Public Health, Ryerson University, in conversation with panellists from Velo Canada Bikes and Ecology Action Centre.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from Brian Pincott, Executive Director, Velo Canada Bikes, about the new National Active Transportation Strategy and the need for safe and accessible cycling as a transportation option. Pincott will also discuss cycling in the context of new Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, and Vision Zero.
Anika Riopel, Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator, Ecology Action Centre, will talk about cycling and the role it plays in creating sustainable cities and addressing climate change. Riopel will also share information about their projects to make cycling and sustainable transportation decisions easy. The webinar will include a facilitated Q&A session.
Brian Pincott
Executive Director
Velo Canada BikesAnika Riopel
Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator
Ecology Action CentreSponsored by Desjardins
TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin panel discussion on distracted driving
Cost of Injury in Atlantic Canada
Le coût des blessures dans la région de l’Atlantique au Canada
Cost of Injury in British Columbia
Vision Zero Canadian Landscape 3.0 (2022)
In 2019, Parachute published the Canadian Landscape 2.0, which profiled 24 jurisdictions. This included reviewing the current status of all jurisdictions in the process of considering, adopting or implementing Vision Zero; presenting the key features of their programs, using a consistent framework of the five (now six as of 2022) Es of traffic safety (further described in Section 1); and discussing the successes and challenges faced by these programs with key stakeholders, as well as any advice they have for jurisdictions contemplating formal adoption.
This issue of the Vision Zero Canadian Landscape (3.0) revisits these jurisdictions and profiles new areas that have adopted or are adopting Vision Zero. This focus is responsive to earlier feedback from our Parachute Vision Zero Network stakeholders, who had requested a better understanding of how to approach Vision Zero, and the facilitators and barriers to embracing a systems approach to increase road safety and end road fatalities and serious injuries.
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NIPD2022 social media images
Join Parachute’s National Injury Prevention Day on July 5
Prenez part à la Journée Nationale de la Prévention des Blessures de Parachute le 5 juillet
Why injury prevention is a key part of health care (2022)
Parachute’s President and CEO Pamela Fuselli interviews healthcare leaders about the role hospitals could and should play in injury prevention. At present, public health organizations are responsible for delivering injury prevention programs, while hospitals and trauma centres respond by providing medical care when injury happens. Traditionally, these systems have not worked collaboratively on a system level. Trauma centres may include injury prevention in their work, but how much and how well is not tracked or measured. In many cases, community agencies, public health units and trauma centres are effectively working with the same population but without connection, strategy, or goals. This space is messy, expensive, and ineffective. How can we do better together? How do we create a seamless or co-ordinated approach to injury prevention?
Pamela Fuselli, President and CEO, ParachutePANELISTS
Ru Taggar
Executive Vice President, Chief Nursing and Health Professions Executive, Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreMegan Oakey
Provincial Manager Injury Prevention, BC Provincial Health Services AuthorityDr. David Evans
Medical Director, Research and Analytics Unit, Trauma Services B.C.Richard Louis
Injury Prevention Specialist, NB Trauma Program -
NIPD – Hospital poster 2
NIPD – Hospital poster 1
Encouraging active transportation for children (2022)
Active transportation – such as waking, biking and wheeling – are sustainable forms of mobility that not only gets us to where we want to go, but also improve our physical and mental wellbeing.
Join moderator Pamela Fuselli, President & CEO of Parachute, as we discuss how to create and sustain active spaces for children to get to and from school and move though their communities safely.
An Integrated Approach to Preventing Fall-Related Injuries among Older Adults in Ontario
National Injury Prevention Day 2022 Social Media Guide
Guide des médias sociaux – Journée Nationale de la Prévention des Blessures 2022
Pre-season concussion education sheet
MTO Sécurité à vélo
Vidéo du ministère des Transports de l’Ontario.
MTO Cycling Safety
A video from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
MTO Les Automobilistes et Les Appareils de Micromobilité
Vidéo du ministère des Transports de l’Ontario.
Motorists and Micromobility Devices
Video from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation
P.E.I. teen Mairi Brydon wins the final Stacey Levitt Memorial Award
Mairi Brydon, une adolescente de l’île-du-Prince-Édouard remporte le prix commémoratif Stacey Levitt
Cycling in Canada: Pedalling toward sustainable climate action and Vision Zero (2022)
Parachute and moderator Dr. Linda Rothman, Assistant Professor, School of Occupational and Public Health, Ryerson University, in conversation with panellists from Velo Canada Bikes and Ecology Action Centre.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from Brian Pincott, Executive Director, Velo Canada Bikes, about the new National Active Transportation Strategy and the need for safe and accessible cycling as a transportation option. Pincott will also discuss cycling in the context of new Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, and Vision Zero.
Anika Riopel, Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator, Ecology Action Centre, will talk about cycling and the role it plays in creating sustainable cities and addressing climate change. Riopel will also share information about their projects to make cycling and sustainable transportation decisions easy. The webinar will include a facilitated Q&A session.
Brian Pincott
Executive Director
Velo Canada BikesAnika Riopel
Sustainable Transportation Co-ordinator
Ecology Action CentreSponsored by Desjardins
Le Conseil canadien des jeunes pour la sécurité routière
Canadian Youth Road Safety Council
Taking Action: The Global Plan for the New Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 (2022)
This free webinar provides an overview of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2021-2030, shares the regional call to action for Canada and discusses next steps. We also share information about the upcoming #CommitToAct 2022 campaign, running from May 16 to 20, and discuss the role NGOs, local government and other stakeholders can play to encourage their government leaders to make specific, meaningful commitments to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries.
SSJ2022-Images des réseaux sociaux
An interview with Jessie Singer, author of There Are No Accidents (2022)
Jessie Singer’s best friend died 15 years ago when he was 22, cycling in New York, and a driver hit and killed him. Singer, a journalist, also became a road safety advocate. Her quest to find out why society often doesn’t take effective action to prevent injury deaths has resulted in the landmark book, There Are No Accidents, published in February 2022. She spoke with Parachute’s President and CEO Pamela Fuselli about the book, which examines who is harmed most by injury in American society. Singer meticulously reviews data and interviews experts. « Accidents are not flukes or freak mishaps – whether or not you die by accident is just a measure of your power, or lack of it. »
Jessie Singer is a journalist whose writing appears in BuzzFeed, the Village Voice, The Awl, New York magazine, The Guardian, and elsewhere. She currently serves as Senior Strategist and Head Writer at Transportation Alternatives, the editor in chief of Reclaim Magazine, and the founding editor of the international Vision Zero Cities Journal. -
An Environmental Scan of Older Adult Fall Prevention Indicators (2020)
Screening and Assessment Tools for Falls in Older Adults in Ontario (2020)
The Ontario Fall Prevention Collaborative (OFPC), Knowledge Resource Working Group has developed a draft document to help health systems partners and professionals in locating the right screening or assessment tools for fall prevention for older adults in Ontario. The purpose of this document is to provide a first version of what currently exists as screening or assessment tools for falls in older adults within Ontario. However, further work needs to be done around recommendations from the Ontario Fall Prevention Collaborative on fall prevention screening and assessment tools with high impact for the intended target population, broken down by sector. Further engagement with various provincial and national stakeholders is underway, and an updated phase 2 version of this resource document will be shared upon that time.
1,19 MB PDF/UA
« How to encourage kids to #Play
Safe Outdoors » – Safe Kids Week (2021) The topic of 2021’s Safe Kids Week digital campaign is outdoor play, encouraging children to #PlaySafeOutdoors and engage in active, unstructured and exciting play, daily.
Learn more at www.parachute.ca/safekidsweek #PlaySafeOutdoors -
The Global Plan for the New Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030: What You Need to Know (2022)
The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 has been proclaimed by a UN General Assembly Resolution with a target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50 per cent by 2030, recognizing the gravity of this global issue.
The Decade of Action is underpinned by the Global Plan, launched Oct. 28, 2021, which aims to inspire and guide national and local government, as well other stakeholders who can influence road safety. Those include civil society, academia, the private sector, donors, community and youth leaders, and other stakeholders as they develop supporting national and local action plans and targets. Through advocating for the Safe Systems Approach and providing recommendations based on best practices and research, the plan is an important resource both within Canada and abroad.
The webinar will provide an overview of the Global Plan, including three parts of road safety action: what to do, how to do it and who does it. Panelists will also discuss how road safety needs to be integrated into other policy agendas such as climate action and equity, to increase its reach and influence. The webinar will also refer to Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025.
Brenda Suggett, Executive Director, CARSPPANELISTS
Raheem Dilgir, President, CARSP
Valerie Smith, Director, Programs, Parachute -
Cannabis & edibles poison prevention: Exploring parent attitudes and behaviours (2022)
Since the legalization and regulation of cannabis in 2018 and edible cannabis products in 2019, unintentional cannabis exposures in young children have increased. This webinar, hosted by Parachute, will explore key data findings from a 2021 survey of parents/caregivers regarding their cannabis use, storage habits and perceptions of unintentional cannabis exposure risk for young children.
The webinar will also provide an in-depth look at child cannabis poisoning trends and key issues, poison centre information and data from across Canada and recommended actions for cannabis poison prevention, as well as priorities for cannabis poison surveillance and prevention.
Stephanie Cowle
Director of Knowledge Translation, ParachuteMargaret Thompson
Medical Director, Ontario Poison CentreJacqueline Burke
Certified Specialist in Poison Information
Ontario Poison CentreAndrea Taylor
Acting Senior Policy Analyst, Health Canada -
Exploring illegal cannabis packaging, products and sellers (2022)
The legalization of cannabis in 2018 and cannabis edibles in 2019 was accompanied by regulation on cannabis production, distribution and packaging. However, illicit cannabis products continue to make their way into the Canadian market and consumers’ homes. Illegal cannabis products are often packaged to look like popular brands of candies, snacks or other food products or have more than the allowable limit of THC per package. These products pose a risk to Canadians, particularly young children who may mistakenly consume them.
This webinar, hosted by Parachute, will review the legal requirements for cannabis products, packaging and sellers in Canada and explore the impact of illegal products. Featuring presentations from the RCMP and IWK Poison Centre, the webinar will provide an in-depth look at the history and rationale of packaging requirements as well as the response of poison centres to illegal cannabis products.
Notable poisoning trends: what you need to know (2022)
This webinar covered three notable trends in poisoning: medication-related poisonings; youth self-harm poisoning hospitalizations; and essential oils-related poisonings and complaints.
Guide événementiel Journée Tout sauf une voiture (TSUV) : Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes de Parachute 2022 -
Conseils de sécurité pour un transport actif et sûr : Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes de Parachute 2022 -
Fiche d’information : Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes de Parachute 2022 -
Social media images – Safe Kids Week 2022
Event Guide: Anything But a Car Day (ABCD) – Safe Kids Week 2022
Tip Sheet – Safe Kids Week 2022
Backgrounder – Safe Kids Week 2022
Redirect Test
“The heroes of life’s journey”
Formulaire de projects de sécurité des usagers vulnérables de la route
VRU submission form
Snowmobile fatalities in Canda, 2013 to 2019
NIPD Hospital Challenge
Lock-up and put-away video No. 4
Verrouiller et ranger – Vidéo 4
Lock-up and put-away video No. 3
Verrouiller et ranger – Vidéo 3
Lock-up and put-away video No. 2
Verrouiller et ranger – Vidéo 2
Lock-up and put-away video No. 1
Verrouiller et ranger – Vidéo 1
Safety around the house
The Government of Canada provides tips on how to identify safety hazards and prevent injuries.
Sécurité à domicile
Le gouvernement du Canada fournit des conseils pour identifier les risques pour la sécurité et prévenir les blessures.
Collective action key to creating change that will lead to better, safer roads for all
L’action collective est essentielle pour créer un changement menant à des routes meilleures et plus sûres pour tous
Change for Good Roads – An intersectoral approach to urban road safety (2022)
Changer pour de bon, pour de meilleures routes – Une approche intersectorielle de la sécurité routière urbaine
Nos services de consultant
Our consulting services
Safe Roads « They Have a Lot of Passion » video – 12 seconds -
« Ils ont beaucoup de passion » #Partager
Des Routes Sûres – vidéo 12 secondes -
« Discussion productive » #Partager
Des Routes Sûres – vidéo 12 secondes -
Safe Roads « Active Listening » video – 12 seconds -
« Une bonne séance » #Partager
Des Routes Sûres – vidéo 12 secondes -
Safe Roads « Good Session » video – 12 seconds -
Thérapie de groupe #Partager
Des Routes Sûres – 30 secondes -
Safe Roads Road Counselling – 30 seconds -
« Un peu d’empathie » #Partager
Des Routes Sûres – vidéo 12 secondes -
Safe Roads « Course Correct » video – 12 seconds -
Safe Roads « They have a lot of passion » video -
Safe Roads « Active Listening » video -
Safe Roads « Good Session » video -
Preliminary Automated Speed Enforcement evaluation data points to increased compliance and reduced speeding in first year of implementation
News Release prepared by the City of Toronto (2021)
Truck side guard specifications: recommended standard
Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Transportation.
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) (2016) -
Priynka Patil
Priynka Patil
Les circonstances entourant les décès liés aux véhicules tout-terrain (VTT) au Canada, 2013 à 2019
Ce rapport de Statistique Canada décrit les circonstances entourant les décès liés aux véhicules tout-terrain dans toutes les provinces et les territoires de 2013 à 2019, dans le but de mettre en avant les mesures préventives.
Circumstances surrounding all-terrain vehicle (ATV) fatalities in Canada, 2013 to 2019
This report from Statistics Canada describes the factors in ATV fatalities across all provinces and territories from 2013 to 2019, with the intent to inform preventative measures.
Résolution des Nations Unies sur la prévention de la noyade (2021)
Cette résolution reconnaît que la noyade est un problème mondial et encourage les États Membres à adopter des actions préventives volontaires. La résolution a été approuvée par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies et soutenu par le Canada.
United Nations Resolution on Drowning Prevention (2021)
This Resolution recognizes drowning as a global issue and encourages Member States to adopt voluntary preventative actions. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly and supported by Canada.
Résolution des Nations Unies sur la prévention de la noyade (2021)
Cette résolution reconnaît que la noyade est un problème mondial et encourage les États Membres à adopter des actions préventives volontaires. La résolution a été approuvée par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies et soutenue par le Canada.
Harvey Glower
Harvey Glower
Groupe de collaboration pour la prévention des chutes
Ce groupe de praticiens de la santé et des services sociaux d’Ontario se réunit pour partager de l’information, analyser les tendances et répondre collectivement au besoin de changement et d’innovation en matière de prévention des chutes.
