Desjardins Insurance has been a partner in road safety with Parachute for more than 15 years. Desjardins and Parachute have been working together to change public perceptions and actions, and advocate for Vision Zero road safety initiatives across Canada that use a Safe Systems Approach to reduce conflicts and make mobility safer for all users. Vision Zero is a multi-national traffic safety initiative that is reinventing traditional approaches to traffic safety, based on the philosophy that no one should be killed or seriously injured in the road transport system. Vision Zero is based on an approach of shared responsibilities among all those involved in the road system – politicians, planners, vehicle manufacturing companies and all road users alike. Desjardins has supported Parachute in the development of key resources to support road safety stakeholders needs.
Our popular Canada’s Favourite Crossing Guard Contest has been sponsored by Desjardins since 2022, and it is promoted and attended by Desjardins agents in their communities.
Desjardins also supports Parachute’s annual Canadian Youth Road Safety Week (formerly National Teen Driver Safety Week) an awareness campaign designed to empower youth. We have shifted our awareness week in 2024 to encompass all youth road users, including drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and transit users, with the goal of empowering youth ages 15 to 24 to become more involved in road safety issues, with the goal of creating and supporting road systems in our communities that are safe and equitable.
In 2024, Desjardins Insurance won an Ontario Ministry of Transportation Road Safety Achievement Award in the Corporate Leadership category. Parachute led the nomination.