This awareness week, formerly known as National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW), takes place from October 20 to 26, 2024 with the theme #OurFutureRoads.

We have shifted our awareness week focus to encompass all youth road users, including drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and transit users, with the goal of empowering youth ages 15 to 24 to become more involved in road safety issues, with the goal of creating and supporting road systems in our communities that are safe and equitable. Read more about why we have moved from National Teen Driver Safety Week to Canadian Youth Road Safety Week in this article, What’s in a name? Plenty!

As part of Canadian Youth Road Safety Week this year, Parachute has launched the Youth Ambassador Program. This program empowers youth to take the lead on road safety action by funding local, engaging, youth-initiated, youth-led projects that educate young people and community members on pressing road safety issues and advocate for proven measures in their communities.

In addition, our key messages, suggested activities and resources, including a social media guide, allow you to understand and prioritize youth road safety issues, engage people in the conversation about youth safety and encourage young people to spearhead solutions that will improve road safety for all. 

Young driver safety and Vision Zero

Vision Zero is the philosophy that road fatalities and serious injuries are unacceptable and can and should be eliminated while providing safe, healthy and equitable mobility for all road users. As we shift the conversation and begin to recognize youth as powerful stakeholders in road safety, youth are encouraged to advocate for Vision Zero and Safe Systems Approaches to create safer roads for them, their families and communities. To learn more about Vision Zero, visit:
