There are numerous ways a baseball player can sustain injury, including pulling muscles and tearing ligaments. In general, serious injuries result from being hit by a ball, a bat, another player or an inanimate object. 

Safety tips

  • Do not drink alcohol or use drugs before or during play. 
  • Practise sliding both head and feet first before trying it in a game. 
  • Play on level and well-conditioned fields to limit uneven terrain and wild bounces. 
  • Avoid playing where there are any physical obstacles such as trees or benches.
  • Balls that are softer than standard may reduce, limit or prevent ball-impact injuries.  
  • Everyone must stay clear of the batter’s swing. 
  • Use bases that release from their anchor when slid into. 
  • Spectators should remain aware of the events of the game at all times. 

Protective equipment

  • Wear a helmet when batting, base running, catching and umpiring. 
  • Wear face shields when batting in hardball to protect the face, eyes, head and neck. 
  • Boys and men should use equipment that protects their genitals. 
  • Girls and women should wear chest protectors when batting. 