Change for Good Roads, Episode 1 – Sustainable Cities
Economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable cities are key components of healthy, active and safe urban roads.
Safe, healthy, and sustainable urban roads are only possible if we treat the underlying issues as a complex problem, one that involves not only urban planning, but also public health, engineering and other sectors, and retains a focus on inclusion, equity, sustainability, community and more. There are a range of evidence-based frameworks and interventions that guide global efforts toward safer, healthier, and more sustainable roads. The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 promotes the Safe System Approach and Vision Zero and sets targets and goals to guide us to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Through cross-sectoral collaboration, organizations and individuals would be able to make our cities both safer for all road users and healthier for all citizens.
Sustainable cities are ones that not only address transportation and the environmental impact, but also the social and economic aspects to sustainability.
Change is hard. Involve communities early in discussions about changes that will make their neighbourhoods and cities more sustainable to explore the rationale for changes, learn about their ideas, concerns and questions about sustainability.
Road safety is part of sustainable cities for two reasons. The first is that by improving the safety of roads for all road users, it will result in more people walking, biking and taking public transport. The second is by reducing transportation by motorized vehicles, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced.
Former City Councillor for the City of Toronto Mike Layton joins host Pamela Fuselli for an in-depth discussion.