External links
Rowan’s Law: Information for health care providers
On this page of Government of Ontario website, learn about certain provisions under Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, that came into effect on January 1, 2022.
Concussion in para sport: the first position statement of the Concussion in Para Sport (CIPS) Group
This statement from the Concussion in Para Sport Group offers considerations for assessment, treatment and return to play after concussion in the para athlete.
CPS Position Statement: Sport-related concussion and bodychecking in children and youth: Evaluation, management, and policy implications
This statement from the Canadian Paediatric Society summarizes and highlights recent evidence and current best practice guidelines for managing concussion in children and youth, and re-examines the relationship between bodychecking in hockey and injury rates.
Online Concussion Course – University of Calgary, MOOC
This massive open online course (MOOC) demystifies concussion and explains how everyone can play a role in the prevention, identification, and management of this type of traumatic brain injury. The course also describes the revision and implementation of a concussion management protocol adapted to different environments.
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Women’s Support Workers
The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a program designed to provide people who work with survivors of intimate partner violence with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion.
Living Guideline for Diagnosing and Managing Pediatric Concussion
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Medical Professionals
CATT (Concussion Awareness Training Tool) Medical Professionals is designed to provide medical professionals with the information they need to provide evidence-based care for their patients who have sustained a concussion. Accredited by UBC Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine. This course is accredited for MOC Section 3 credits
The Youth Concussion Awareness Network (You-CAN) protocol for a cluster randomized trial
This study published in February 2020 by BMC Public Health has Parachute President and CEO Pamela Fuselli among its co-authors. The Youth Concussion Awareness Network (You-CAN) is a school-based peer-led program designed to increase high school students’ intent to report a concussion, and provide social support to a peer. This study aims to investigate whether participation in You-CAN, a program grounded in service learning principles, impacts concussion knowledge, attitudes, intent to report a suspected concussion to an adult, and intent to provide social support to a peer. Secondary aims include assessing the implementation fidelity and acceptability of the intervention.
Concussion Ed app
Know your role: Athletic directors, coaches, teachers and other supervisors
Designer Chris Moorehead’s background on creating “Canada’s Concussion Leaders.”
4 Characteristics of a Good Concussion Clinic (2017)
Standards for post-concussion services and concussion clinics
Living Concussion Guidelines: Guideline for Concussion & Prolonged Symptoms for Adults 18 Years of Age or Older
Concussion resources – Sport Information Resource Centre
The Sport Information Resource Centre has a collection of information on concussion.
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for school professionals
The CATT is a program designed to provide school professionals and administrators with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion.
SCHOOLFirst is a tool that has been developed to help teachers and other school personnel be a Concussion Champion and support youth upon their return-to-school after a concussion.
6th Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport – Amsterdam, October 2022