Screening and Assessment Tools for Falls in Older Adults
Screening and Assessment Tools for Falls in Older Adults
An Environmental Scan of Adult Fall Prevention Indicators
An Environmental Scan of Adult Fall Prevention Indicators
Merci pour votre candidature
Thank you
Les collisions routières : changer le langage pour changer de point de vue
Change the language, change perceptions: how we talk about road collisions (2021)
For many years, road safety advocates have argued it’s inaccurate to use the word “accident”to describe road collisions because that implies nothing could be done to prevent them. Thanks to advocacy by Parachute, the Canadian Press now has made this change to its Caps and Spelling style manual. Under the word “accident”it now reads: “avoid in reference to motor vehicles; prefer crash or collision.” A change in Canadian Press style means an enforceable change in language used in news coverage across the country.
Read the report detailing how we achieved this policy change and our plans for future advocacy.
918,98 KB PDF/UA
Pour les jeunes conducteurs, par les jeunes conducteurs
For Young Drivers, By Young Drivers
Ontario Fall Prevention Collaborative
This diverse group of health and social service practitioners from across Ontario come together to share information, analyze trends and respond collectively to the need for change and innovation in fall prevention.
Cost of injury – Falls in children infographic
Le coût des blessures – Infographie chutes chez les enfants
Cost of injury – Falls in seniors infographic
Coûts des blessures – Infographie chutes chez les aînés
Laurie Blouin on speed and road safety
Laurie Blouin sur la vitesse et la sécurité routière
Laurie Blouin on speed and rail safety
Laurie Blouin sur la vitesse et la sécurité ferroviaire
Government of Canada 2021 public advisory on dangers of button batteries
Loose button batteries and products containing button batteries should be kept out of sight and reach of children; if a suspected button battery ingestion occurs, seek immediate emergency medical attention.
L’Avis public 2021 du gouvernement du Canada sur les dangers des piles boutons
Les piles boutons et les produits contenant des piles boutons doivent être tenus hors de la vue et de la portée des enfants ; en cas d’ingestion suspectée d’une pile bouton, consultez immédiatement un médecin d’urgence.
Safe Sleep – Government of Canada
Sommeil sécuritaire – Gouvernement du Canada
Snowmobile fatalities in Canda, 2013 to 2019
Les décès liés à la motoneige au Canada, 2013 à 2019
Concussion Policy and Protocol Implementation Roles and Responsibilities Matrix Templates [word doc]
Modèles de matrice des rôles et responsabilités [document word]
Concussion Communication Tool [word doc]
Modèle d’outil de communication sur les commotions [document word]
Moderator Guide: Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (CRT5) Scenarios [word doc]
Scénarios de l’outil CRT5 Guide de l’animateur [document word]
Concussion Recognition Tool 5: Scenarios
Scénarios de l’outil CRT5 Guide de l’animateur
Changing perceptions around the importance of concussion education [word doc]
Changer les perceptions sur l’éducation aux commotions cérébrales [document word]
Changing perceptions around the importance of concussion education
Changer les perceptions sur l’éducation aux commotions cérébrales
Concussion Protocol Summary Template [word doc]
Modèle de résumé du protocole
Improving Awareness of Your Organization’s Concussion Protocol: Strategies Checklist [word doc]
Sensibilisation au protocole sur les commotions cérébrales de votre organisation : liste de contrôle des stratégies
Concussion Policy Development in Canadian Sport: A checklist for national sport organizations
Developed in collaboration with the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), this resource will help you understand what components to include in a concussion policy to meet Sport Canada’s requirements.
Élaboration d’une politique en matière de commotions cérébrales dans le sport canadien : liste de contrôle pour les organismes nationaux de sport
Développée en collaboration avec le Centre de ressources d’information sur le sport (SIRC), cette ressource vous aidera à comprendre les éléments à inclure dans le cadre d’une politique sur les commotions cérébrales pour répondre aux exigences de Sport Canada.
Halving road deaths and injuries by 2030: a key commitment in Global Road Safety Plan
Diminuer de moitié le nombre de décès et de blessés sur les routes d’ici 2030 : un engagement clé du Plan mondial pour la sécurité routière
Claire Westmacott
Claire Westmacott
Odette Lachance – One mother’s fight for young driver safety
Odette Lachance – Le combat d’une mère pour la sécurité des jeunes au volant :
2021 National Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on risks of speeding
La Semaine nationale de la sécurité des jeunes au volant 2021 met l’accent sur les risques liés aux excès de vitesse
Parachute co-founder remembered
Why it is important to examine Vision Zero initiatives through a gender lens
Pourquoi il est important d’examiner les initiatives de la Vision Zéro selon une optique de genre.
Modèle de présentation pour un engagement envers Vision Zéro au Canada
Parachute a développé une présentation Powerpoint personnalisable que les champions locaux peuvent utiliser avec les principaux décideurs pour faire progresser Vision Zéro, qu’ils soient en phase de pré-adoption ou d’adoption.
La présentation inclut :
- Historique de Vision Zéro et de son importance
- Outils de mise en œuvre
- Étapes de la réussite d’une juridiction Vision Zéro
4,43 MB PowerPoint
Making a Vision Zero Commitment in Canada presentation template
Parachute has developed a customizable Powerpoint presentation for local champions to use with senior policy makers to move Vision Zero forward, whether they are in the pre-adoption or adoption stage.
The presentation includes:
- Background of Vision Zero and its importance
- Tools for implementation
- The stages of becoming a successful Vision Zero jurisdiction
4,49 MB PowerPoint
NTDSW poster
Poster SNSJV
Ride safe, ride on radio spot – Country (audio only)
Roule prudent, roule responsable et ça roule – Rock (audio uniquement)
Ride safe, ride on radio spot – Rock
Roule prudent, roule responsable et ça roule – Country
Concussion Awareness Week Toolkit
This toolkit was developed by the Federal-Provincial/Territorial Working Group on Concussions in Sport to support jurisdictions across Canada to implement activities during Concussion Awareness Week.
Semaine de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales : Boite à outils 2022
Cette boîte à outils a été créée par le Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial/territorial sur les commotions cérébrales dans le sport pour aider les provinces et territoires pour mettre en œuvre la Semaine de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales.
Véhicules tout-terrain
NTDSW key messages
SNSJV – Messages clés
NTSDW social media images
Images médias sociaux SNSJV
NTDSW backgrounder
SNSJV – Fiche d’information
NTDSW social media guide
SNSJV – Guide des médias sociaux
Five Saskatchewan schools join Elementary Road Safety program
Elementary Road Safety program extends to Saskatchewan
Le programme Sécurité Routière Primaire s’étend à la Saskatchewan
2020 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
Second hand/used car seats Mis à jour
Learn about the issues involved with used car seats.
Les décès liés aux véhicules tout-terrain au Canada, 2013 à 2019
All-terrain vehicle fatalities in Canada, 2013 to 2019
Vous avez 6X plus de risque de tuer un piéton si vous le heurtez à 50 km/h qu’à 30 km/h
Vous avez 6X plus de risque de tuer un piéton si vous le heurtez à 50 km/h qu’à 30 km/h.
