Our experts
Parachute, as Canada’s national charity dedicated to injury prevention, frequently provides information to media about unintentional injury at home, at play, and on the move.
Our experts can speak about childhood injuries, home safety, road safety, concussion, falls in seniors, poisonings, sports injury risks, as well as about our contests such as Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard; programs such as National Injury Prevention Day; and our leadership in initiatives such as Vision Zero.
Media contact
Kelley Teahen
VP Communications and Marketing
Office: 647-776-5128

Pamela Fuselli, MSc., has two decades of experience in the health-care sector and is a leader in building multi-level strategic partnerships.
She speaks to the media about:
– Concussion
– Home safety (including unintentional poisoning)
– Preventing childhood injuries
– Road safety
– Seniors’ falls

Dr. Charles Tator
Dr. Charles Tator is a renowned neurosurgeon with Toronto Western Hospital and professor of neurology at the University of Toronto.
He speaks to the media about:
– Brain and spinal cord injury prevention
– Concussion recognition and management

Dr. Kathy Belton
Chair, Expert Advisory Committee
Kathy Belton, PhD, is the Director, Injury Prevention Centre, Alberta and Co-Chair, Canadian Collaborating Centres for Injury Prevention.
She speaks to the media about:
– Agriculture injuries
– ATV injuries
– Being an injury survivor
– Falls in seniors
– Motor vehicle injuries (seatbelts, stop signs and impaired driving)

Stephanie Cowle has worked in injury and trauma prevention for a decade and is Parachute’s lead on the Concussion Harmonization Project and other programs related to preventing brain injury.
She speaks to the media about:
– Concussion recognition and management
– Home safety tips
– Preventing injury in sports and recreation
– The Cost of Injury in Canada 2021 report
– Unintentional poisonings

Dr. Alison Macpherson
Alison Macpherson, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University and an adjunct senior scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
She speaks to the media about:
– Evaluating policies designed to reduce injury
– Keeping kids healthy by being active and safe
– Preventing injury in children and youth

Ian Pike, PhD, is a Professor of Pediatrics at UBC, an Investigator at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute and the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, and Co-executive Director, The Community Against Preventable Injuries.
He speaks to the media about:
– Home safety
– Preventing injury in children and youth – Social marketing to reduce injury
– Sports and recreation safety

Valerie Smith oversees Parachute’s road safety and safe mobility initiatives. She also supports and mobilizes Parachute’s Vision Zero network, made up of stakeholders from across Canada. She currently serves as President of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP).
She speaks to the media about:
– Road safety
– Safe mobility
– Vision Zero

Kelley Teahen oversees Parachute’s public outreach, health promotion and injury prevention awareness campaigns.
She speaks to the media about:
– General safety tips for the home
– Parachute’s communications and campaigns
– Parachute’s programs