These interactive data visualization tools and online portals will help you better understand statistics and information on injury.
Interactive data tools
Use these data visualization tools to look at statistics on injuries.
Public Health Ontario – Snapshots
These Interactive map-based dashboards show both geographic and temporal trends for key public health indicators by Public Health Unit (PHU), Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), LHIN sub-region (LHIN SR), and Ontario overall. It provides dynamically linked tables, graphs and maps with pre-calculated statistics. Snapshots uses Core Indicators developed by the Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario (APHEO).
Injury Data Online Tool (i
DOT) – BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit The iDOT is an easy-to-use, menu-driven system that makes injury data available to injury prevention practitioners and professionals, as well as the public. It is an effective and efficient way for users to access British Columbia injury data including mortality, morbidity, traffic-related incidents and sports.
Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Data Tool
This tool contains data on indicators of health outcomes and health determinants, stratified by a range of social and economic characteristics meaningful to health equity. Data are from the Canadian Community Health Survey.
Sport and Recreation-related Concussions and Other Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Canada’s Children and Youth
Interactive tools that show statistics about sports and recreation-related concussions and other traumatic brain injuries among Canada’s children and youth aged 5-19 years, based on data from the electronic database of the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (eCHIRPP) for the years 2011 to 2017.
Global Burden of Disease
The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) houses the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) database, which contains information pertaining to mortality, disability, disease burden, life expectancy and risk factors. This data is available free of charge to researchers and policymakers around the world, so that they have the evidence they need to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources to best improve population health.
IHME has created a number of data visualization tools, which include dynamic graphs charts which allow for comparison and demonstrate how global health profiles have changed over time.
Online portals
Access collections of credible information and resources.
Canadian Best Practices Portal – Public Health Agency of Canada
The Public Health Agency of Canada compiles trusted and credible resources for health professionals and public health decision-makers to plan programs for promoting health and preventing diseases.
Unstructured play toolkit – Canadian Public Health Association
Infographics, promising practices, research summaries, decision making tools and discussion documents related to unstructured play.
Research databases
Med PubMed is the U.S. National Library Medicine’s freely available database of medical literature and can be used to search injury research.
Lit SafetyLit is an injury research database that provides a weekly e-mail update with summaries of research articles and reports on injury prevention from a variety of disciplines that are relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence and self-harm. SafetyLit service scans more than 3,000 scholarly international journals, conference proceedings, government and agency reports to develop these summaries.