Moins de la moitié des résidents canadiens considéraient les limites de vitesse réduites comme une stratégie de sécurité routière efficace dans notre sondage national sur la sécurité routière d’Ipsos. Pourtant une revue systématique de la vitesse d’impact a montré que les piétons heurtés par un conducteur roulant à 50 km/h sont près de six fois plus susceptibles de mourir qu’une personne heurtée par un conducteur roulant à 30 km/h.3,33 MB Video
You are six times more likely to kill a pedestrian if you hit them driving 50 km/h than at 30 km/h
You are six times more likely to kill a pedestrian if you hit them driving 50 km/h than at 30 km/h
Less than half of Canadian residents saw reduced speed limits as an effective road safety strategy in our Ipsos National Road Safety Survey; yet a systematic review of impact speed showed pedestrians struck by a driver travelling 50 km/h is nearly six times more likely to die than a person struck by a driver travelling 30 km/h.2,37 MB Video
La vitesse est un facteur dans un quart des décès sur les routes
Notre enquête nationale Ipsos sur la sécurité routière a révélé que seulement 22% des personnes interrogées étaient d’accord pour dire que les limites de vitesse devraient être abaissées pour rendre les routes plus sûres, et que la moitié des conducteurs interrogés avaient déjà reçu une amende pour excès de vitesse. Cependant, une recherche publiée en 2018 par la Traffic Injury Research Foundation montre qu’un quart des conducteurs étaient en excès de vitesse au moment d’une collision mortelle.
3,23 MB Video
Speed is a factor in one-quarter of road deaths
Our Ipsos National Road Safety Survey found that only 22 per cent of respondents agreed that speed limits should be lowered to make roads safer, and that half of the drivers surveyed had been fined for speeding. However, research published in 2018 from the Traffic Injury Research Foundation shows that one quarter of drivers were speeding at the time of a fatal crash.
2,59 MB Video
Conducteurs : cause numéro 1 de blessures pour les piétons, non pas leurs cellulaires
65% des personnes interrogées identifient les piétons qui marchent en parlant au téléphone comme étant le danger le plus important et 79% considèrent que d’envoyer des textos en traversant la rue est la cause numéro 1 de danger pour les piétons. Cependant, une étude de Transports Canada démontre que ce sont les conducteurs qui sont distraits, commettent des excès de vitesse et qui ne cèdent pas le passage qui sont les plus grands dangers pour les piétons.
4,35 MB Video
Drivers, not cellphones, biggest cause of pedestrian injury
More people surveyed (65 per cent) identified pedestrians walking while talking on a cell phone as an increased danger on our roads than any other dangerous activity and 79 per cent chose texting and crossing the street as the no. 1 danger to pedestrians. However, Transport Canada analysis shows that drivers who are distracted, speed and fail to yield are the biggest danger to pedestrians.
3,05 MB Video
Nous pouvons modifier nos routes pour les rendre sécuritaires pour les cyclistes
Notre sondage a révélé que seulement un Canadien sur cinq déclare que les routes sont sûres pour les cyclistes, comparativement à trois sur cinq qui disent que les routes sont sûres pour les conducteurs. Cependant, les routes construites avec des voies cyclables séparées et d’autres ajustements à la circulation, comme l’interdiction de tourner à droite aux feux rouges, réduisent considérablement le nombre de collisions entre les conducteurs et les cyclistes.
4,03 MB Video
We can change our roads to make them safe for cyclists
Our survey found that only one in five Canadians say roads are safe for cyclists, compared to three in five who say roads are safe for drivers. However, roads constructed with separated bike lanes and other adjustments to traffic flow, such as no right turn on red lights, greatly reduces the number of collisions between drivers and cyclists.
2,89 MB Video
Les carrefours giratoires réduisent les risques de collision mortelle de 65%
L’enquête nationale Ipsos sur la sécurité routière montre que seulement la moitié des personnes sondées considéraient les carrefours giratoires comme étant efficaces quant à réduire les décès sur les routes. Cependant, une analyse effectuée sur les effets des carrefours giratoires montre qu’ils permettent de réduire les risques de collision mortelle de 65%.
2,95 MB Video
Roundabouts reduce crash deaths by 65%
Vous faites peur à vos passagers quand vous roulez trop vite
Le sondage sur la sécurité routière de Parachute en 2021 a révélé que la majorité des Canadiens, lorsqu’ils sont passagers d’une voiture, disent qu’ils ne se sentent pas en sécurité à cause de la vitesse. Cependant, les trois quarts de tous les conducteurs ont admis avoir déjà dépassé une limite de vitesse sur autoroute au moins une fois au cours de l’année précédente.
3,82 MB Video
You are scaring your passengers when you speed
Vision Zero
Sarah Macdonald
Sarah Macdonald
Injuries divert essential hospital resources and cost Canadian residents $29.4 billion annually
Les blessures monopolisent des ressources hospitalières essentielles et coûtent 29,4 milliards de dollars par an aux résidents canadiens
Population de référence
Classifications des codes CIM-10
Reference population
The highest costs: Falls and transport
Injury costs across the lifespan
ICD-10 Code Classifications
Costs by cause of injury
Cost of Injury in Canada
Parachute’s Cost of Injury in Canada 2021 report quantifies the cost of injury from a societal perspective, including costs to the health-care system, to productivity and to the people behind the numbers: individuals, families, communities.
Cost of Injuries in Alberta, 2017
Les coûts les plus élevés : chutes et incidents de transport
Coûts par cause de blessure
Coûts des blessures tout au long de la vie
National Injury Prevention Day 2021 Social Media Guide
This guide is to help communities and partners use social media to support and promote Parachute’s National Injury Prevention Day.
1,81 MB Word
Costs to the health system and society
Coûts au système de santé et à la société
There’s a cannabis for everything … except for driving (30 seconds)
Elementary Road Safety Program extends to Atlantic Canada
Le programme Sécurité Routière Primaire s’étend au Canada atlantique
The human cost of injury
Le coût humain des blessures
Tableau -
Ressources pour la campagne #Que
Signifie Facultés Affaiblies QueSignifieFacultésAffaiblies était une campagne de sensibilisation du public visant à attirer l’attention des Canadiens sur le fait que le cannabis altère les facultés d’une personne à conduire un véhicule motorisé en toute sécurité. Financé par le Programme de Santé Canada sur l’usage et les dépendances aux substances, #QueSignifieFacultésAffaiblies était un projet bilingue à phases multiples lancé en 2019 et se poursuivant jusqu’en 2021. Il comprenait deux phases à destination des résidents canadiens.
15,05 MB PDF/UA
Prendre la bonne voie : vers une conduite plus sûre (2021)
Parachute a développé et mené des campagnes de sensibilisation afin d’impliquer les jeunes résidents canadiens, de remettre en question leurs perceptions et de les sensibiliser aux dangers de la conduite sous l’emprise de l’alcool et de la vitesse – tout cela dans le cadre de notre engagement plus large de Réseau Vision Zéro, série d’études de cas Numéro 11 changement de système pour la sécurité routière par le biais de Vision Zéro.
14,29 MB PDF/UA
What Impaired Means Campaign Assets -
Taking the high road: campaigning for safe driving (2021)
Parachute has developed and led awareness campaigns to engage young Canadian residents, challenge their perceptions and raise awareness of the dangers of driving while high and speeding – all within the framework of our larger, systems- change commitment to road safety through Vision Zero.
