We have more than 22,500 direct contacts who collectively can reach 8 million Canadians. Parachute excels at connecting people, communities and organizations wanting to prevent injury, and convening national conversations to share information, best practices, and support local initiatives.
National partners
Canadian Association for Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicology
Established in 1982, the Canadian Association for Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicology provides a centralized forum for communication, information and idea exchange among Canadian Poison Centres. While its members are primarily professionals working in Poison Control Centres, other members have included pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, forensic toxicologists, public health staff and emergency physicians. Parachute and Canada’s Poison Centres have worked collaboratively for more than 15 years to educate on the leading causes of poisoning, prevention tips and policy recommendations.

Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals
Valerie Smith, Director of Programs, joined the CARSP Board in 2018 and was elected board president in 2023. Parachute co-hosted the 2024 CARSP Conference in Ottawa in June 2024 and is set to co-host the joint CARSP-ICTCT conference being held in Quebec City, May 2025.

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) addresses issues of substance use and addiction in Canada by providing national leadership and mobilizing the power of evidence to generate co-ordinated action. They bring together people and knowledge to improve the health and safety of Canadians, families and communities. Parachute connects with CCSA on projects that relate to drug impairment and road safety and poisoning to children related to cannabis. Access to each other’s expertise and cross-promotion of programs are key activities.

Canadian Collaborating Centres for Injury Prevention
Established in 1999, The Canadian Collaborating Centres for Injury Prevention is a community of practice representing injury prevention centres throughout Canada. Its membership represents all the provincial injury prevention centres and the leading national injury prevention organizations in Canada. Parachute serves as the Secretariat for this national coalition.

Canadian Concussion Network/Réseau Canadien des Commotions (CCN-RCC)
Established in 2020, the Canadian Concussion Network/Réseau Canadien des Commotions (CCN-RCC) seeks to establish and guide a co-ordinated national research and knowledge translation agenda on concussion. The CCN-RCC aims to catalyze and support research, networking, training, and knowledge translation activities across Canada while engaging the broader research and stakeholder communities nationally and internationally. Since 2020, Pamela Fuselli, President & CEO, has been on the Executive Committee and Stephanie Cowle, Director, Knowledge Translation, has been the Knowledge Translation Co-ordinator for the Network.

Canadian Drowning Prevention Coalition
Parachute’s Stephanie Cowle is on the Steering Committee for the Canadian Drowning Prevention Coalition. She also served as co-chair for the coalition’s Costing Drowning Working Group in 2023.

Canadian Paediatric Society
Founded in 1922, the CPS is a voluntary professional association that represents more than 3,600 paediatricians, paediatric sub-specialists, paediatric residents and others who work with and care for children and youth. The CPS is governed by an elected Board of Directors representing all provinces and territories. Pamela Fuselli has been a member of the Injury Prevention Committee for more than 15 years, contributing to the development of position statements on topics such as drowning, all-terrain vehicles, safe transportation and cycling.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) develops and shares the knowledge that saves—preventing injuries and loss of life on the roads, reducing related social, health and insurance costs, and safeguarding productivity. TIRF is the Canadian source for international research related to the human causes and effects of road crashes, providing objective and scientific information to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of road safety programs, effective advocacy, and consultation. Parachute and the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) have a shared goal of promoting best practices in road safety. The integration and leveraging road safety philosophies and approaches in the transportation and health and safety fields is essential to clearly defining important issues, holistically addressing identified road safety risks and barriers to progress, as well as tracking emerging priorities and focusing attention on them. Parachute and TIRF bridge this gap between sectors to form a strong connection and reciprocal relationship that leverages the strengths of our respective organizations.

Trauma Association of Canada
Parachute is a member of the Trauma Association of Canada’s Injury Prevention Committee. We partner with them on injury-prevention strategies and education. In 2022, TAC and Parachute collaborated to introduce the National Injury Prevention Day Hospital Challenge, an initiative encouraging hospitals to get involved in raising awareness about preventing injuries to reduce health-care burden.

Regional alliances
Parachute collaborates with expert and active organizations in every province and territory. Through memorandums of understanding, we aim to work proactively and collaboratively with the following groups to reach as many Canadian injury prevention stakeholders as possible:
- BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit.
- Injury Prevention Centre (AB)
- Atlantic Collaborative on Injury Prevention.
Parachute also works closely with other injury centres:
- Child Safety Link (Nova Scotia)
- Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (SPI)
Schools, health, sports and community organizations
Parachute works with high schools and post-secondary institutions across Canada to present special youth-focused injury campaigns, such as Canadian Youth Road Safety Week.
We also share materials for elementary schools to present information on brain-injury awareness (Brain Waves) road safety (Elementary Road Safety) and run the annual Safe Kids Week that focuses each year on a different topic, based on trends and evidence of where children are being injured.
Parachute partners with community organizations, such as public health units and health authorities, ThinkFirst chapters and Safe Communities, across Canada to activate programs locally, from Safe Kids Week to Canadian Youth Road Safety Week.
National Sport Organizations, Provincial Sport Organizations and other recreation and school-based sports are adopting protocols and resources based on Parachute’s concussion resources, updated in 2024 based on the Canadian Guideline on Concussion Sport, 2nd Edition.
We connect to our communities through our Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts @parachutecanada and we promote our programs, news, and information to community and health-promotion groups through our quarterly newsletter, Open Your Parachute.