The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport has been developed to ensure that athletes with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care, and proper management to allow them to return to their sport.
The Guideline is based on a review of the current scientific evidence and expert consensus on best practices for the evaluation and management of athletes in Canada who sustain a concussion during a sport activity.
This guideline addresses seven key areas:
- Pre-season education
- Head injury recognition
- Onsite medical assessment
- Medical assessment
- Concussion management
- Interdisciplinary concussion care
- Return to sport
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, this guideline is an important part of the Parachute-led Concussion Protocol Harmonization Project and creates the foundation for a more consistent approach to concussion across the country.
Who should use this guideline
This guideline is intended for use by all people who have a role interacting with athletes inside and outside the context of school-based and non-school based organized sports activity, including athletes, parents/caregivers, coaches, officials, teachers, trainers and licensed healthcare professionals.
Download the guideline
The guideline is free to download and use. Below are links to view or download the guideline, as well as links to associated tools and resources.