Understand the poisoning issue by exploring Canadian data that examine poisoning causes, rates, costs and responses.
Parachute-produced reports
Cannabis and kids: Parent Survey 2022
Find out about parents’ understanding of the dangers of cannabis edibles for children, and learn how to safely store cannabis products away from kids.
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Cost of Injury in Canada 2021
Evidence Summary on the Prevention of Poisoning in Canada (2020)
This 2020 report, written by Parachute and the Injury Prevention Centre at University of Alberta, draws together statistics and research on poisonings in Canada and documents prevention work and strategies, both underway and recommended. One key finding reveals that twice as many people in Canada now die from unintentional poisoning, driven mostly by increase in opioid use, than from transport-related injuries.
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Pan-Canadian Poison Centres 2021 Annual Report
This report, produced by the Canadian Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Health Canada and Parachute, presents the most current data (2021) from all five of Canada’s poison centres. The report provides an overview of the number and nature of cases managed by posion centres across Canada and highlights the role of these centres in poison prevention efforts.
Pan-Canadian Poison Centres 2020 Annual Report
This report, produced by the Canadian Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Health Canada and Parachute, presents the most current data (2020) from all five of Canada’s poison centres. The report provides an overview of the number and nature of cases managed by posion centres across Canada and highlights the role of these centres in poison prevention efforts.
Partner reports
Increases in exposure calls related to selected cleaners and disinfectants at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: data from Canadian poison centres
This study published in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada presents results from poison centre data related to cleaning products for the years 2019-2020.
Opioid- and Stimulant-related Harms in Canada – PHAC
This update presents available data on overdoses and deaths involving opioids and/or stimulants from January 2016 to June 2021.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Addressing the Invisible and Older Faces of Canada’s Opioid Crisis (2023)
Polysubstance use poisoning deaths in Canada: an analysis of trends from 2014 to 2017 using mortality data
This study published in BMC Public Health examines changes over time in crude mortality rates and proportions of poisoning deaths involving more than one substance.
Sentinel Surveillance of Substance-Related Poisonings in Canada: Spotlight on Cannabis
This surveillance summary presents statistics from April 2011 onward on poisonings from select substances including cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, opioids and e-cigarette/vaping products.