10,92 MB PDF/UA
La Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes de Parachute, du 30 mai au 5 juin, encourage les enfants à s’adonner au #Jeu Extérieur En Sécurité -
Parachute Safe Kids Week, May 30 to June 5, encourages kids to #Play
Safe Outdoors -
Outdoor Play: Myths and Facts
Nearly all Canadians want safer roads, but fewer are willing to embrace proven measures to make that happen
La quasi-totalité des Canadiens souhaite des routes plus sûres, mais ils sont moins nombreux à vouloir adopter des mesures efficaces pour y parvenir
Appropriate weather gear infographic
Freedom infographic
Play time infographic
Play space infographic
Benefits of Play infographic
When children play outside, they have more freedom, are more physically active, and move their bodies in different ways. The outdoors can offer a greater variety of play environments and loose parts to interact with (e.g., sticks, rocks, buckets, sand, crates) – allowing their imagination to shape their play.
1,73 MB PDF/UA
Snack and binge (15 seconds)
Snack and binge (six seconds)
Lost your job (15 seconds)
Lost your job (six seconds)
Lost your job (six seconds)
New Brunswick teen Carly Smith winner of the 2021 Stacey Levitt Memorial Award
Carly Smith, une adolescente du Nouveau-Brunswick remporte le prix commémoratif Stacey Levitt 2021
Loi Rowan : ressources de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales
Ce site Web du gouvernement de l’Ontario héberge des ressources de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales créées par Parachute à destination de toutes les organisations sportives de la province. Il comprend des liens vers des livrets électroniques, des vidéos et des modules d’apprentissage en ligne ainsi que des modèles de codes de conduite et de plans de retrait du sport et de retour au sport.
Rowan’s Law Concussion Awareness Resources
This Government of Ontario website hosts concussion awareness resources created by Parachute to be used by all sport organizations in the province. It includes links to e-booklets, videos and e-learning modules as well as templates for codes of conduct and removal-from-sport and return-to-sport plans.
Guide pour l’utilisation des médias sociaux – Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes 2021 -
Safe Kids Week 2021 – Social Media Guide
24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth
ParticipACTION provides the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth, looking at « sweat, step, sit and sleep » and providing resources to encourage kids to get active.
Directives en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les enfants et adolescents
ParticipACTION fournit les directives en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les enfants et les adolescents, avec pour principaux points « suer, bouger, s’asseoir et dormir », tout en fournissant des ressources pour encourager les enfants à devenir actifs
The Ability Toolkit
[From ParticipACTION] The Ability Toolkit aims to help parents and caregivers support their child or youth with a disability meet the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, providing information to adapt the guidelines to the unique movement abilities of children or youth with any type of disability.
Le guide d’accessibilité
Le guide d’accessibilité a été développé pour aider les parents, ou autres, à encourager leur enfant ou adolescent ayant une limitation à respecter les Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures, fournissant ainsi des informations pour adapter les directives aux capacités de mouvement uniques des enfants ou des jeunes avec tout type de limitation.
Should I go outside in the COVID-19 Era?
[From Outdoor Play Canada] This resource addresses why it is so important to spend time outdoors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Puis-je aller dehors en cette période de COVID-19 ?
[De Outdoor Play Canada] Cette ressource explique pourquoi il est si important de passer du temps à l’extérieur, en particulier pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.
Be a lifeguard to your child’s « risky » play
[From Active for Life] This resource outlines how to take a « lifeguard approach » when your child is engaging in risky play, discussing three different levels of vigilant care: open attention, focused attention, and active protection.
Votre enfant et le jeu risqué : jouez le rôle d’un sauveteur
[De Actif pour la vie] Cette ressource explique comme mettre en place l’approche « sauveteur » quand votre enfant s’adonne au jeu risqué/jeu libre, expliquant les trois différents niveaux de vigilance à adopter selon le contexte : l’attention ouverte, l’attention centrée et la protection active.
Active for Life podcast: Dr. Mariana Brussoni on the value of risky play
[From Active for Life] Dr. Mariana Brussoni speaks with Active for Life editor-in-chief, Richard Monette, regarding the value of risky play and parental concerns.
39 fun ways kids can play outside this spring
[From Active for Life] Use this resource to find fun, new ways to encourage your kids to #PlaySafeOutdoors in the warm weather.
39 activités extérieures amusantes au printemps
[De Actif pour la vie] Utilisez cette ressource pour trouver de nouvelles activités amusantes pour encourager vos enfants à s’adonner au #JeuExtérieurEnSécurité dès l’arrivée des beaux jours.
Why outdoor play is more important than ever
[From Active for Life] A discussion of the importance of active, outdoor play for kids, especially during COVID-19. This resource also addresses overcoming barriers, such as not having a backyard or your child not wanting to play outdoors.
Pourquoi le jeu à l’extérieur est plus important aujourd’hui qu’il ne l’a jamais été
[De Actif pour la vie] Une discussion sur l’importance du jeu actif en plein air pour les enfants, en particulier pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Cette ressource évoque également certains des obstacles que l’on peut rencontrer, comme le fait de ne pas avoir de jardin ou que votre enfant ne veuille pas jouer à l’extérieur.
Safe Kids Week 2021 Backgrounder
Fiche d’information – Semaine Sécuri
Jeunes 2021 La semaine SécuriJeunes 2021 de Parachute porte sur le thème du jeu extérieur, en vue d’encourager les enfants à s’adonner au #JeuExtérieurEnSécurité et à prendre part à des jeux actifs, non structurés et passionnants, au quotidien. Cette fiche d’information fournit des conseils pour encourager le jeu extérieur en toute sécurité pour les enfants.
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3. Brain Anatomy – Negin
Poison Prevention – It’s Not Just For Poison Prevention Week (2021)
The “Poison Prevention – It’s Not Just For Poison Prevention Week” webinar, hosted by Parachute and the Injury Prevention Centre, will bring together partners from across Canada to share their activities for Poison Prevention Week 2021 and ideas for how to continue to promote poison prevention to parents, caregivers and others, year-round.
Outil de formation et de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales pour les professionnels scolaires
L’Outil de formation et de sensibilisation aux commotions cérébrales (le « CATT ») est un programme conçu pour apporter professionnel d’école l’information dont ils ont besoin pour avoir une approche fondée sur des données probantes afin de répondre et gérer une commotion.
Connaître votre rôle : directeurs sportifs, entraîneurs, enseignants et autres superviseurs
En savoir plus sur le rôle qu’ont les directeurs sportifs, les entraineurs, les enseignants et autres superviseurs en matière de commotion cérébrale à l’école.
Fiche d’information post-commotion pour les enfants du Nunavut (Inuinnaqtun)
Fiche d’information post-commotion pour les enfants du Nunavut (Inuktitut)
Fiche d’information post-commotion pour les enfants du Nunavut (Français)
Post Concussion Information Sheet for Nunavut Children (Inuinnaqtun)
Post Concussion Information Sheet for Nunavut Children (Inuktitut)
Post Concussion Information Sheet for Nunavut Children (English)
Traumatismes et violence: les faits 2014
Les circonstances entourant les décès liés à la motoneige au Canada, 2013 à 2019
Ce rapport de Statistique Canada décrit les circonstances entourant les décès liés à la motoneige dans toutes les provinces et les territoires de 2013 à 2019, dans le but de mettre en avant les mesures préventives.
Prévenir les blessures graves chez les enfants et les adolescents du Canada atlantique – Un guide pour les décideurs (2019)
Plan canadien de prévention de la noyade, 9ème edition (2022)
National Poison Prevention Week campaign calls on Canadian residents to #Check
For Poisons among ordinary household items -
La campagne de la Semaine nationale de prévention des empoisonnements invite les Canadiens à vérifier la présence de poisons dans les produits ménagers courants. #Vérifiez
Les Poisons -
Circumstances surrounding snowmobile fatalities in Canada, 2013 to 2019
This report from Statistics Canada describes the factors in snowmobile fatalities across all provinces and territories from 2013 to 2019, with the intent to inform preventative measures.
Preventing Serious Injuries in Children and Youth in Atlantic Canada: A Guide for Decision Makers (2019)
Canadian Drowning Prevention Plan, 9th Edition (2022)
Images pour les médias sociaux – Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2024
Images pour utilisation sur les réseaux sociaux.
Poison Prevention Week 2023 – Social media images
Graphics to use for social media
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Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Women’s Support Workers
The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a program designed to provide people who work with survivors of intimate partner violence with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion.
What Impaired Means: Connecting youth and parents on cannabis impaired driving (2021) Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada, cannabis-impaired driving among youth and young-adult drivers has become a growing concern. In response to this issue, Parachute launched phase one of the #KnowWhatImpairedMeans public awareness campaign in 2019 to address attitudes and behaviours around cannabis and driving among Canadians aged 15 to 24. Since then, Parachute launched phase two of the campaign in 2020, which, in addition to targeting young Canadians, also targeted parents through a new component: the #HaveThisTalk campaign.
The webinar will focus on the second phase of the campaign, including an in-depth look at the development and key messages of #HaveThisTalk. It will also present campaign evaluations and key learnings.
Poison Prevention Week 2022 – Social Media Guide
Guide des médias sociaux – Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2022
La Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements vise à attirer l’attention sur les causes des empoisonnements et sur les moyens de les prévenir. Ce guide vise à aider les communautés et les partenaires à utiliser les médias sociaux pour soutenir et promouvoir la Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2022.
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Liste de contrôle pour le stockage des produits toxiques pour votre maison
Poison Prevention Storage Checklist
Surveillance to Action: Canada’s response to emerging poisoning issues during COVID-19 (2021)
This 90-minute webinar hosted by Parachute and the Injury Prevention Centre on Feb. 26, 2021, focused on how The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new poison prevention challenges, with more time spent at home and the introduction of more household cleaners, bleaches and hand sanitizers than ever before. The 11 panelists, including several from Health Canada, addressed how poison-related issues are reported and addressed in Canada discussed the timely detection of dangerous products, the development of public advisories and outreach, the process of stop sales and recalling non-compliant products, developing new policy, and the value of information sharing and collaboration in poison prevention.
Cannabis and kids: Parent Survey 2022
Find out about parents’ understanding of the dangers of cannabis edibles for children, and learn how to safely store cannabis products away from kids.
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Infographie sondage parents – Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2022
Poison Prevention Week 2023 – Backgrounder
Annual unintentional poisoning deaths have now surpassed transport-related deaths in Canada. With many potential poisons, such as household cleaners, medications and cannabis products, in Canadian homes and families spending more time there, it is important to know how to safely store these items. In 2022, Parachute is joining forces with our partners across the country to show all Canadians they have the power to #CheckForPoisons and prevent unintentional poisoning at home.
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Fiche d’information – Semaine de prévention des empoisonnements 2023
Le nombre annuel de décès par empoisonnement involontaire dépasse désormais celui des décès liés au transport au Canada. Étant donné que de nombreux poisons potentiels, tels que les produits d’entretien ménager, les médicaments et les produits à base de cannabis, se retrouvent dans les foyers canadiens et que les familles y passent plus de temps, il est important de savoir comment ranger ces articles en toute sécurité. En 2022, Parachute s’associe à ses partenaires dans tout le pays pour montrer à tous les Canadiens qu’ils ont le pouvoir de prévenir les empoisonnements involontaires chez eux. #VérifiezLesPoisons
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« Poison Prevention…It’s in Your Hands », Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
Infographie La politique sociale et la prévention des blessures – Comment vous pouvez influencer le changement
Social policy and injury prevention infographic – How you can influence change
Being an Influencer for Social Policy – An injury prevention perspective
The purpose of this document is to provide a guide for stakeholders to see their role in influencing social policy that supports injury prevention. This document defines social policy, its importance and connection to injury prevention, outlines examples of activities that can influence social policy in injury prevention, as well as provides overall supporting documents and definitions.
(Atlantic Collaborative on Injury Prevention & Child Safety Link (2020). Being an influencer for social policy: An injury prevention perspective. Halifax, NS.) -
Être un influenceur pour les politiques sociales – Une perspective de prévention des blessures
L’objectif du présent document est d’offrir un guide permettant aux intervenants de voir le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer pour influencer les politiques sociales qui appuient la prévention des blessures. Ce guide définit ce qu’est une politique sociale, souligne son importance et son lien à la prévention des blessures, et donne un aperçu d’activités qui peuvent influencer les politiques sociales en matière de prévention des blessures. On y trouve également des documents généraux et des définitions à l’appui.
(Collaboration atlantique pour la prévention des blessures & Child Safety Link, 2020. Être un influenceur pour les politiques sociales : Une perspective de prévention des blessures. Halifax, N.-É.) -
Detection of Cyclist and Pedestrians Around Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Charlebois, D., Meloche, E., Burns, P. (n.d.)
Acceptance and Experience of a Vulnerable Road User Detection System Among Heavy Vehicle Operators: A Year-long Multi-city Field Trial
To be published on the Canadian Association for Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) website, 2021) Lau, C. P., Burns, P. C., Charlebois, D.
An Investigation of Municipal Truck Size and Safety Guards on Vulnerable Road Users
Report prepared for the City of Toronto, Schuelke-Leech, B. (2019)
A Literature Review of Lateral Protection Devices on Trucks Intended for Reducing Pedestrian and Cyclist Fatalities
Report prepared for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Badgley, J., Breck, A., Dawes, M., Epstein, A. K., Welty, K., McNally, A., & Peirce, S. (2020)
Oakland Chinatown Pedestrian Scramble: An Evaluation
UC Berkeley: Safe Transportation Research & Education Center. Bechtel, A. K., MacLeod, K. E., Ragland, D. R. (2003)
Pedestrian Scramble Crossings – A Tale of Two Cities
Bissessar, R., & Tonder, C. (n.d.)
