Safety tips
- Ensure everyone plays by the rules. No amount of equipment can prevent all injuries.
- Stretch and warm up prior to each practice and game, as well as do a cool-down, to help prevent injuries.
- Skate heads-up when approaching the boards to prevent neck injuries.
- Take head injuries seriously. To prevent brain damage, organized amateur hockey in Canada requires that any player get a physician’s permission to return to full play after suffering a concussion. See our concussion section for more detailed information.
- Body checking is banned at the U13 hockey level and below to help prevent injuries on the ice.
Protective equipment

- Wear a CSA-approved hockey helmet with a compatible full face mask. This is mandatory in organized hockey.
- Replace helmets every five years. They are designed to withstand falls on ice and the multiple impacts expected during hockey play, but they have this recommended limit.
- Other recommended protective gear includes gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads, mouth guards and, for boys, an athletic support.
- Ensure all protective equipment is in good condition and fits properly.