Brain Waves is a free, informative and fun half-day neuroscience presentation for students in grades 4 to 6.

Brain Waves is a fun and educational program for students in Grades 4 to 6. Students learn about the structure and function of the nervous system through experiments and interactive lessons, and about the importance of protecting the brain and spinal cord from injury.
By bringing this program into the classroom, teachers give their students a new awareness of the brain and spinal cord, and providing them with simple strategies to prevent injury.
Brain Waves can also be presented to groups of youth outside of school classrooms, whether through Scouts, Girl Guides or community programs.
Deliver Brain Waves in your community!
Are you interested in delivering a Brain Waves presentation in your community? Our activity booklet and slide decks are free to download and use. We also have videos and guides to teach you how to deliver activities.
Access it all in Train for the Brain!