Pedestrian Scramble Operations: Pilot Study in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2140(1). Kattan, L., Acharjee, S., & Tay, R. (2009)
Key2Access Accessible Pedestrian Signal Update
Bambrick, V. (2019)
Improving Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Crossings
Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 112/National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 562. Fitzpatrick, K., Turner, S., Brewer, M., Carlson, P., Ulman, B., Trout, N., Lord, D. (2006)
The Impact of Pedestrian Crossing Flags on Driver Yielding Behavior in Las Vegas, NV
Sustainability, 11(17) Clark, S., Coughenour, C., Bumgarner, K., de la Fuente-Mella, H., Reynolds, C., & Abelar, J. (2019)
The Effectiveness of Crosswalk Flags: A Review of the Evidence
Author/s: The Crosswalk Safety Society of Nova Scotia (2017)
Use of a video monitoring approach to reduce at-risk driving behaviours in commercial vehicle operations
Transportation Research Part F 14. Hickman, J. S., & Hanowski, R. J. (2010)
Evaluation of an in-vehicle monitoring system (IVMS) to reduce risky driving behaviors in commercial drivers: Comparison of in-cab warning lights and supervisory coaching with videos of driving behavior
Journal of safety research, 60. Bell, J. L., Taylor, M. A., Chen, G. X., Kirk, R. D., & Leatherman, E. R. (2017)
Trucks and Bikes: Sharing the Roads
Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences 125. Pattinson, W., & Thompson, R. G. (2014)
The effects of left-turn traffic-calming treatments on conflicts and speeds in Washington, DC
Journal of Safety Research, 75. Hu, W., & Cicchino, J. B. (2020)
Pedestrians: Turn Calming Program
New York City Department of Transportation (2021)
An Evaluation of the Photo Speed Enforcement Pilot Program in Saskatchewan: (March 2015–March 2017) Final Report
Traffic Safety Program Evaluation Saskatchewan Government Insurance (2018)
Bilan du projet pilote de coopération municipale des cinémomètres photographiques et systèmes photographiques de contrôle de circulation aux feux rouges
Période : octobre 2015 à juin 2017. Gouvernement du Québec, ministère des Transports (2018)
Understanding Safety-Related Issues for Pedestrians at Modern Roundabouts
Journal of Sustainable Development 5(4). Giuffre, O., & Grana, A. (2012)
Off street trials of a Dutch-style roundabout: Draft Project Report RPN751
Yor, I., Helman, S., & Vermaat, P. (2015)
Traversées dans toutes les directions
Technologies d’alerte de sortie
Essai opérationnel sur le terrain d’un système de détection d’usagers vulnérables de la route pour véhicules lourds dans plusieurs villes
Stratégies d’augmentation de la résistance des lignes médianes aux intersections munies de feux de circulation
Stratégie de sécurité à vélo – Sécurité des véhicules et éducation routière
Protections latérales des camions
Drapeaux de sécurité de haute visibilité aux passages pour piétons
Dispositifs de contrôle automatisé de la vitesse
Carrefour giratoire d’inspiration néerlandaise
Signaux accessibles pour les piétons ayant des problèmes de visibilité et de mobilité
Multi-city Field Operational Test of a Vulnerable Road User Detection System for Heavy Vehicles
Truck Side Guards
Pedestrian Scramble Operations
Accessible Signals for Pedestrians with Visibility and Mobility Challenges
High-visibility Safety Flags for Pedestrian Crossings
Exit Warning Technology
Cycling Safety Strategy – Vehicle Safety and Driver Education
Centreline Hardening Strategies at Signalized Intersections
Automated Speed Enforcement
Dutch-inspired Roundabout
Poisoning Prevention in Canada: Data, trends and calls to action (2021)
This January 2021 webinar features a discussion of key data findings and best practice recommendations from the Evidence Summary on the Prevention of Poisoning in Canada. Featuring Parachute President and CEO Pamela Fuselli, Dr. Kathy Belton of the Injury Prevention Centre, Alberta, Dr, Margaret Thompson, President of the Canadian Association of Poison Centres, and representatives from Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Transport multimodal : Faire le lien entre l’action climatique et la sécurité routière (2021)
Cette étude de cas se concentrera sur le transport multimodal et son lien unique entre l’action climatique et la sécurité routière, en tenant compte principalement du contexte urbain. L’objectif de cette étude de cas sera de comprendre comment le TMM peut être un outil essentiel pour atteindre à la fois les objectifs de réduction des émissions de GES et ceux de Vision Zéro, et de plaider pour que les administrations prennent en compte ce croisement dans leur planification de la sécurité routière.
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Multi-modal transportation: Making the link between climate action and road safety (2021)
This case study will focus on multi-modal transportation and its unique link between climate action and road safety, primarily considering urban settings. The purpose of this case study will be to understand how MMT can be a vital tool for meeting both GHG emissions reduction and Vision Zero goals and make the case for jurisdictions to consider this intersection in their road safety planning.
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Safer driving behaviours are hard to sustain, but it can be done
Les bonnes habitudes de conduite sont difficiles à maintenir, mais c’est possible
Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults ages 65 years and older: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep
This guideline offers clear direction on what a healthy 24 hours looks like for Canadian adults aged 65 years and older.
Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures pour les adultes âgés de 65 ans et plus : une approche intégrée regroupant l’activité physique, le comportement sédentaire et le sommeil
International Walk to School Month
Mois international J’marche pour aller à l’école
Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety Resources Repository Mis à jour
Répertoire des ressources de sécurité pour les usagers vulnérables de la route (UVR)
Focus on women (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 20, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm (EST)
Theme: Balance Flow Yoga: A Community-Based Intervention for Peri and Post-Menopausal Women
Presenters: Dr. Brenna Bath, Dr. Cathy Arnold and Shelly Prosko, School of Rehabilitation Science, University of Saskatchewan Prosko PhysioYoga -
Focus on Indigenous peoples: Part 2 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 19, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm (EST)
Theme: It takes a village to prevent a fall – how Loop helps you stay connected and informed
Presenter: Shameeza Allard, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation -
Focus on Indigenous peoples: Part 1 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 19, 2020 from 12pm to 1:30pm (EST)
Theme 1: Pan-Canadian Fall Prevention Training: Current and Future Opportunities
Presenter: Dr. Vicky Scott, School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia
Theme 2: Indigenous Fall Prevention Network: An Overview
Presenter: Dr. Kathy Belton, Injury Prevention Centre, School of Public Health, University of Alberta -
Falls among older adults: Part 4 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 18, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm (EST)
Theme 1: #FallPreventionCanada
Presenter: Valerie Smith, Parachute
Theme 2: Functional Independance in Acute Care
Presenter: Suzanne Baker, Nova Scotia Health
Theme 3: The Injury Pyramid of Impacts and Injuries to Body Parts from Video-Captured Falls in Long-term-care
Presenter: Dr. Vicki Komisar, Simon Fraser University
Theme 4: Vitamin D Supplementation for the Prevention of Falls and Fractures in Residents of Long-Term Care
Presenter: Kathleen Kulyk, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
Theme 5: Seniors’ Falls in Canada
Presenter: Wendy Thompson and Joanne Bowater, Public Health Agency of Canada -
Falls among older adults: Part 3 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 18, 2020 from 12pm to 1 pm (EST)
Theme: Strong, Balanced and FAST: Working Together to Prevent Fall-Related injuries in Older Adults
Presenter: Dr. Cathy Arnold, School of Rehabilitation Science, University of Saskatchewan
Theme 2: Assessing mobility and safety of people with dementia using mobility aids to prevent falls
Presenter: Dr. Susan Hunter, School of Physical Therapy, University of Western Ontario -
Falls among older adults: Part 2 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 17, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm (EST)
Theme 1: Finding Balance: Prevention Older Adult Falls in an Evolving Context
Presenter: Nan Shybunka, Injury Prevention Centre, School of Public Health, University of Alberta
Theme 2: Medications and Fall Risk: Educational Outreach as an Intervention Strategy
Presenter: Loren Regier, Canadian Academic Detailing Collaboration (RxFiles AD and CEP AD)
Theme 3: Medication Prescribed to Ontario Older Adults One Year prior to a fall-related injury
Presenter: Yu Ming, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Western University
Theme 4: Falls Risk Assessment and Management for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Developing a BC Clinical Practice Guideline
Presenters: Denise Beaton and Megan Oakey, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control -
Falls among older adults: Part 1 (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 17, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm (EST)
Theme 1: Steppin’ Up with Confidence Plus: The Development and Delivery of a Community Falls Prevention Exercice Program
Presenter: Kristine MacDonald, Prairie Mountain Health
Theme 2: Care Communities – An Opportunity for Upstream Fall Prevention
Presenter: Phyllis Hegstrom, Home Instead Senior Care
Theme 3: Remembering When – Fire Departments Working fo Prevent Fire and Falls
Presenter: Dori Krahn, Saskatoon Fire Department -
Preventing Childhood Falls (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 16, 2020 from 3pm to 4 pm (EST)
Theme 1: Preventing Childhood Falls
Presenter: Cara Zukewich, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
Theme 2: Childhood Fall Prevention: Connecting the Dots
Presenter: Hélène Gagné, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation -
Children’s falls/ Popping the bubble wrap: Making space for risky play (Fall Prevention Conference 2020)
November 16, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm (EST)
Theme: Children’s falls/ Popping the bubble wrap: Making space for risky play
Presenter: Dr Mariana Brussoni, B.C. Children’s Hospital Research Institute, University of British Columbia -
Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard Mis à jour
Three crossing guards from Newfoundland, Ontario and B.C. chosen as Canada’s favourites
Trois brigadiers scolaires de Terre-Neuve-Et-Labrador, de l’Ontario et de la Colombie-Britannique choisis parmi les favoris du Canada
Trampolines at Home and Playgrounds Position Statement
L’utilisation des trampolines à la maison et au terrain de jeux
2020 Holiday Safely Social Media Guide
This guide is to help communities and partners use social media to support and promote our 2020 Winter Holidays Safety campaign. There’s nothing like keeping warm by the fire with your family over the holidays. Make sure everyone can enjoy it safely.
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Vacances Et Sécurité – Guide des réseaux sociaux 2020
Ce guide a pour but d’aider les communautés et les partenaires à utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour soutenir et promouvoir notre campagne sur la sécurité durant les vacances d’hiver de 2020. Il n’y a rien de tel que se réchauffer au coin du feu avec sa famille pendant les vacances. Assurez-vous que tout le monde puisse en profiter en toute sécurité.
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Perceptions of Vision Zero in Canada (2020)
Join Parachute’s President and CEO, Pamela Fuselli, in conversation with a panel of journalists from across Canada to discuss perceptions of road safety in our communities and Vision Zero measures being implemented by Canadian jurisdictions. Are they working? Do people think they’re working? Panel: Jason Magder, transportation reporter, Montreal Gazette; Elizabeth Payne, reporter, Ottawa Citizen; Ben Spurr, transportation reporter, Toronto Star; Jason Tchir, freelance journalist and columnist, Vancouver, B.C.
Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL) Course
This short, practical fall-prevention course is designed for home health care aides who provide day-to-day in-home care for frail older adults or persons with disabilities. In addition to training, after the course is completed, optional renewable access to the SAIL Resources is available to graduates, as well as to organizations such as home care agencies, health authorities and community health services.
Twice as many people in Canada now die from unintentional poisoning than from transport-related injuries
Les Canadiens sont deux fois plus nombreux à mourir d’un empoisonnement involontaire que d’un accident lié au transport
Evidence Summary on the Prevention of Poisoning in Canada (2020)
This 2020 report, written by Parachute and the Injury Prevention Centre at University of Alberta, draws together statistics and research on poisonings in Canada and documents prevention work and strategies, both underway and recommended. One key finding reveals that twice as many people in Canada now die from unintentional poisoning, driven mostly by increase in opioid use, than from transport-related injuries.
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Synthèse des preuves en matière de prévention des empoisonnements au Canada (2020)
Ce nouveau rapport de 2020, rédigé par Parachute et l’Injury Prevention Centre de l’Université de l’Alberta, rassemble des statistiques et des recherches sur les empoisonnements au Canada et documente le travail et les stratégies de prévention en cours et recommandées. Une constatation clé révèle que deux fois plus de personnes au Canada meurent maintenant d’un empoisonnement involontaire, principalement due à l’augmentation de la consommation d’opioïdes, qu’à des blessures liées au transport.
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F1 driver Nicholas Latifi supports National Teen Driver Safety Week
Gunnarolla: Speed Is No Game
Élie Pilon : « Les roadtrips en 4 étapes »
La Semaine nationale de la sécurité des jeunes au volant vise les risques liés aux excès de vitesse
National Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on risks of speeding
2019 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
POLL: Even with reduced in-class school attendance, school zone traffic safety has not improved, parents report
SONDAGE : Malgré une présence réduite des élèves en classe, la sécurité routière en zone scolaire ne s’est pas améliorée, selon les parents
Elementary Road Safety Back to School Survey
Active and Safe
This website provides evidence-based information on common injuries and injury prevention for 50 different sports and recreational activities.
Infographic from Particip
ACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Adults, 2021 -
Infographie Bulletin de l’activité physique chez les adultes de Particip
ACTION, 2021 -
ACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth, 2024 -
Bulletin de l’activité physique chez les enfants et les jeunes de Particip
ACTION, 2024 Ce bulletin de ParticipACTION constitue l’évaluation la plus détaillée de l’activité physique des enfants et des jeunes au Canada.
SNSJV Guide des médias sociaux
SNSJV Messages clés
SNSJV Fiche d’information
NTDSW social media guide
NTDSW backgrounder
Living Guideline for Diagnosing and Managing Pediatric Concussion
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Medical Professionals
CATT (Concussion Awareness Training Tool) Medical Professionals is designed to provide medical professionals with the information they need to provide evidence-based care for their patients who have sustained a concussion. Accredited by UBC Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine. This course is accredited for MOC Section 3 credits
Guideline for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & Prolonged Symptoms (3rd Edition, 2018)
Campaign images for NTDSW 2020
Download this collection of campaign images for use with social media.
3,17 MB ZIP
NTDSW proclamation request template
Modèle de requête de proclamation SNSJV
NTDSW general proclamation template
Modèle de proclamation générale SNSJV
Are you Canada’s Safest Driver? Find out starting October 1!
Avez-vous La meilleure conduite au Canada ? Découvrez-le dès le 1er octobre !
La meilleure conduite au Canada-Guide des réseaux sociaux
Canada’s Safest Driver social media guide
You probably wouldn’t dye your hair high?
Tu ne teindrais probablement pas tes cheveux gelé ?
You probably wouldn’t give your dog a trim high?
Tu ne couperais probablement pas les poils de ton chien gelé ?
You probably wouldn’t decorate your mom’s birthday cake high?
Tu ne décorerais probablement pas le gâteau de fête de ta mère gelé ?
Changer la perception de Vision Zéro au Canada : audit médiatique
Cette étude de cas, réalisée avec la généreuse contribution de Desjardins, porte sur la couverture médiatique accordée à Vision Zéro dans différentes régions du Canada. L’analyse compare cette couverture sur deux périodes distinctes et s’intéresse à l’évolution, le cas échéant, du langage utilisé pour parler de sécurité routière, de l’attribution de la responsabilité des blessures et des incidents sur la route ainsi que de la fréquence et du ton des discussions à propos de Vision Zéro.
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Changing perceptions on Vision Zero in Canada: A media audit (2020)
This Case Study, developed with generous support from Desjardins, reviews media coverage in various Canadian jurisdictions related to Vision Zero. This point-in-time audit compares media coverage over two time periods, reflecting on changes, or lack thereof, over time in language used to report on road safety, apportion of blame for injury and incidents on the road, as well as the frequency and tone of Vision Zero discussions.
1,67 MB PDF/UA
The shocking pile of shoes
Une pile de chaussures impressionnante